program spectrum c******************************************************** c Version 5-16-2010 M. J. Hinich c Periodogram, spectrum, & auto coherencies c File fname.out is always opened where 'fname' is the name of the data c This file contains the parameters used and the statistics of the data, c the residuals of an AR fit if used and the modulation signal. c c If segment length=0 then the whole data file is one sgement & then c File fname.graph - a data structure file with the spectrum, signal coherence c spectrum, its probability value and the periodogram of the mean frame c c File fname-signal.out - coherent part of the mean frame c File fname-modulation.out - modulation signal of the periodicity c c If segment length>1 then c File fname.spectrogram - a data structure file with the spectra of each segment c c File fname.cohprogram - a data structure file with the signal coherence spectra c and probability values of each segment c================================================= c Parameters in control file Runspectrum.cnl. Use spaces between entries! c c A delimiter symbol * must be placed on each line. c Place comments on the lines of runspectrum.cnl file after the symbol *. c Runspect.cnl allows runs a number of control files with different file c names containing different data files and parameters. c The parameters for each run are echoed in filename.out where filename c is the name of the data file used. c c The data file contains nc time series in column form where the data c format is set in the second line of the data file. If nc > 1 then each c column is read in as a separate run and the output files are numbered c from 1 to nc. c c=================================================================== c Lines for the control file Runspectrum.cnl c The parameters & commands are found using key words whose first letter c may be either upper or lower case. The rest of the key word must be in c lower case. The symbol ! is a wildcard for the value to be set. c Examples: !nrun below is the wildcard for the number of runs of the program c using different cnl files called by runspectrum.cnl. The integer to the right c of the = sign in runspectrum.cnl is read by the program and sets the number c of runs. c In any *.cnl called by runspectrum.cnl, !r is the wildcard for the resolution c bandwidth. The real number to the right of !r= is the resolution bandwidth c that is used. c c ALWAYS use 0.* rather than .* since the program searches for the number c to the left of the period in the parameter. c c A delimiter symbol * must be placed on each line. c Use the keywords followed by an = sign and the setting. Some settings are c character strings while others are real numbers. A character string is c simply a sequence of characters that usually English words. c c Comments on the lines of the cnl file are placed to the right of the c symbol *. These are not read by the program. c c=================================================================== c c Number of runs=!nrun (!nrun - integer wildcard) c c There has to be !nrun cnl files in runspectrum.cnl c c============================ c c Coherence threshold=!rth c c !rth - threshold for computing the coherent part of the mean frame c The kth FFT bin is zeroed out if kth signal coherence < th. c The coherent part of the mean frame is in the file *.signal where * is the c data file name read from the control file read below. c c============================ c c These 2 entries are followed by the line: c c # */ End of Runspect.cnl parameter reads c c The program searches for the delimiter symbol # to end the reading of these c control parameters. c c Below the delimiter line type the list of !nrun lines with the path & names c of the control files that pass parameters to the program. c c For example if !nrun=2 & the control files are in the directory cnl: c \cnl\spectrum-fil1.cnl * cnl file c \cnl\spectrum-fil2.cnl * cnl file c c============================ c c The loop on runs k = 1,...,!nrun begins for !nrun control files. c The data file names for each control file & run parameters are now read. c c The parameter lines are followed by the line c # * End of run parameter reads from the control file c c The program searches for the delimiter symbol # to end the reading of the c parameters for each control file set in Runspect.cnl c c========================= c c File name=data file name with path c c============================ c c Sampling unit=!unit c c kHz or Hz to interpret the sampling rate as a multiple of kHz or Hz c You can also use the lower case letters k or h. c c If khz is used the spectrum output unit is kHz, or if hz is used the c spectrum output unit is Hz OR c c a 10 character unit in lower case to interpret the sampling rate c as a multipled of this unit. The output will be in periods using that c unit as for example unit='sec'. c c======================================================================= c c Resolution bandwidth=!rb ( !r - real wildcard) c c This bandwidth is in Hz if the sampling unit is in frequency. The frame c length lb used to compute the spectrum is then inversely proportional to r. c If the sampling unit is NOT frequency then