Lecture 4 The Primacy of the Presidency

But first the news:

Two years ago:


And more thoughts about imperialism: Kipling Knew What the U.S. May Now Learn

From last time: The politics of muddling through, most difficult in the Middle East where:

US goals in the region:

democracy within and among nations? Where is your preferred vision of the world? - as a start toward - let me repeat - doing your own foreign policy making.

 President =

List of presidents and their Doctrines (recall the Monroe Doctrine of 1823):

Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-45
Harry S. Truman 1945-52:
Truman Doctrine - March 12, 1947 (Greece and Turkey)
Dwight D Eisenhower 1953-60:
Eisenhower Doctrine - Jan. 5, 1957 (Middle East)
John F Kennedy 1961-63
Lyndon B Johnson 1963-68
Richard M Nixon 1969-74:
Nixon Doctrine - Nov. 3, 1969 (Guam but also Iran)
Jerry Ford 1974-76
Jimmy Carter 1977-80:
Carter Doctrine 1979 (Persian Gulf)
Ronald Reagan 1981-88:
Reagan Doctrine - 1981 (Afghanistan)
George H. W. Bush 1989-92
Bill Clinton 1993-2000
George W. Bush (2001- ): Bush Doctrine - 2002- (a work in progress)

Your reading from last week - and this week's

Security Doctrines

Background to Truman Doctrine

USSR into Iran 1941, 1946 Autonomous Rep of Azerbaijan (Tabriz) and Kurdish Republic (Mahabad)...finally Russians out in Dec 1946 due to threat of US mobiliation...and Turkey (Bosphorus fort!) and Greece threat, with US faced with Brit withdrawal of force by April 1, 1947...Senator Vandenberg, Tom Connolly...Acheson: Greece to Iran: "rotten apples in a barrel?" (like Asian dominoes near Vietnam in 1960s)
March 12, 1947 Truman Doctrine message to congress...aid to Greece and Turkey bypassing UN...George Kennan's famous anonymous article in
Foreign Affairs (July 1947) announced US containment policy of Soviet Union.

ISRAEL issue

3. Discussion: Consistency of Truman's foreign policy??

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Feb. 2, 2009
Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin.
Questions, Comments, and Suggestions to chenry@mail.utexas.edu