Lecture 5 Eisenhower: the Suez War of 1956 and the Eisenhower Doctrine

News 2 years ago:

2006 and earlier:

Brief conclusion from last time: Consistency of Truman's foreign policy?? Also note The Middle East Journal: Thomas Lippman, "The View From 1947: The CIA and the Partition of Palestine" Volume 61, No. 1, WINTER 2007.

Legacy of Palestinian remnants including 700,000+ Palestinian refugees: about half of the current Palestinian population [CIA Factbook may be better source for Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Strip] remains in Israel and the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Cross-border tensions: Jordan - Qibya retaliatory raid by Col. Ariel Sharon, Oct. 1953; Gaza: fedayeen incursions into Israel.

The Eisenhower Administration (1953-61)

"I Like Ike"
Golf, National Security Council (founded along with CIA, Defense, indep air force in 1947, but new life under Ike...now Clinton has established Economic Security Council)

John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State, while brother Allen became director of the CIA): Northern Tier, Baghdad Pact (Feb. 1955) - pactomania!
Ike: ME critical to US security: "no region of the world received as much of my close attention and that of my colleagues as did the Middle East." ...impartiality re local arab-israeli but contain communism...vs oldfashioned colonialism...

IRAN: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi - our Northern Tier.
ratified nationalization of Anglo-Iranian Oil Company..PM Mossadegh 4/28/51 and problems of "stolen oil"...
Operation Ajax Aug 19, 1953 athletes to the streets! The CIA "won" 25 more years of free-flowing oil from a "Free World" ally, but at what eventual cost?

SUEZ CRISIS of Oct 29, 1956 (cf Hungary): Britain, France, and Israel invade Egypt (map).

Eisenhower was incensed by the tripartite aggression...and Dulles was rushed off to the hospital on Nov 3, 1956, in the middle of the crisis! Ike pushed the aggressors all back out of Egyptian territory, but promised Israel one gain, the free use of its new southern port of Elat (or Elath, Eilat...) on the grounds that the Gulf of Aqaba is an international waterway. Look at the geography (for it would be a cause of the June 1967 war - as well as the site of the suicide bombing of Jan 30, 2007, mentioned above):

By Christmas 1956 everyone had withdrawn except Israel from Gaza.
Feb 20, 1957 Ike to the country, threatening tax exempt status of private aid to Israel..
Issues of Israel access to Suez Canal, access to Aqaba/Elat: US supported Israel despite Saudi claim that Aqaba was an Arab waterway.

EISENHOWER DOCTRINE: to defend the Middle East against Communism without joining the Baghdad Pact.

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Feb. 4, 2009