lb=rb. c c========================= c NOTE: sr, the 2nd number on line 2 of the data file is the sampling c rate in kHz or Hz, OR sr is a sampling interval with the unit determined by c the unit determined by the characters placed after unit= c======================================================================= c c Lower frequency=!rl upper frequency=!ru c c The unit is kHz or Hz depending on the frequency unit used c c Longest period=!rl shortest period=!ru if a unit is used c c (!rl,!ru) is the bandwidth of the computed spectrum c c If !rl=0 then the longest period is the resolution bandwidth period c c If !ru=0 then the normalized upper frequencey is 0.5 or the c normalized shortest period is lb/2 c c========================= c c File read start=!ns file read end=!ne c c !ns - index of datum first read, !ne - index of datum last read c If !ne = 0, all the data is read. c c========================= c c If you want to prewhiten with an AR(np) fit type the character string on c a line in the cnl file: c prewhiten with AR(!np) fit c c !np - starting number of parameters of a recursive least squares AR c fit if np > 0. If np = 0 then this step is bypassed. c c No AR fit is made if this character string is absent in the lines above c delimiter line that starts with the symbol # or if AR(0) is set on the line. c c The residuals of the AR(np) are white if np is sufficiently large. c Using an AR(np) fit to generate white residuals is a linear operation c on the raw data. c c The AR model is estimated in the subroutine far that outputs the c po < np used as the end the iterations. c c============================ c c If you want to detrend the data by fitting a curvilinear trend using the c first four Legendre polynomials type the following word on a line in the c cnl file: c detrend c c========================= c c Prob threshold=!rpv c c !rpv - probability level threshold for the t statistics for the AR c coefficients of each AR fit in the iterations or each OLS fit in the c Legendre polynomial detrending fit. c If a coefficient has a t value whose absolute value has a probability c Pr(abs(t)) < 1 - rpv, it is deleted in the next OLS fit. c The covariance matrix is adjusted for the subset of lagged values used. c c The AR model is estimated in the subroutine far which outputs the c po < np used as the end of at most three iterations. c c If rpv = 1 then the full AR(np) model is estimated. c c============================ c c Spectrogram segment length=!lw c c The sampled signal is divided into overlapping segments of length !lw and c the power spectrum & signal coherence spectrum is computed for each segment. c The stacked log spectra are written to a file fname-spectrogram.out where c fname is the name of the data file and the stacked signal coherencies c probabilities are written to a file fname-cohprobgram.out. c The frequency or period is written on the last line of the data structure. c c The same segment length is used for all the runs. c c NOTE: lw must be < or = N/3 where N is the number of data rows in the data c file. c c If length=0 then these spectrograms are not computed and the whole sample c is used once in computing the statistics. The modulation signals for each c column of data is written to a file fname-modulation.out. c c============================ c c Overlap=!ov c c Each segmenet is overlapped by ov data points. If !ov=0 the segments are c not overlapped. If the segment length=0 then ov=0. c c============================ c c % taper=!rpt c c !rpt = % taper of frame for sidelobe reduction (0. < rpt < 25.) c If !rpt = 0 or this line is omitted then the frames are NOT tapered. c c============================ c c Spectral smoothing bandwidth=!smb c c The frame averaged spectrum is smoothed by a truncated cosine taper c whose bandwidth is !smb in units of Hz/milsec. c If the character string 'smoothing bandwidth' is not typed on a line c in the control file OR if smb = 0. then the spectrum is NOT smoothed. c c smb MUST be > resolution bandwidth rb. If smb < rb, then smb = 0. c c========================= c c Frame padding=!npad c c !npad - number of extended frames padded by zeros to allow fine tuning c of the resolution bandwidth. For example if npad =1 & the frame length c is 100 then the frame is padded by 100 zeros to make a frame of length c of 200. The units are adjusted so that the output has correct units. c If !npd=0 or this linw ia omitted then no padding is done. c c========================= c c Data on File 2 c Data file format for the first two lines (records) c Line 1: A character string with the data file name and code (a80) c Line 2: rows=!nr columns=!nc sampling rate (or interval)=!sr c format=(format) unit=! c !nr - observations, !nc - data columns sr - sampling rate in kHz or Hz or c multiples of the unit set in the cnl file. c Data format is a character*50 string including ( ) c unit=kHz or khz if that is the sr unit c unit=Hz or hz if that is the sr unit OR unit=unit in time for sr c c Example string: (4(f7.2,2x),2x,a7) c The time mark must be less than 26 characters long. c It is the last column of the data file. c c Example string: (a25,1x,5(f7.2,1x)) c The time mark must be less