"Only connect! . . .Live in fragments no longer.Ó  E. M. Forster, Howards End (1910), ch. 22


ÔOne day when I was twenty-three or twenty-four this sentence seemed to form in my head, without my willing it, much as sentences form when we are half-asleep, ÔHammer your thoughts into unityÕ. For days I could think of nothing else and for years I tested all I did by that sentence [...]Ó William Butler Yeats (cited in Frank Tuohy, Yeats, 1976, p.51 )


E375L Portfolios

-100 points if not done

Electronic CDs should be tested in my office Dec. 12 1:30-3:30

If you want to turn in the portfolio earlier and the mail slot is full go to Par 108 and ask that folders be put on desk. They may or may not do it: they do not have to, especially if they are busy with other matters

CWRL COMPUTER LAB OPEN ONLY TO MY STUDENTS, INCLUDING DREAMWEAVER AND SCANNER: FAC 10 between 10-2pm during finals week (11th through 18th)

Role of Class Pictures in the Course

Class Pictures Required for Portfolio

Portfolio See the physical examples that are available in my office. Also check out electronic versions of portfolios below.

     The portfolio encompasses basically everything you have done. It consists of Projects 1B (the revision with no highlighting) and 2B (the revision with no highlighting), all Discussion Board contributions, all in-class writing exercises, all pictures of your self at E375L2/pics/; your comments on the projects of others; the road map of your journey; all your extra credit, etc. 

 ______Visual impact of whole portfolio: 30 points. Includes presentation of all pictures available of your self in the course.  In electronic portfolios the presentation consists of  places and captions for pictures but the pictures themselves can be called up by hyperlinks to the course website (thus no need to included all those pictures on your CD). However, the pictures themselves must appear on their own, not as links which must then be selected by the reader (<img src= "[insert URL here] ">). In physical portfolios you must include pictures of all photos on the course website which focus primarily on you and up to three others (this way you do not have to include all the class pictures). In both media, visual presentation grade will be low if you simply put all the photos in a gallery somewhere instead of organizing and presenting them where appropriate in the portfolio.

 _______Complete and accurate table of contents tied to page numbers: every single item (other than pictures) specified in table of contents as in example below: 15 points. In electronic portfolios the requirement becomes "complete and accurate index: every individual item (other than pictures) with its own link on the primary index page."

_________Accurate page numbers: 5 points (In electronic portfolios this requirement becomes "every item in the portfolio has a working link to the initial index page.")

Please construct a table of contents or index page like this , or at least in this order, with this kind of detail:


______Road Map pp. 1-2; 5 points.


Projects: clean copies, no handwriting or highlighting, color pictures

______  1B, 17-25; 8 points

______  responses to others' 1A , 26-28: 5 points

______ 2B, 29-36; 8 points

______ responses to others' 2A , 37-41; 5 points


Informal Writing

______Sept. 19 Psychological Type Essay  3 points

______Required Discussion Board contributions, in this order 12 points [3x4] : Universities;  Sartor Resartus; Evolution vs. Spiritual (Hopkins vs. Darwin); Darwin: contemporary;

______Required Class Exursion Journal: 3 points: Sept. 24, Downtown architecture

____Optional Discussion Board contributions, in this order 2 points each  [2 X 18= 36 points possible] :Liberal Arts; Conversion; Downtown; Littlefield House; Origins of Gothic; Dragons; Grotesque; Hopkins1; Hopkins2; Hopkins3; TMM; Waller Creek; Tennyson's In Memoriam ; Tower Garden; Arnold and Vic. Pastoral; Browning; Alice parody; Alice hero.


____  In Class Writing/Drawing Exercises 2 points each (2 X 4= 8):   Littlefield House drawing; Blanton writing;  HRC writing: Alice;


_____Time Management Planning Materials 4X1 = 4 points

_____ Extra Credit

           _____Optional Take-Home Final

 _____Class Discussion Leadership plans 3 points each extra credit


_________Total number of points for portfolio (140 maximum)

_________ Total number of points in course

_________ Grade in course


Grades: To get a B on the portfolio you need to meet all the basic requirements almost perfectly, including table of contents/indexing and page numbering/linking.

Grades: to get an A on the paper portfolio you need to go beyond that to an achievement in visual rhetoric. Think of this as a portfolio you will be taking to an architectural or leadership magazine, seeking employment in competition with many others. You would be well advised to have it all typed in one way or another, perfectly proofread, illustrated, etc. and very professional in appearance. Pay special attention to unity and to Effective Visual Design (Faigley).

To get an A  on a web portfolio the requirements are much the same, translated into web terminology. For a good example of how to include all your DB entries in a web portfolio see FranziÕs E603 and previous websites. Your web portfolio must be put on a CD so that it can be transferred to my website and must run on that Mac server.  To fit these requirements all files must be on the CD and it must work by itself with no links to the internet except for the picture links. YOU NEED TO GET THIS CD WITH THESE AND ANY OTHER REQUIRED CHANGES TO ME  TWO DAYS BEFORE IT IS DUE TO MAKE SURE THAT IT WORKS PROPERLY.

Previous E375L electronic portfolios

Brooks ; Jordan ; Keturah ; Yashoda ;

Plan II Freshman Portfolios

05-06 Portfolios:Anush; Brian; Cheryl; Mita;Noel; Puja; Thomas;Will

04-05 Portfolios:Amanda; Amie; Ashlie; Chris; Franzi; Jason; Katie; Merrell;Thida [use Explorer] ;Will [PCs only]

Ada's 603 Web Portfolio, sp 04 Brette's 603 Web Portfolio, sp 04

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