‘One day when I was twenty-three or twenty-four this sentence seemed to form in my head, without my willing it, much as sentences form when we are half-asleep, ‘Hammer your thoughts into unity’ . For days I could think of nothing else and for years I tested all I did by that sentence [...]” William Butler Yeats (cited in Frank Tuohy, Yeats, 1976, p.51 )


Question: Why is the statue of Temperance next to the Tutor in the Magdalen Cloister

TEMPERANCE:To moderate oneself in thought, action, and emotions. One of the seven virtues. Before Gregory the Great introduced three more virtues, there were mainly four virtues that were celebrated: Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice. It was the school of Socrates that made the above mentioned virtues popular.  Later on Gregory the great introduced Faith, Hope, and Love or Charity.     /www.mp3joseph.com/temperance.jpg

A typical Renaissance illustration of the virtue is Peter Flotner’s plaquette of 1540, now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art:


In the Tarot Card system card no. 14 stands for





being temperate

finding the middle ground

 showing moderation

 avoiding excess

 mitigating a harsh position

 looking for the golden mean

 reaching a compromise

 offsetting an extreme

 maintaining balance

experiencing harmony

 achieving equilibrium

 bringing together opposites

 recognizing all sides

 fostering cooperation

 feeling centered and secure

 experiencing health

renewing energy and vigor


 enjoying well-being



 combining forces

 gathering together what is needed

 joining with others


 finding the right mix

 creating synthesis

 getting it all together



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