than 26 characters long. c It is the first column of the data file. c c=========================================== integer run,nr,lw,ov real gs,rt character*700 name character*80 buf,cnl character*50 charead character*20 par character*10 su character*2 delim logical exs c********************** open(109,file='Spectrum-error.out') c Inquire if file exists inquire(file='Runspectrum.cnl',exist=exs) if(.not.exs) then write(6,'(/'' Runspect.cnl file does not exist'')') write(109,'(/'' Runspectrum.cnl file does not exist'')') stop endif c Open Runspect.cnl open(1,file='Runspectrum.cnl',err=1,iostat=io1,status='old') c Start time call clock(gs,0,3) c------- ip=0 kt=0 ia=0 dowhile(kt<=17 .and. ia==0) kt=kt+1 c Clear buf do n=1,80 buf(n:n)=' ' enddo c Read line read(1,'(a80)',end=2,err=3,iostat=io1) buf ia=index(buf,'#') ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(6,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in *l' write(109,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in *l' write(6,'(a70)')buf write(109,'(a70)')buf stop endif ig=ig-1 name(ip+1:ip+ig)=buf(:ig) ip=ip+ig enddo c No. of runs par='uns' delim(1:2)='= ' run=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) c Coherence threshold par='ce threshold' th=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) c Trap th if(ier>0) then write(6,*) 'Coherence threshold ',th,' is not in the cnl file' write(109,*) 'Coherence threshold ',th,' is not in the cnl file' endif if(th<0 .or. th>=1.) then write(6,*)'Coherence threshold ',th,' is not in unit interval' write(109,*)'Coherence threshold ',th,' is not in unit interval' stop endif c Multiple runs do nr=1,run c Read control file read(1,'(a80)',end=3,err=4,iostat=io2)cnl ig=index(cnl,'*') cnl=cnl(:ig-1) call top(cnl,th,gs,run,nr) enddo c End of loop on runs stop 1 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening Runspect.cnl ',io1 stop 2 write(6,*)'End of file on runspectrum.cnl reads' write(109,*)'End of file on runspectrum.cnl reads' 3 write(6,*)'Place the symbol # after the 4 top reads ',io1 write(109,*)'Place the symbol # after the 4 top reads ',io1 stop 4 write(6,*)'**** Error on reading name of cnl file ',nr,io2 write(6,*)cnl write(109,*)'**** Error on reading name of cnl file ',nr,io2 write(109,*)cnl c------- stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine top(cnl,th,gs,run,nr) c******************************************************** c Runs each control file in the master Runspect.cnl c======================================================== parameter(mt=5,ndy=16,ny=2010) integer run,p,lw,ov,seg,mt,ndy,ny real gs,rt character*700 name character*120 fn character*80 buf,cnl character*50 charead,fmt,fname character*20 par character*10 su character*2 delim character dtnd,mk logical exs intent(in) cnl,th,gs,nr,run c********************** inquire(file=cnl,exist=exs) if(.not.exs) then write(6,'(/)') write(6,*)'cnl file does not exist ',cnl write(109,'(/)') write(109,*)'cnl file does not exist ',cnl return endif c Open control file open(11,file=cnl,err=1,iostat=io1,status='old') c-------- ip=0 kt=0 ia=0 dowhile(kt<=20.and.ia==0) kt=kt+1 c Clear buf do n=1,80 buf(n:n)=' ' enddo c Read line read(11,'(a80)',end=6)buf ia=index(buf,'#') ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(6,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in the cnl fil *e' write(6,'(a70)')buf write(109,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in the cnl fil *e' write(109,'(a70)')buf stop endif ig=ig-1 name(ip+1:ip+ig)=buf(:ig) ip=ip+ig c End of reads enddo delim(1:2)='=' c Data file name from control file par='ile name' fn=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(6,*) 'Error in read of file name in cnl file' write(109,*)'Error in read of file name in cnl file' stop endif inm=index(fn,'.') if(inm==0) then write(109,*)'Data file ',fn,' has no extension' stop endif c Inquire if file exists inquire(file=fn,exist=exs) if(.not.exs) then write(6,'(/)') write(6,*)'Input file ',fn(:inm+5),' does not exist' write(109,'(/)') write(109,*)'Input file ',fn(:inm+5),' does not exist' stop endif c------- c Open data file open(2,file=fn,err=3,iostat=io3,status='old') c Parse for up to 5 path switches ib=index(fn,'\') if(ib>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic if(ic>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic if(ic>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic if(ic>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic endif endif endif else ib=1 endif ia=index(fn,'.') fname=fn(ib:ia) nfn=ia-ib+1 fname(nfn:nfn+10)='-Spect.out' c Open spectrum output file open(3,file=fname(:nfn+10),err=2,iostat=io2) c Name of program write(3,'(11x,''Signal Coherence and Spectrum'')') write(3,'(12x,''Melvin Hinich''/)') c Sampling unit par='unit' buf=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/'' Error in read of sampling unit '',a15)')buf write(109,'(/'' Error in read of sampling unit '',a15)')buf stop endif su=buf(:15) ia=index(buf,'kHz') ib=index(buf,'khz') ic=index(buf,'Hz') ij=index(buf,'hz') if(ia>0.or.ib>0) then c kHz iunit=1 endif if((ic>0.or.ij>0).and.