updated 10-30-14

honi soit motto

Because this will be a formal paper eventually, I recommend using WORD at this point. [Of course, you can write your blog as if you were doing a blog post, including pictures and videos inserted in the best possible places. When you are done,  add the word count at the bottom, with and without quotes. The put the actual bios and the screen shots of the webpages inserted as appendices at the end. Or you can use your regular blog site. Then copy the full URL at the top bar of your browser and post the link to your blog in the P2B Blog on CANVAS.]

honi soit motto


REQUIREMENT: YOU MUST INCLUDE THE ANIMAL'S POINT OF VIEW ABOUT LOSS OF FREEDOM, ABOUT THE ANIMAL'S PHYSICAL CONFINEMENT, etc. Substantial bonus points for not only including passages from Kafka's Report to the Academy, especially this section, but also revealing insights into the meaning of this section.



You could use this approach, though not, of course, in these words:

We know _______'s history after s/he was put in the shelter, but like all (so many) of the dogs and cats who end up in the Town Lake Animal Shelter (Center) ___________'s name was put on the books there with little or no information about his/her past. __________ can not tell us what happened to him/her before the Shelter. So we will speak for him as best we can. We know that he was either homeless or rejected by his family. Let's assume he was homeless and that his story was something like this.

[his or her story as you imagine it up to and including his being put in the shelter]. Then, you tell the animal's story from is point of view, knowing that, like all of the dogs and cats who end up in the shelter, the animal suffered the trauma of the long wait to be adopted, then the short death-row wait to be killed, then ecstasy of escape from death at the last minute, the joy of meeting up with the APA rescuers, then the loving kindness of the APA! drivers, doctors, foster parents, volunteers at the adoption locations, etc. Then he or she experienced the wait with the foster parents, the wait at the Petsmart and other street adoption sites, perhaps picking up a few diseases along the way, like ring worm. Finally, s/he experiences confinement in that small space while waiting for someone to adopt him and take him to his/her forever home.


Good examples from a previous class (their second half of the assignment was different)

good writing, transitions, sections 1 and 2  Oreocookies     Mr. Bob

good sections 1 and 2, good research:  Felicity

good writing, sections 1 and 2: Pumpkin

good sections 1 and 2:  Saphera

good transition and section 1: Cleo   Stormcloak




honi soit motto



honi soit motto

“Stress Recess” Stressed by papers? Tests? Relationship issues? For these and other stressors, take a few minutes to check out a new interactive website called “Stress Recess” at http://www.cmhc.utexas.edu/stressrecess, a component of the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center. This site is loaded with videos, animation, video games, body scans, quizzes, clickable charts and graphics and practical information tailored to YOU. Learn what causes stress, signs of stress and—most importantly---what you can do to manage stress in healthy ways!

 honi soit motto

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