Arab-Israeli Politics

Class 19: Toward Explaining the Breakdown and the "Second (Al-Aqsa) Intifada"

Frontline "Shattered Dreams of Peace" 2 hours of video about the breakdown of the Oslo peace process 2000-2002 you may see in the Mezes 2.104 Liberal Arts computer lab. You may also read the complete transcript online at pbs.

 Also there is an excellent recent book on the subject: Clayton E. Swisher, The Truth About Camp David (NY, 2004)

But first, recall Beirut, October 23, 1983, the bombing of the US Marine barracks killing 241 of our marines and other military personnel - here is the commentary on the 25th anniversary of this tragedy, by Reagan's National Secuerity Advisor at the time, showing that they learned nothing: From Beirut to 9/11, op-ed by former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, New York Times, Oct. 23, 2008. Note McFarlane's effort to link Shi'ite Hizbollah in Lebanon 1983 to Jihadist Sunni Osama Bin Laden in Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan in 1991-2001.

The Clinton Administration: the contradictions of "benign" neglect of the peace process while pushing "dual containment" in the Gulf

The Rush to Camp David - July 2000


@ Robert Malley, Fictions About the Failure at Camp David, New York Times, July 8, 2001.
Avi Shlaim, excerpt from "The Lost Steps," The Nation, Aug 30, 2004.
Deborah Sonntag, Quest for Mideast Peace: How and Why It Failed, New York Times, July 26, 2001
Dennis Ross, FROM OSLO TO CAMP DAVID TO TABA: Setting the Record Straight (Wash Institute of Near East Policy).
Nigel Parry, Misrepresentation of Barak's offer at Camp David as "generous" and "unprecedented"
ARIJ, The withdrawal percentages: what do they really mean?
David Newman, "Is reconciliation still possible?" Jersualem Post, June 13, 2001
The Mitchell Plan (February 2001)
Clayton E. Swisher, The Truth About Camp David (NY, 2004)

23 October 2008
Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin., Questions, Comments, and Suggestions to