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updated: 10/14/12

honi soit motto

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10-18  Writer as Leader: Elizabeth Costello 2

honi soit motto 

honi soit mottohoni soit motto

Gerard Manley Hopkins, in his letter to his brother Everard of 1885, discusses parallels between poetry and music:

Every art then and every work of art has its own play or performance . . . books play, perform, or are played and performed when they are read; and ordinarily by one reader, alone, to himself, with the eyes only. . . . Poetry was originally meant for either singing or reciting; a record was kept of it; the record could be,was, read, and that in time by one reader, alone, to himself, with his eyes only. This reacted on the art: what was to be performed under these conditions for these conditions ought to be and was composed and calculated. Sound-effects were intended, wonderful combinations even; but they bear the marks of having been meant for the whispered, not even whispered, merely mental performance of the closet, the study and so on. . . . This is not the true nature of poetry . . . till it is spoken it is not performed, it does not perform, it is not itself.. . .

Rainer Maria Rilke - Der Panther


Performed as a Song

Another Interpretation;  Interpretation 2;

A Visual Interpretation from the Panther's Perpective

A Visual Interpretation In English



 Understand the role of literature and compassion as compared with the role of philosophy and reason in advancing animal welfare.

[2A2] ETHICS [ The second goal of the required leadership/ethics flag courses -- learn to make real-life ethical choices -- is closely related to the core purpose of the University of Texas, to transform lives for the benefit of society. It is also one of the basic education requirements of U.T.: "have experience in thinking about moral and ethical problems." Our ethics goals are


[2A2a] To experience by analogy a little of ethical dilemma presented by Anti-Semitism, especially the Holocaust.

[2A2b] To experience by analogy a little of ethical dilemma presented by racism, especially slavery.

[2A2c] To experience more directly the ethical dilemmas presented by speciesism, especially cruelty to animals.

[2A2d]  To become aware of real-life ethical choices made daily by all of us involving cruelty to animals.

[2A2e] To return to the traditional college goals of developing character and conscience.

                                     [2A2f] To practice replacing fear and greed with love, compassion, tolerance, and the sympathetic imagination.


TODAY'S TOPIC: Which is more effective in advancing animal welfare in general and the sympathetic imagination in particular: philosophy; nonfiction such as that by Doniger and Smuts; fiction such as that by Coetzee, Kafka, and Singer or lyric poetry such as that by Rilke and Hughes?



"The Poets and the Aimals" in Elizabeth Costello. (pp. 59-115 of the Penguin edition) and, from the anthology,




372-373        Rilke, “Der Panther”

374-375         Hughes Intro

376                 “Jaguar” I

377                 “Jaguar”  II

378               "Black Cat"

694                       Kafka introduction

695-700              Kafka, "Report to the Academy"


The Philosophers and the Animals, part ONE of THE LIVES OF ANIMALS in his novel, Elizabeth Costello; Garber on analogy; Singer’s fiction; Doniger on compassion, vegetarianism; Smuts on nonhuman persons; David Sztybel, “Can the Treatment of Animals Be Compared to The Holocaust?


REVIEW: Your ethics as they relate to the SYMPATHETIC IMAGINATION

RECOMMENDED READING: all of Elizabeth Costello

REVIEW, CONNECT, HAMMER INTO UNITY: the relationship between left and right side of your brain, between reason and the sympathetic imagination,  and your ethics;

honi soit motto

“Stress Recess” Stressed by papers? Tests? Relationship issues? For these and other stressors, take a few minutes to check out a new interactive website called “Stress Recess” at, a component of the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center. This site is loaded with videos, animation, video games, body scans, quizzes, clickable charts and graphics and practical information tailored to YOU. Learn what causes stress, signs of stress and—most importantly---what you can do to manage stress in healthy ways!

 honi soit motto

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