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My clash with "clash o' civ"

Well, while I am doing my MA in Middle East Studies, my background is more
political science-ish, so I guess my "gut" reaction to Huntington has always
been as such. I say always, becuase I have taken numerous courses which
require us to read his article. Interestingly, I think I react to it
differently each time. This time, I was struck more by his rebuttle than
that the inititial article. However, I agree with your reaction regarding
society in the Middle East. In fact, in Turkey the government is afraid to
let any sort of Islamic party be represented in an election, because they
actually might get elected.. (well they did in the 90's but that's another
story) The Constition forbids any sort of religious party from being
represented, in order to protect there democratic society.. of course this
is totally hypocritical.. so before I really go off on a tangent, I think we
are going to have some interesting discussions on "civil society" in the
Middle East.

But back to my problem with Huntington. I guess what bothers me about
Huntington, is he is just giving another name to something that is already
under discussion. I¡¯m referring to his reference to needing a new
¡°paradigm¡± pp.66-67. Yes, he does have a point, that in the post Cold War
world we need a new paradigm, or a lens to look through in order to
understand the dynamics of globalization etc. However, when he says
¡°civilization paradigm¡± (66) isn¡¯t he talking about culture and identity,
in other words Constructivism? Yes, I am a firm advocate of the school of
thought which deems realism and liberalism as inadequate in terms of useful
paradigms. But just using culture and identity (or civilization) as
paradigms will also ¡°black box the state¡± so to speak. I guess this is
another way of pointing out how Huntington has oversimplified the situation.
He is right is pointing out how we need a better explanation of what is
going on, but I think that we should use take from all three paradigms
(Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism) in order to put together the
appropriate toolbox. If I am not mistaken, I think Stephen Walt wrote an
article about such a subject- needing a new paradigm which he called ¡°X¡±.
I hope we get a chance to discuss this in class. Otherwise, you will see me
on this soapbox again!


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