The United States and the Middle East

Gov 312L: Issues and Policies in American Government

Other source materials and suggested readings : (highly recommended=*)

George W. Ball, Error and Betrayal in Lebanon (FMEP, 1984)
*G.W. Ball and D.B. Ball,
The Passionate Attachment: America's Involvement with Israel, 1947 to the Present (N.Y.: Norton, 1992)
James A. Bill,
The Eagle and the Lion: the Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations (1988)
*James A. Bill,
George Ball: behind the scenes in U.S. foreign policy (1997).
H. Bookbinder and J.G. Abourezk,
Through Different Eyes , Adler, 1987, $18.95.
John Boykin, Cursed is the Peacemaker, Applegate 2002
Jimmy Carter,
The Blood of Abraham (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985).
Noam Chomsky,
Deterring Democracy (London 1991)
Noam Chomsky,
The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians (Boston, 1983)
Noam Chomsky,
Pirates and Emperors: International Terrorism in the Real World (1986)
Anthony Cordesman,
The Iran-Iraq War and Western Security 1984-87 (London: Jane's Publishing Co., 1987).
Anthony Cordesman,
Perilous Prospects: the Peace Process and the Arab-Israeli Military (Westview, 1996)
Anthony Cordesman,
U.S. Forces in the Middle East: Resources and Capabilities (Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1997)
Anthony Cordesman,
Saudi Arabia: Guarding the Desert Kingdom, (Washington, DC: CIIS, 1997)
Anthony Cordesman and Ahmad Hashim,
Iran: Dilemmas of Dual Containment (Washington, DC: CIIS, 1997)
Anthony Cordesman and Ahmad Hashim,
Iraq: Sanctions and Beyond (Washington, DC: CIIS, 1997)
Richard H. Curtiss,
Stealth PACs: How Israel's American Lobby Seeks to Control US Middle East Policy (available through American Educational Trust, P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009, $5, 2nd ed May 1990)
Ivo Daalder and James Lindsay, American Unbound, 2003
Steven Emerson,
The American House of Saud (1985)
*Paul Findley, They Dare to Speak Out (Lawrence Hill, 1985)
Paul Findley,
Deliberate Deceptions (Lawrence Hill, 1993)
Robert Fisk,
Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War (1991 pb.)
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Thomas L. Friedman,
From Beirut to Jerusalem (Anchor pb 1990)
David Garham and Mark Tessler, eds.,
Democracy, War, and Peace in the Middle East (Indiana UP, 1995)
Robert M. Gates, 'The CIA and American Foreign Policy," Foreign Affairs, Winter 1987/88, 215-230
Glenn P. Hastedt,
American Foreign Policy (Prentice Hall, 1988).
Christopher Hemmer, American Foreign Policy Decision Making in the ME 1979-1987, SUNY 2000.
*Seymour M. Hersh, The Sampson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy (NY: Vintage pb. 1992)
Michael Hirsch, At war with ourselves: why America is squandering its Chance to Build a better World, Oxford UP 2003
Institute of Strategic Studies (London): annual publication gives data on arms, strategic balance in the region.
Jerusalem Post
*Chalmers Johnson, The Sorrows of Empire: How the Americans lost their country, Metropolitan Books 2003
____, Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
I.L. Kenen, Israel's Defense Line (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1981)
Lewis Lapham, Theater of War, New Press 2002
George Lenczowski, American Presidents and the Middle East (Duke U. Press, 1990) 
Middle East International
Middle East Journal
Middle East Policy
Middle East Report
Nabeel A. Khoury, "The Arab Lobby: Problems and Prospects,: The Middle
East Journal
, 41:3 (summer 1987): 379-396.
Henry Kissinger,
The White House Years (various editions)
Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, eds.,
The Israel-Arab Reader (4th ed. 1984)
Everett Mendelsohn, A Compassionate Peace (Noonday Press, 1989)
Donald Neff,
Fallen Pillars (Washington: Institute for Palestinian Studies, 1995)
*John Newhouse, Imperial America, Knopf 2003.
*Joseph S Nye Jr., The Paradox of American Power: why the wld's only superpoweer can't go it alone, Oxford 2002.
John Pilger, The New Rulers of the World, Verso 2002
Lawrence C Potter and Gary Sick eds., Security in the Persian Gulf, Palgrave 2002.
Clyde Prestowitz, Rogue Nation American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions, Basic Books 2003.
William B. Quandt,
Peace Process (Brookings pb, 1993)
William Quandt,
Camp David; Peacemaking and Politics , Washington: Brookings (1986). William B. Quandt, ed., The Middle East: Ten Years after Camp David (Brookings, 1988).
D.T. Regan,
For the Record (St. Martin's pb., 1988)
Sara Roy,
The Gaza Strip (Washington: Institute for Palestinian Studies, 1995)
Cheryl A. Rubenberg,
Israel and the American National Interest (U of IL,1986)
Edward Said,
Culture and Imperialism (NY 1993)
Edward Said,
Covering Islam: how the media and the experts determine how we see the rest of the world (NY 1981, 1997)
George E Shambaugh, States Firms, and Power: Successful Sanctions in US Foreign Policy, SUNY 2000.
Hedrick Smith, The Power Game: How Washington Really Works (paperback) (videos of TV miniseries, Jan. 1989, will be shown in class)
*Suleiman, Michael, ed.,
U.S. Policy on Palestine from Wilson to Clinton (Washington: AAUG Press, 1995)
*Steven Spiegel,
The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict (U of Chicago Press, 1985)
Richard Stevens,
American Zionism and U.S. Foreign Policy 1942-1947 (1962, 1970).
Raymond Tanter,
Who's at the Helm: Lessons of Lebanon (Westview, 1990)
Shibley Telhami,
The Stakes in the Middle East, 2002
Edward Tivnan, The Lobby (Simon and Schuster pb, 1988).
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Bob Woodward, Veil: the Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987 (Pocket Books, 1987)
Daniel Yergin, The Prize...Oil, Money and Power (Simon and Schuster, 1991)
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26 December 2003
Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin.
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