Political Economy of the Middle East and North Africa
Abel's Course Pack - Gov 390L/MES 381 - Fall 2008
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1) The Barcelona Development Agenda (Barcelona Forum, Sept. 2004)
2) Eva Bellin, "Contingent Democrats: Industrialists, Labor and Democratization
in Late-Developing Countries," World Politics, 52 (January 2000), 175-205
3) Eva Bellin, The Political-Economic Conundrum, Carnegie Paper No. 53 (Nov 2004)
4) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Arab Reform Bulletin (Dec 2004)
Statistics on Arab Media
5) Thomas Carothers, "The End of the Transition Paradigm," Journal of Democracy
13:1 (Jan. 2002), pp. 5-21 - and response by G O'Donnell, Journal of Democracy
13:3 (July 2002), pp. 6-12.
6) Michael Herb, "No Representation Without Taxation?" Comparative Politics, April 2005, pp. 297-316
7) Steven Heydemann, ed., Introduction, Networks of Privilege, Palgrave, 2004
8) Giacomo Luciani, From Private Sector to National Bourgeoisie: Saudi Arabian Business, in Paul Aarts & Gerd Nonneman, eds., Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs (London: Hurst 2005), pp. 144-181.
9) Timothy Mitchell, Dreamland, subsequently chap 9 of Rule of Experts (U of Calif Press, 2002)
10) Ronald Rogowski, "Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Trade," APSR 81:4 (Dec 1987), pp. 1121-1137
11) Michael L. Ross, "The Political Economy of the Resource Curse," World Politics
51:2 (Jan 1999), 297-322
12) __________, "Does Oil Hinder Democracy?" World Politics 53: 3 (April 2001),

13) Melani Cammett, "Fat Cats and Self-Made Men: Globalization and the Paradoxes of Collective Action," Comparative Politics, 37:4 (July 2005), 379-400.