
 Trustworthy, reliable.

Credible sources are generally understood to be accurate and reliable sources of information, free from unfair bias.  See the evaluation criteria below for help with determining credibility.

Use the criteria below to help you evaluate a source.  As you do, remember:

·       Each criterion should be considered in the context of your topic or information need. For example, currency changes if you are working on a current event vs. a historical topic.

·       Weigh all four criteria when making your decision. For example, the information may appear accurate, but if the authority is suspect you may want to find a more authoritative site for your information.

·       When in doubt about a source, talk about it with your professor or a librarian.

Criteria to consider:


1.Currency: When was the information published or last updated? Is it current enough for your topic?

2.Relevance: Is this the type of information you need (ex. a research study or scholarly article)? Is it related to your topic? Is it detailed enough to help you answer questions on your topic?

3.Authority: Who is the author or creator of the information (can be an individual or an organization)? Are they an expert on your topic? Has the source been peer reviewed? Who is the publisher? Are they reputable?

4.Accuracy: Is the information true? What information does the author cite or refer to?  Is this a research study with methods you can follow? Can you find this information anywhere else? Can you find evidence to back it up from another resource? Are studies mentioned but not cited (this would be something to check on)? Can you locate those studies?

5.Purpose/perspective: What is the purpose of the information? Was it written to sell something or to convince you of something? Is this fact or opinion based? Is it unfairly biased?


Inclination, leaning, prejudice, predisposition

A biased source is one in which the creator has a view of the issue at hand that had an effect on how they created the source. From the synonyms above, you can see that this can be to a small or large degree. Everyone has biases, and someone with a bias can still write a worthwhile source, but it is up to you to consider how much of a bias is present. Be aware of the biases inherent when an organization has a legislative agenda or is trying to sell something. 



from the Skye Gould/Business Insider

"At the first presidential debate September 26, Clinton brought up her and Trump's differences on climate change. Here's how the exchange unfolded: CLINTON: Some country is going to be the clean- energy superpower of the 21st century. Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. I think it's real. TRUMP: I did not. I did not. I do not say that. CLINTON: I think science is real. TRUMP: I do not say that. As many news organizations pointed out after the debate, Trump tweeted in 2012 that "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive."The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrumpNovember 6, 2012  He has tweeted dozens of times about how he does not accept the overwhelming scientific evidence that climate change is real. You can read all of his tweets that have mentioned "climate change" or "global warming" here. Trump wants to dismantle the Paris Agreement that sets targets to reverse the worst effects of global warming, which nearly 200 countries agreed to last December."

= ==============================


Evaluate the accuracy and bias of this paragraph and the sites cited in this paragraph. For each of the sites below, rate the accuracy from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Add a sentence or two to explain your evaluation.



[2] "many news organizations pointed out

[3] "here":

[4] "overwhelming scientific evidence that climate change is real":



Peer review is a process scholarly articles go through before they are published. Scholarly articles are sent to other experts in the field (peers) to ensure that they contain high-quality, original research important to the field. This is a measure of quality control other types of literature don't go through. 

If you can't tell whether or not a journal is peer-reviewed, check Ulrichsweb.


1.access the database

2.type in the title of the journal

3.peer-reviewed journals will have a referee jersey ("refereed" is another term for "peer-reviewed") - example below
