You must include at least two pictures . (All pictures are to be in color unless the originals were black and white.)This requirement is usually met by inserting electronic files of pictures or photographs into your text (see “Insert” in Word or Dreamweaver). The purpose of the pictures is for you to become acquainted with the integration of verbal and visual rhetoric that has become common these days and to gain some practical experience in preparing a multimedia web site.

         a.) You may need to use Photoshop or a similar program, for the print version if not the web version, to reduce the size of the pictures to 1-6" wide. If you want to put two together, make them 3" wide. (Alternatively, you can specify the dimensions of the images in a website.)

       b.) Insert pictures in text where they belong, not in a gallery or in footnotes at the end. Make sure to identify or title all pictures (in other words, supply captions).

        c.) Pictures can be taken from the internet if you supply the URL for each internet picture in a footnote or in a List of Illustrations at the end.

       d.) For pictures from print media, you will need to digitize them (make them into a computer file) with a scanner.  If you are going to use them on the web, 72 dpi is sufficient. There are scanner stations in our classroom, the Student Microcomputer Facility, FAC 212, and in the Rhetoric multimedia lab: PAR 102.