(ia==0.and.ib==0)) then c Hz iunit=2 endif if(ia==0.and.ib==0.and.ic==0.and.ij==0) then c Unit set in cnl file iunit=0 endif c------- c Read data file header call readhead(buf,nfl,nc,sr,fmt,iunit,2,3) write(3,'(1x,a79)')buf c------- if(iunit>0) then c Lower frequency par='wer freq' fl=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==1) then write(3,'(/'' Type lower freq rather than longest period in sett *ing the band in %.cnl'')') write(6,'(/'' Type lower freq rather than longest period in sett *ing the band in %.cnl'')') write(109,'(/'' Type lower freq rather than longest period in sett *ing the band in %.cnl'')') stop endif c Upper frequency par='per freq' fu=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==1) then write(3,'(/'' Type upper freq rather than shortest period in set *ting the band in %.cnl'')') write(6,'(/'' Type upper freq rather than shortest period in set *ting the band in %.cnl'')') write(109,'(/'' Type upper freq rather than shortest period in set *ting the band in %.cnl'')') stop endif elseif(iunit==0) then c Longest period par='gest period' fl=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==1) then write(3,'(/'' Type longest period rather than lower freq in se *tting the band in the cnl file'')') write(6,'(/'' Type longest period rather than lower freq in se *tting the band in the cnl file'')') write(109,'(/'' Type longest period rather than lower freq in se *tting the band in the cnl file'')') stop endif c Shortest period par='test period' fu=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==1) then write(3,'(/'' Type shortest period rather than upper freq in s *etting the band in %.cnl'')') write(6,'(/'' Type shortest period rather than upper freq in s *etting the band in %.cnl'')') write(109,'(/'' Type shortest period rather than upper freq in s *etting the band in %.cnl'')') stop endif endif c------- c Resolution bandwidth par='ion bandwidth' rb=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==4) then write(3,*)'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' write(6,*)'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' write(109,*)'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' ia=index(name,'idth') write(3,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) write(6,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) write(109,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) stop endif if(rb<=0.0) then write(3,*)'Resolution bandwidth < 0' write(6,*)'Resolution bandwidth < 0' write(109,*)'Resolution bandwidth < 0' stop endif c------- dtnd='n' c Curvilinear detrending ia=index(name,'trend') if(ia>0) then dtnd='y' endif c------- p=0 ia=index(name,'rewhite') c Prewhiten by an AR(p) fit if(ia>0) then ib=index(name(ia:ia+20),'AR') ic=index(name(ia:ia+20),'ar') if(ib>0) then par='R' delim(1:2)='()' p=numread(par,name(ib:),delim,ia,ier,6) elseif(ic>0) then par='r' delim(1:2)='()' p=numread(par,name(ic:),delim,ia,ier,6) endif endif delim(1:2)='= ' if(p>0.or.dtnd=='y') then c Probability threshold for AR t values par='ty threshold' pv=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier>0) then write(6,*)'Error in read of prob threshold in cnl file' write(109,*)'Error in read of prob threshold in cnl file' stop endif c Trap pv if(pv<=0.) then write(3,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' < 0' write(3,*)'Set pv = 0 if you do not want to prewhiten' write(6,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' < 0' write(6,*)'Set pv = 0 if you do not want to prewhiten' write(109,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' < 0' write(109,*)'Set pv = 0 if you do not want to prewhiten' stop endif if(pv>1) then write(3,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' > 1' write(6,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' > 1' write(109,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' > 1' stop endif endif c------- c % taper pt=0.0 par='taper' pt=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier>0) then pt=0.0 endif c------- c Spectrum smoothing bandwidth smb=0.0 par='hing bandwidth' smb=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==4) then write(3,*)'Place a period in the spectrum smoothing bandwidth val *ue' write(6,*)'Place a period in the spectrum smoothing bandwidth val *ue' write(109,*)'Place a period in the spectrum smoothing bandwidth val *ue' ia=index(name,'idth') write(3,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) write(6,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) stop elseif(ier==0) then par='hing Bandwidth' smb=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==4) then write(3,*)'Place a period in the spectrum smoothing bandwidth * value' write(6,*)'Place a period in the spectrum smoothing bandwidth * value' write(109,*)'Place a period in the spectrum smoothing bandwidth * value' ia=index(name,'idth') write(3,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) write(6,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) write(109,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) stop endif endif if(smb>rb.and.rb>0) then c No. of bins to smooth nw=nint(smb/rb) nw=2*(nw/2)+1 else nw=0 endif c Spectrogram segment length lw=0 par='ength' lw=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(6,*)'Error in