
at The Alumni Center

"The rugged longhorn steer, mascot of the University,
is depicted here as a new and curious calf.
The old cowboy, representing wisdom and knowledge,
is the link between the past, present and future.
He is the facilitator to the new generation -- calf and girl --
who greet each other with excitement and wonder.
The longhorn calf suggests that the University is a place of renewal
and that knowledge is passed from generation to generation.
The grandfather/cowboy and the young girl/granddaughter
convey the nurturing aspects of the University as a family.
The horse and pony are symbols of our Southwest heritage.
The entire sculpture group symbolizes the continuing efforts
of Texas Exes and citizens to sustain a university of the highest quality."

Fall 00 Student Performing

Fall 00 Student Performing

Fall 00 Class with Generations

The University mascot

Students writing about this and others sites inside the Alumni Center

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