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updated: 2/8/17

tower m ottotower m ottotower m otto

Relate to the practice of meditation: tower m otto

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.  Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)  Mathematical Circles


Pay attention, then you will know there are other options. It will actually be within your power to experience a crowded, hot, slow, consumer-hell type situation as not only meaningful, but  sacred, on fire with the same force that made the stars: love, fellowship, the mystical oneness of all things deep down.

David Foster Wallace, Commencement Speech


Love alone can unite living beings so as to complete and fulfill them... for it alone joins them by what is deepest in themselves. All we need is to imagine our ability to love developing until it embraces the totality of men and the earth." 
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Dass Guided Imagery




    NATIONAL PARKS 3-D (24 pts. blog option available) and chance to earn more points on a scavenger hunt in the museum (8 points for receipt, 20 more pts. blog option available).

    $8 for movie alone, $11 more for exhibits and qualification for second blog option (exhibit ticket allows re-entry that day).*

    *Tuesday or any day before May 5, take $11 and student ID to counter and get receipt and sticker for Exhibits.


    Up to twenty MORE points for insights into the changing patterns of diversity in the history of Texas to be posted in the Bullock blog.

    "Diversity" in this case means diversity of species as well as diversity of human cultures.

    Include all three floors of exhibits

    Some images available here:


    2-16 Christian bible and subterranean tradition TO 1700 LEADER: WHITE TIGER

    • 492-497    Jewish bible: Leviticus, Isaiah
    • 498-           Virgil
    • 499-502     Fourth  Eclogue
    • 503-505 Gospel of Luke
    • 506  "Way of the Cross
    • 507       "Love"      John 13+15  Paul 1 Corinthians
    • 508        "New Self" Paul  Colossians 3
    • 509      "God is Love" 1 John 4
    • 510       John 8: Tower Motto
    • 511-513     "Last Supper" = "Vegetarianism?"
    • apocrypha [not included in Bible]
    • 514        Acts of Philip,
    • 515-16         Gospel of Pseudo-­‐Matthew
    • Judeo-Christian tradition and Animals.
    • 517     the subterranean tradition:
    • 518-521      St. Bonaventure, Life of St. Francis
    • 522-524       Animal Rights
    • 525-6     Albert Schweitzer, "The Ethics of Reverence for Life"
    • 527-9   The Bible and Killing Animals
    • 530 Animal Sacrifices
    • 531     Carnism
    • 532   Tolstoy,Killing for Food
    • 533   Vegetarianism
    • ====================================
    • 534 -5     Hicks, Peaceable Kingdom
    • 536-8        Burns, "To a Mouse"
    • 539-567  Janet Davis, The Gospel of Kindness

  • TODAY:


  • honi soit motto

tower m otto



  tower m otto tower m otto  tower m otto

  • honi soit motto


tower m otto



  tower m otto tower m otto  tower m otto



    honi soit motto

  • #2-9  Carnism and Sustainability Quiz in class. COWSPIRACY. 2-14 DOLPHIN'S BIRTHDAY LEADER: SEA LION

  • 432-34  New Diet Guidelines

    435-8    WHO on "meat"

    439-442  Dean Ornish on "meat"       

    442-59    Howard Lymon,   Bovine Planet

    460-1     COWSPIRACY

  • official trailer

  • 462-71 Jerome Bump, "Emotive Ethics and the food animal-human boundary"

     paper delivered at "The Human Animal Boundary" conference,  University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, 11 April 2015. Excerpts cited in paper delivered at "The World in 2050" Conference, UC Santa Barbata, October, 2016. 

    472-4        Papal Encyclical;

    475-81        Making Progress in the Forests

    482-3       Business Leaders and the Climate Crisis

    484-9      Climate Denial in the Senate

    490-1       Climate Denial in the White House


  • Leading Discussion Outline

    0-5 minutes: Transferring of power

    5-8 minutes: Identifying Major Themes

    8-14 minutes: Environmental Argument


    14-20 minutes: Government Role


    20-26 minutes: Selfishness, contradictions, abortions, and hypocrisy

                -Possible debate concerning abortion parallels?

    26-30 minutes: Experiential Activity


    Blog Main Points Outline


    Basically, the crux of his statement is we Americans don't mind for danger because our freedoms overpower our fears; "Americans love to talk about their freedoms…the freedom of rock 'n' roll and Super Bowls and Talladega and rodeos…" (435). 

    This fixation on freedom stems from Manifest Destiny – uncharted, dangerous lands that we are free to conquer.


    The meat industry and cigarettes parallel each other in their symbolism of freedom vs. health


    Even before I read this article I've always gotten frustrated when exposed to pro-life advocates' adamant protests. If they value life so much, why don't they consider fully formed animals as beings worth fighting for?


