Discovery Learning at UT is promulgated primarily by the College of Natural Sciences but I first encountered it in an English course, the Freshman English sequence at Amherst College taught from 1938 to 1966. That course in turn influenced the Natural Sciences, particularly the two-semester Physics course required of all Freshmen. As you can see in the course description the emphasis on discovery learning was extraordinary.

Active learning is also the centerpiece of the famousBoyer Blueprint for Reinventing Undergraduate Education

Discovery learning is known as active learning because you participate actively in the learning process rather than passively receiving knowledge as if you are an empty vessel to be filled by the instructor.

The chief advantage of discovery learning is that questioning and solving problems without expecting someone to give you the answer enables you develop confidence in your own ability to handle problems in this area, which in turn encourages you to go further.

Discovery learning also has the following benefits:

Discovery learning is considered more meaningful because