Arab-Israeli Politics

Abel's Course Packet -- Table of Contents

  1. Foundation for Middle East Peace, Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories, maps and settlement issues, 2008 issues.
  2. The Clinton Plan - January 7, 2000 (Israeli Policy Forum)
  3. Miriam Lowi, "Rivers of Conflict, Rivers of Peace," Journal of International Affairs, Summer 1995, pp. 123-144.
  4. Seymour Hersh, The Sampson Option, chapter 21, pp. 285-305.
  5. U.S. State Department, Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East (April 30, 2003).
  6. Rand Corporation, Helping a Palestinian State Succeed (pdf document provided by Rand Corporation)
  7. Alison Weir, "The Coverage - and Non-Coverage - of Israel-Palestine," The Link 38:3 (July-August 2005), 1-13

June 10, 2008
Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin.
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