
       This exhibit on the women of Texas illustrates the struggle of individuals against the prejudice of society. Despite being considered inferior to men, these women went against the overwhelming inequality of their times in order to be extraordinary against the odds. All of these women are leaders and heroes in societies that fail to realize the female ability achieve what a man can accomplish. Being a gay man, I have always felt the female struggle for equality is close to my own struggles.

       The discrimination against females and homosexuals are both based on deeply held convictions held by individuals throughout society. The countless misconceptions people hold are rooted not on reason, but on severe ignorance that pervades despite facts. The idea that women are not able to be leaders because they are feeble and weak-minded may seem absurd to the enlightened, many hold this as a clear reason why a woman should not be president of the US. Similarly ridiculous ideas and stereotypes surrounding homosexuality (such as that it is a lifestyle choice or that all gays have AIDS) still exist in much of the population.

       My journey will include a great deal of struggle against the prejudice of society, much like the life journeys of these women. For anything I wish to accomplish in my life, I will have to work longer and harder than a heterosexual would. All of these women faced controversy in order to achieve the great feats for which we remember them. If they had succumbed to the suggestion of society that they were incapable of greatness, none of these things would have been possible. While I determine what I plan to do with my life and face the prevailing idea that I may not be capable of achieving all the things I wish to achieve, these women and the importance of their accomplishments inspire me. If they were able to achieve what they have achieved, I too can go against the predeterminations of my role within society and do all I want to do.

       The life journeys of these great women are remarkably similar to my own.
