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updated: 9/14/12

honi soit motto

tower m otto

Who are You? said the Caterpillar (repeatedly).

honi soit motto UT leadership image  honi soit motto

ANIMAL ETHICS + Multicultural Perspectives And Diversity:


Sept. 18 Find Your Power Animal


[1C] IMMEDIATE PRACTICAL GOAL: to understand how to read and follow directions;

GOALS RELATED TO Blogs:[2E] Writing + preparing students for [2B] the technological revolution; [2E3].  experience writing as discovery learning. [2E7] get a taste of the new world-wide writing, the instant publication of web writing. [2E8] practice the new multimedia writing which appeals to multiple intelligences, the right as well as the left side of the brain.


[2I1] “to know thyself.” [2I2] to think for your self, decreasing reliance on secondary sources, practicing what is known as active, experiential or discovery learning (as in science experiments, the Moore method in math, and Amherst College’s Baird Freshman English course in the humanities); oni soit motto [3C1] To unify the self, our goal is to maximize our potential by cultivating both sides of our brains, developing all our multiple intelligences.


ACTIVITIES: Feedback, Meditation,Quiz, Discussion led by Hoot Owl


New Age Guided Meditation to Retrieve Your Power Animal is available in Blackboard Course Documents -- need to put aside scepticism and disbelief temporarily and ACT AS IF you are willing to try this approach

1. Totemism and Power Animals…448-451

2. Animal Spea...452-462

3. Spirit Animals....463-468

3. Animal/Spirit Guides.... 469

4. Power Animals: A Few Example ...,470-472

tower m otto

hawk's shape as it flashed by instructor at Waller Creek;

video of visit of red-tailed hawk to instructor at Waller Creek

 honi soit motto

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