read of segment length in cnl file' write(109,*)'Error in read of segment length in cnl file' stop endif c Segment overlap ov=0 par='rlap' ov=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(lw==0) then c No overlap ov=0 endif c Interpolation padding npd=1 par='adding' npd=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==1) then npd=1 endif c------- c Trap npd if(npd<0) then write(3,*)'No. of pads ',npd,' < 0' write(6,*)'No. of pads ',npd,' < 0' write(109,*)'No. of pads ',npd,' < 0' stop endif if(npd==0) then npd=1 endif c------- if(iunit==0) then c Trap short period0.0) then write(6,'(/2x,''Shortest period '',g12.6,'' < 2*sampling interva *l '',g12.6/)')fu,2.0*sr write(109,'(/2x,''Shortest period '',g12.6,'' < 2*sampling inter *val '',g12.6/)')fu,2.0*sr stop endif c Trap fl=0 for low band period if(fl<=0.0) then fl=1.e6 endif c Invert period to frequency fl=1.0/fl if(fu>0.0) then fu=1.0/fu else fu=0.5 endif endif if(iunit>0) then if(fu>sr/2.0.and.fu>0.0) then write(6,'(/2x,''Upper frequency '',f12.3,'' > sampling rate/2 '' *f12.3/)')fu,sr/2.0 write(109,'(/2x,''Upper frequency '',f12.3,'' > sampling rate/2 * ''f12.3/)')fu,sr/2.0 stop endif if(fu==0) then fu=0.5*sr endif endif if(fu>0.0.and.fl>fu) then write(3,*)'Upper band in %.cnl ',fu,' < lower band ',fl write(6,*)'Upper band in %.cnl ',fu,' < lower band ',fl write(109,*)'Upper bw in %.cnl ',fu,' < lower band ',fl if(iunit==1) then write(3,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are kHz' write(6,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are kHz' write(109,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are kHz' elseif(iunit==2) then write(3,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are Hz' write(6,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are Hz' write(109,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are Hz' else write(3,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are ',su write(6,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are ',su write(109,*)'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are ',su endif stop endif c Trap taper % if(pt<>25.) then write(3,*)'Taper % not in range (0,25) ',pt write(6,*)'Taper % not in range (0,25) ',pt write(109,*)'Taper % not in range (0,25) ',pt stop endif c------- c File read start is=1 par='d start' is=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier>0) then write(3,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of start datum' write(3,*)par write(6,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of start datum' write(6,*)par write(109,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of start datum' write(109,*)par stop endif c File read end ie=0 par='d end' ie=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier>0) then write(3,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of end datum' write(3,*) par write(6,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of end datum' write(6,*)par write(109,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of end datum' write(109,*)par stop endif if(is<1) then write(3,*)'IS in %.cnl is < 1 ',is write(6,*)'IS in %.cnl is < 1 ',is write(109,*)'IS in %.cnl is < 1 ',is stop elseif(ie/=0.and.ienfl) then write(3,*)'IE ',ie, ' > N in data file',nfl write(6,*)'IE ',ie, ' > N in data file',nfl write(109,*)'IE ',ie, ' > N in data file',nfl stop endif if(ie==0) then ie=nfl endif c True sample size n=ie-is+1 c------- c Increase sampling rate if data is interpolated psr=dfloat(npd)*dble(sr) c------- c Frame length lb if(iunit==1) then lb=nint(sngl(dble(psr)*1.d3/dble(rb))) endif if(iunit==2) then lb=nint(sngl(dble(psr)/dble(rb))) psr=psr*1.e-3 c Convert frequencies from Hz to kHz fl=dble(fl)*1.d-3 fu=dble(fu)*1.d-3 endif if(iunit==0) then c Time unit & decrease sampling interval if data is interpolated psr=dble(sr)/dfloat(npd) lb=nint(sngl(dble(rb)/dble(psr))) endif c Trap lb if(lb<1) then write(3,*)'Frame length = ',lb,' < 1' write(6,*)'Frame length = ',lb,' < 1' write(109,*)'Frame length = ',lb,' < 1' if(iunit>0) then write(3,*)'Decrease resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',n write(6,*)'Decrease resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',n write(109,*)'Decrease resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',n else write(3,*)'Increase resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',n write(6,*)'Increase resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',n write(109,*)'Increase resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',n endif stop endif c Trap lw if(lw>0.and.lw>n/2) then write(3,'(/7x,''ERROR - segment length > N/2 = '',i6)')n/2 write(3,'(/7x,''Segment length set = '',i6/)')lw write(6,'(/7x,''ERROR - segment length > N/2 = '',i6)')n/2 write(6,'(/7x,''Segment length set = '',i6/)')lw write(109,'(/7x,''ERROR - segment length > N/2 = '',i6)')n/2 write(109,'(/7x,''Segment length set = '',i6/)')lw stop endif if(lw>0.and.lw0) then fl=fl/psr if(fu>0.) then fu=fu/psr else fu=0.5 endif else fl=fl*psr fu=fu*psr endif c------- c Trap top band if(fu>0.5) then write(3,*)'Normalized upper band = ',fu, ' > 0.5' write(6,*)'Normalized upper band = ',fu, ' > 0.5' write(109,*)'Normalized upper band = ',fu, ' > 0.5' if(iunit==1) then write(3,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are kHz' write(6,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are kHz' write(109,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are kHz' elseif(iunit==2) then write(3,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are Hz' write(6,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are Hz' write(109,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are Hz' else write(3,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are ',su write(6,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are ',su write(109,*)'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are ',su endif write(3,*)' Sampling unit ',su,' Sampling rate/interval ',psr write(3,*)'iunit = ',iunit write(6,*)' Sampling unit ',su,' Sampling rate/interval ',psr write(6,*)'iunit = ',iunit write(109,*)' Sampling unit ',su,' Sampling rate/interval ',psr write(109,*)'iunit = ',iunit stop endif c Trap p if(p<0) then write(3,*)'AR parameter ',p,' < 0. p set = 0' write(6,*)'AR parameter ',p,' < 0. p set = 0' write(109,*)'AR parameter ',p,' < 0. p set = 0' p=0 elseif(p>(n/4)) then write(3,*)'AR parameter ',p,' > n/4. p set = 0' write(6,*)'AR parameter ',p,' > n/4. p set = 0' write(109,*)'AR parameter ',p,' > n/4. p set = 0' p=0 endif c------- c Trap spectral smoothing width nsmooth=nint(0.75*float(lb)) if(nw>nsmooth) then write(3,*)'Spectral smoothing bandwidth is too large' write(3,*)'No. of bins to be smoothed ',nw,' > (3/4)lb= ',nsmooth write(6,*)'Spectral smoothing bandwidth is too large' write(6,*)'No. of bins to be smoothed ',nw,' > (3/4)lb= ',nsmooth write(109,*)'Spectral smoothing bandwidth is too large' write(109,*)'No. of bins to be smoothed ',nw,' > (3/4)lb= ',nsmoo *th stop endif c------- write(3,'(/2x,''First datum used '',i8,2x,''Last datum used'',i8, *2x,''Sample size = '',i8)')is,ie,n c------- c Increase sample & segment length=nsg if npd>1 nn=npd*n if(lw==0) then nsg=nn elseif(lw>0) then nsg=npd*lw else write(3,'(/4x,''ERROR - segment length is wrong''/)') write(6,'(/4x,''ERROR - segment length is wrong''/)') write(109,'(/4x,''ERROR - segment length is wrong''/)') stop endif np=nn/lb c Trap no. of frames if(np<2) then write(3,*)'No. frames ',np,' < 2',' lb ',lb,' pads ',npd write(6,*)'No. frames ',np,' < 2',' lb ',lb,' pads ',npd write(109,*)'No. frames ',np,' < 2',' lb ',lb,' pads ',npd if(iunit>0) then write(3,*)'Increase resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',nn write(6,*)'Increase resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',nn write(109,*)'Increase resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',nn else write(3,*)'Decrease resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',nn write(6,*)'Decrease resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',nn write(109,*)'Decrease resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',nn endif stop endif c Seg - number of segments with or without overlap if(ov>0) then c Segment moved ov at each iteration seg=(nn-nsg)/ov+1 if(ov*(seg-1)+nsg+1>nn) then seg=seg-1 endif elseif(ov==0) then c No overlap seg=nn/nsg endif c Trap np if(seg<1)then write(3,'(/7x,''ERROR - Segment length is too large''/)') write(3,'(7x,''Segment = '',i6,'' Sample = '',i7/)')nsg,nn write(6,'(/7x,''ERROR - Segment length is too large''/)') write(6,'(7x,''Segment = '',i6,'' Sample = '',i7/)')nsg,nn write(109,'(/7x,''ERROR - Segment length is too large''/)') write(109,'(7x,''Segment = '',i6,'' Sample = '',i7/)')nsg,nn return endif if(seg==1) then c Open fname.signal for coherent part of the mean frame fname(nfn:nfn+7)='.signal' open(101,file=fname(:nfn+7),err=4,iostat=io4) c Open fname-modulation.out for modulations signals of the data columns fname(nfn:nfn+15)='-modulation.out' open(102,file=fname(:nfn+15),err=5,iostat=io5) endif c------- call array(n,nw,ie,is,lb,nsg,npd,fl,fu,rb,psr,pt,p,fmt,su,fn,pv,th *,nc,iunit,ov,seg,dtnd,3) if(nc>0) then write(3,'(7x,''Number of Data Columns = '',i2/)')nc endif c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Time and date of run & run time call head(mt,ndy,ny,gs,rt,3) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ return 1 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening cnl file no. ',nr,io1 write(6,*) cnl write(109,*)'**** Error on opening cnl file no. ',nr,io1 write(109,*)cnl stop 2 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening output file ',io2 write(109,*)'**** Error on opening output file ',io2 stop 3 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening data file ',io3 write(6,*)fn write(109,*)'**** Error on opening data file ',io3 write(109,*)fn stop 4 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening coherent part .sig file ',io4 write(109,*)'**** Error on opening coherent part .sig file ',io4 stop 5 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening modulations file ',io5 write(109,*)'**** Error on opening modulations file ',io5 stop 6 write(6,'(7x,''ERROR''/)') write(6,*)'End of file in the read of the cnl parameters' write(6,*)'Place the symbol # at the end of the parameter list in * the cnl file' write(6,'(a80)')cnl write(109,*)'End of file in the