Gary Jacobsohn
H. Malcolm Macdonald Professor in Constitutional & Comparative Law
Department of Government
The University of Texas at Austin
In 2004, Professor Jacobsohn became a member of the Government Department
at UT Austin after many years at Williams College where he was
the Woodrow Wilson Professor of Political Science. His interests
and work lie at the intersection of constitutional theory and comparative
constitutionalism. He has held fellowships from the Woodrow Wilson Center
for International Scholars, the Fulbright Foundation, and the National Endowment
for the Humanities. He is a past President of the New England Political
Science Association, and has served as co-editor of the Rowman and Littlefield
series on Studies in American Constitutionalism. Currently he is the H. Malcolm Macdonald Professor in Constitutional & Comparative Law at the University of Texas at Austin.
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