    Hypocrisy and pro-life parallels



    It's obvious that raising animals for consumption is an extremely huge portion of our agricultural economy. This is largely in part due to our fast food culture. One of the cornerstones of America is hard work. Forty-hour work weeks are the standards for entry level and minimum wage workers.


    The meat industry utilizes huge swathes of land in order to feed a fast paced carnist population


    My final complaint involving the mass production and consumption of animals may be the flagrant neglect towards other areas of the food industry. If it weren't enough that raising cattle involved destroying the land and soil, but waste created by millions of cattle pollute our rivers as well.


    The meat industry damages land beyond its immediate presence



    A more convincing argument is one based on inarguable fact. Carnism is ruining our environment. Sea levels are rising, global temperature is rising, and habitats are being destroyed all because of 2. "humankind's profligate consumption of animal products" (445).


    The strongest argument against carnism is its unsustainability


    However, the environmental issues at hand are dealt with denial. Almost all scientists support global warming, yet some politicians ignore it or deny its existence. The past president of the United States recognized global warming and had hope for our future


    Carnism contributes to the often denied reality of climate change




    Lymon seems to argue that on his feedlot operation, the cost to employ just two workers to shovel the cow dung back to the soil was too high.


    Why the greed in the meat industry?


    This is exactly the reason why people are so hesitant to do something to help the environment. There is too much personal investment in these big issues. Millions of people make a living off of the oil and gas industries. These people have families to support and mouths to feed; they're definitely not going to want to do anything that will risk having their earnings be taken away from them.


    The meat industry employs thousands



    This is something that should make everyone think twice about eating meat as often as we do. Along with increasing your risk of type 2 diabetes, the harmful hormones in meat can increase your chance for breast cancer.


    Meat, especially red, has damaging health affects


    Although some of climate change is natural, most of it is our fault. NASA reported that some of climate change is due to burning coal or gas.


    Climate change is real and it's happening



    In my opinion, this environmental approach to meat eating is very pragmatic and I would go so far as to call it realpolitik.


    The argument for veganism can be purely logical


    Lack of government support is a major part of the fact that we ignore many human actions that are contributing to climate change. When people with authority consistently deny facts, ordinary people also tend to deny those facts as well. It is difficult to understand why people are able to ignore the overwhelming scientific data regarding human involvement in climate change.


    The government needs to step up its role in climate change/the meat industry.




    Giant Panda

    Almost every time we eat or buy something, we dissociate our action from its damaging effects on the environment. I wonder if the people who "deny climate change" are really dubious about the science, or are just particularly skilled at this form of dissociation.


    The public and the government seem to dissociate themselves from hard ecological truths


    But if people are so concerned with the continuation of the human race, and with putting their children in the best schools and giving them the best food, then why aren't people also more concerned with giving them the best environment as well?


    Why don't we think of the future of our children concerning the ecological crisis?



    Blue Whale

    I have also heard politicians who advocate to act on climate change, but I've heard some who outright deny it. Personally, I cannot believe that politicians would ignore the research of so many renowned scientists. There is so much scientific evidence and literature out there that they can educate themselves on. I do not understand why they want climate change to be false so bad. They only thing they get out of it is saving money. Why can't these politicians also advocate lowering debt while backing up climate change?


    There's a parallel between the debt and climate change in the sense of how it affects our children.


    When I read this it shocked me. It took me a while to fully grasp the numbers in this sentence. This amazes me. It would have been much more efficient to have people cut down on meat.


    Meat isn't sustainable




    The natural world around me however, is real and has shaped my development and passions.  I love the outdoors, barton creek, rock climbing sheer, untouched limestone faces, and national and state parks.  Why aren't my elders seeking to protect these more important things first, or at least stop worrying about political, abstract issues, and enjoy these natural wonders for themselves?


    Why don't we prioritize our natural world?

    This is social innovation.  Could you imagine politicians who had degrees in sustainability, and could be capable of coming up with creative societal solutions such as this.  If there's ever an argument to go vegetarian purely for logically responsible reasons, this is it.


    The strongest argument for veganism is its sustainability.

 CONNECT, HAMMER INTO UNITY: Your Head and Your Heart

honi soit motto

“Stress Recess” Stressed by papers? Tests? Relationship issues? For these and other stressors, take a few minutes to check out a new interactive website called “Stress Recess” at, a component of the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center. This site is loaded with videos, animation, video games, body scans, quizzes, clickable charts and graphics and practical information tailored to YOU. Learn what causes stress, signs of stress and—most importantly---what you can do to manage stress in healthy ways!


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