Suggestions for ways to unify your essay


Consult the following pages in your anthology:

19A-19K                                 Effective Visual Design

19L                                                  Spell Checker

19M                                                Polished Writing Instructions

203-10                         Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain;

211                                    Writing the Natural Way;

212-3                                            Wild Mind

346                                                   Bump, "Dualism vs ....."

589-92                                      Polished Writing Instructions II: Revising the Essay


Check out the Unity Literature Forum on the RHE 309K1 web page, especially “Writing According to the Tao”; “Finding Your Center”; and “Where to Find Truth” in the Spiritual Unity section; “Pretty Words” and “Aztecs on Being an Artist” in the Aesthetic Unity section.


Check out the internet for keywords “unity, cohesion, organization, flow, transitions,etc.” Here are some examples:



For quotes, insights, etc. about unity in nature, check out the previous class’s Unity Literature Forum, especially “Frank Lloyd Wright on God and Nature”; Raymond Carver’s “Holy Places”; Bryant’s “Thanatopsis”; and the quotation from Redfield’s “Celestial Vision” in the Spiritual Unity section; and “Dance of Life” and “The Universe” in the Scientific Unity section; and “Whitman’s Unity” in the Other section.


For quotes, insights, etc. about unity in nature, also consult the following pages in your anthology:


85                                        The Sympathetic Imagination"

125-51 Bump, "Manual Photography: Hopkins, Ruskin, and Victorian Drawing"

156-158                     (Hopkins, introduction) on inscape and instress

187                                    "The Spirit of the Garden"

253                                    Hopkins,"Binsey Poplars" (loss of unity)

339-43                         Darwin

346                                    Bump, "Dualism vs ....."

347-51                         Burch, "Vocabularies of Nature"

352-8                             Alan Watts,"The World is Your Body"

359-64                         Gary Snyder, "Poetry and the Primitive"

384-5                             "The Worship of Nature"

394                                    Wordsworth, "The Excursion"

397                                    Hopkins,“God’s Grandeur”

398-9                             Hopkins, ‘Pied Beauty,”

401,404?                   Hopkins, “As kingfishers”

405-7                             Wordsworth, "Tintern Abbey"

408-411                     Wordsworth, the Immortality Ode

416-19                        Wordsworth's "Prelude"

420-30                         Edith Cobb, "The Ecology of Imagination in Childhood"

431-2                            "The Force That Through the Green Fuse"

443A                              Blake, “The Lamb” text only

443B                               Blake, “The Tyger” text only

514-5                             Nuns of Brenham

579                                    Blake “Auguries of Innocence”

580                                    “The Mystery”

581                                    Directions for Writing About Nature



For unifying themes in your own response to nature check out the road map of your journey that you made .

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