read of the cnl parameters' write(109,*)'Place the symbol # at the end of the parameter list i *n the cnl file' write(109,'(a80)')cnl stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine array(n,nw,ie,is,lb,nsg,npd,fl,fu,rb,sr,pt,p,fmt,su,fn, *pv,th,nc,iunit,ov,seg,dtnd,io) c******************************************************** c nsg - segment lenth, seg - no. of segments, ov - overlap c====================== allocatable::x,gr,sp,mod,a,v,w,y,z,ao,ik,f,g,rt,ts real x(:),y(:),z(:),a(:),gr(:),sp(:),mod(:),w(:),fl,fu real*8 v(:) complex ao(:),rt(:) complex*16 f(:),g(:) integer ik(:),p,n,is,ie,lb,npd,lw,ov,seg character*120 fn character*80 buf character*50 fmt character*25 ts(:) character*10 su character dtnd,mk intent(in) n,nw,ie,is,lb,nsg,fl,fu,sr,npd,pt,fmt,su,p,pv,th,nc,iun *it,ov,rb,seg,dtnd,io c********************** c Set il - bin for fu dlb=dfloat(lb) il=nint(sngl(dble(fl)*dlb)) il=max(il,1) n2=lb/2 c Set iu - upper band integer limit iu=nint(sngl(dble(fu)*dlb)) iu=min(iu,n2) if(il>=iu) then write(3,'(2x,''Lower bin no. '',i4,2x,''Upper bin no. '',i6/)')il *,iu write(6,'(2x,''Lower bin no. '',i4,2x,''Upper bin no. '',i6/)')il *,iu write(109,'(2x,''Lower bin no. '',i4,2x,''Upper bin no. '',i6/)') *il,iu if(iunit>0) then write(3,'(2x,''Decrease resolution bandwidth '',f9.4)')rb write(3,'(/4x,''Frame length = '',i7)')lb else write(3,'(2x,''Increase resolution bandwidth '',f9.4)')rb write(3,'(/4x,''Frame length = '',i7)')lb endif if(iunit>0) then write(6,'(2x,''Decrease resolution bandwidth '',f9.4)')rb write(6,'(/4x,''Frame length = '',i7)')lb else write(6,'(2x,''Increase resolution bandwidth '',f9.4)')rb write(6,'(/4x,''Frame length = '',i7)')lb endif if(iunit>0) then write(109,'(2x,''Decrease resolution bandwidth '',f9.4)')rb write(109,'(/4x,''Frame length = '',i7)')lb else write(109,'(2x,''Increase resolution bandwidth '',f9.4)')rb write(109,'(/4x,''Frame length = '',i7)')lb endif stop elseif(il>=iu .and. iu==n2) then write(io,*)'fl ',fl,'=',fu,' fu: ERROR in band settings in cnl' write(6,*)'fl ',fl,'=',fu,' fu: ERROR in band settings in cnl' write(109,*)'fl ',fl,'=',fu,' fu: ERROR in band settings in cnl' stop endif c No. of frequency bins in band jf=iu-il+1 c------- nn=npd*n na=max(nn,nsg) n1=n*nc-1 n2=na-1 n3=nc*lb-1 n4=lb-1 n5=p-1 n6=nsg-1 n7=2*jf*seg-1 c------- c Allocate space allocate(x(0:n1),mod(0:n1),y(0:n2),z(0:n3),a(0:n4),sp(0:n4),w(0:n2 *),ao(0:p),rt(0:p-1),ik(0:n5),f(0:n6),g(0:n4),gr(0:n7),v(0:4*nsg+14 *),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(3,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in array' stop endif c------- c Parse format to see if there is an 'a' for time values c If so then set mk='m' to flag times mk='a' ia=index(fmt,'a') if(ia>0) then mk='m' endif if(mk=='m') then nmk=ie allocate(ts(0:nmk-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(3,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for array ts' write(6,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for array ts' write(109,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for array ts' stop endif else nmk=1 allocate(ts(0:0)) endif c Write header for summary stats in file 3 call wrh(su,sr,rb,n,ov,nsg,seg,npd,lb,pt,p,pv,th,nw,fl,fu,iunit,io *) call roc(x,sp,mod,a,w,y,z,ts,ao,rt,f,g,gr,v,ik,n,nw,lb,npd,fl,fu,i *s,ie,il,jf,pt,sr,su,nmk,p,mk,fmt,pv,rb,th,fn,na,nc,iunit,ov,nsg,se *g,dtnd,io) c------- deallocate(x,sp,mod,a,w,y,z,ao,ik,f,g,gr,rt,ts,v) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine roc(x,sp,mod,a,w,y,z,ts,ao,rt,f,g,gr,v,ik,n,nw,lb,npd,f *l,fu,is,ie,il,jf,pt,sr,su,nmk,p,mk,fmt,pv,rb,th,fn,na,nc,iunit,ov, *nsg,seg,dtnd,io) c******************************************************** c Read data & loop on nc columns c======================================================== real x(n,nc),mod(n,nc),y(na),z(lb,nc),a(lb),gr(2*jf,seg),sp(lb),w( *na),fl,fu,spmax,spmin,spx,spn,amin,amax real*8 v(4*nsg+15),c(4) integer ik(p),in(4),nc,p,po,ov,seg,t,iunit,nsg,is,ie,jf,nw,lb,io complex ao(p+1),rt(p) complex*16 f(0:nsg-1),g(0:lb-1) character*120 fn character*50 fmt,fname character*40 id character*25 ts(nmk) character*10 su character*2 chno,co character dtnd,mk intent(in) n,nw,lb,fl,fu,is,ie,il,jf,npd,pt,sr,su,nmk,p,mk,fmt,pv, *rb,th,fn,na,nc,iunit,ov,nsg,seg,dtnd,io c********************** c Read data call datc(x,ts,fmt,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,2,io) c nsg - (padded) segment length if(ov==0) then novlap=nsg elseif(ov>0) then c Set pointer for overlap novlap=ov else write(6,*)'Overlap parameter ',ov,' is incorrect' write(3,*)'Overlap parameter ',ov,' is incorrect' stop endif c------- ia=index(fn,'.') c Parse for up to 4 path switches ib=index(fn,'\') if(ib>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic if(ic>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic if(ic>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic endif endif else ib=1 endif fname=fn(ib:ia) nfn=ia-ib+1 n1=nc+6 nc2=nc+nc+6 c Max and min of spectrum for initial min & max amax=-1.0 amin=1.e7 c Loop on nc columns do kr=1,nc c Column kr name co=chno(kr) fname(nfn:nfn)='-' fname(nfn+1:nfn+2)=co rewind(2) read(2,'(a40)')id write(io,'(16x,12(''=''))') write(io,'(17x,''Column '',i3)')kr write(io,'(16x,12(''='')/)') if(seg==1) then c Open fname-co.graph close(n1+kr) fname(nfn+2:nfn+8)='.graph' open(n1+kr,file=fname(:nfn+8),err=1,iostat=io1) write(n1+kr,'(a40)')id endif if(seg>1) then close(n1+kr) fname(nfn+2:nfn+14)='.spectrogram' open(n1+kr,file=fname(:nfn+14),err=2,iostat=io2) write(n1+kr,'(a40)')id close(nc2+kr) fname(nfn+2:nfn+14)='.cohprobgram' open(nc2+kr,file=fname(:nfn+14),err=3,iostat=io3) write(nc2+kr,'(a40)')id endif c------- c Shift kr column to y do t=1,n y(t)=x(t,kr) enddo c Compute statistics for input data call stat(n,y,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin,io) write(io,'(60(''*''))') write(io,'(7x,''Descriptive Statistics of the Data = '',i8)')n call wrstat(io,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin) c Normalize data do t=1,n y(t)=(y(t)-am)/sd enddo c------- po=0 if(dtnd=='y') then c Detrend call detrend(y,w,c,in,n,pv,po,io) c Residuals w =>y do t=1,n y(t)=w(t) enddo endif c------- po=0 if(p>0) then c Least squares AR(p) - residuals in array w, coefficients in v call far(y,v,a,w,ik,r2,sig,n,p,po,pv,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*)'Error in subroutine far ',ier write(6,*)'Error in subroutine far ',ier return endif c Compute statistics of the residuals call stat(n,w,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin,io) c------- c White test with exponent exp exp=0.33 call port(w,n,exp,ct,io) if(po>0) then if(iunit>0) then srt=sr/float(npd) else srt=float(npd)*sr endif call outar(v,a,ao,rt,ik,r2,sig,su,srt,pv,po,iunit,io) endif write(io,'(60(''*''))') write(io,'(10x,''Descriptive Statistics of AR Residuals'')') call wrstat(io,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin) write(io,'(/7x,''Whiteness test statistic p-value = '',f7.3/)')ct c------- c Interpolate data for grid unit/npd if npd > 1 =>w if(npd>1) then call interp(w,y,f,v,lw,npd,io) c y =>w do t=1,npd*n w(t)=y(t) enddo endif endif if(p==0) then if(npd>1) then call interp(y,w,f,v,lw,npd,io) else c y =>w do t=1,n w(t)=y(t) enddo endif endif c------- c Loop over segments do kp=1,seg spmax=0.0 spmin=1.e7 c Segment index km=(kp-1)*novlap c Shift kp segment to y do t=km+1,km+nsg y(t-km)=w(t) enddo call rn(y,gr,z,sp,mod,a,w,f,g,v,n,nw,lb,fl,fu,pt,sr,su,th,ty,kr, *na,nc,iunit,nsg,npd,seg,il,jf,kp,io) if(seg==0) then write(io,'(/7x,''p-value = '',f7.5)')1.0-ty call rmaxmin(sp,jf,spmax,spmin,amin,amax) write(io,'(/2x,''Maximum of Log Spectrum = '',f9.4,2x,''Minimum * = '',f9.4)')10.0*alog10(spmax),10.0*alog10(spmin) endif if(seg>1) then call rmaxmin(sp,jf,spx,spn,amin,amax) if(spx>spmax) then spmax=spx endif if(spn1) then c Spectrogram & cohprobgram for column kr call wrtgrmc(gr,sr,su,lb,il,jf,seg,iunit,nc,kr,km,io) write(io,'(/2x,''Maximum of Log Spectrum = '',f9.4,2x,''Minimum *= '',f9.4)')10.0*alog10(spmax),10.0*alog10(spmin) endif enddo c End of column loop if(seg==1) then c Write coherent mean if(nc>1) then write(101,'(1x,''Coherent Part of the Mean Frame of the '',i2,'' C *olumns'')')nc else write(101,'(1x,''Coherent Part of the Mean Frame'')') endif do k=1,lb write(101,'(:,100(f17.7))')(z(k,kcm),kcm=1,nc) enddo call flush(101) c Output mod write(102,'('' Signal Modulations'')') nrws=(n/lb)*lb if(iunit==0) then write(102,'(''rows='',i7,'' columns='',i2,'' sampling interval=1 *.0 format=(f14.5,1x) unit='',a10)')nrws,nc,su endif if(iunit==1) then write(102,'(''rows='',i7,'' columns='',i2,'' sampling rate='',f1 *2.3,'' format=(f14.5,1x) unit=kHz'')')nrws,nc,sr endif if(iunit==2) then write(102,'(''rows='',i7,'' columns='',i2,'' sampling rate='',f1 *2.3,'' format=(f14.5,1x) unit=Hz'')')nrws,nc,sr*1.e3 endif do t=1,nrws write(102,'(:,10000(f14.5,1x))')(mod(t,ncm),ncm=1,nc) enddo call flush(102) endif c------- write(io,'(60(''=''))') write(io,'(7x,''Header for Output in *.graph file''/)') if(iunit==1) then write(io,'(2x,''KHz, Log Spectrum (dB), Coherence, Chi-Square Pro *bability, Periodogram'')') endif if(iunit==2) then write(io,'(2x,''Hz, Log Spectrum (dB), Coherence, Chi-Square Prob *ability, Periodogram'')') endif if(iunit==0) then write(io,'(2x,''Period '',a10,'', Log Spectrum (dB), Coherence, C *hi-Square Probability, Periodogram'')')su endif write(io,'(/7x,'' Format: '',a50/)')fmt c Write large sample se bk=float(n/lb) cb=10.0/(alog(10.0)*sqrt(bk)) write(io,'(7x,''Large Sample Standard Error = '',g9.4/)')cb c------- call flush(io) return 1 write(3,*)'**** Error opening spectrum.graph file ',io1 stop 2 write(6,*)'**** Error opening spectrogram file ',io2 stop write(109,*)'**** Error opening spectrogram file ',io2 stop 3 write(6,*)'**** Error opening cohprobgram file ',io3 stop write(109,*)'**** Error opening cohprobgram file ',io3 stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine rn(y,gr,z,sp,mod,a,w,f,g,v,n,nw,lb,fl,fu,pt,sr,su,th,ty *,kr,na,nc,iunit,nsg,npd,seg,il,jf,kp,io) c******************************************************** c Compute stats =. graph for kr column, nsg - seg length, ty - stationarity cdf c Input: y - data array, su - unit, sr - sampling rate, lb - frame length c fl - lower freq, fu - upper freq, pt - % taper, th - coh thresh, kr - column c nw - no. of spectrum bins smoothed by convol, seg - segments, kp - seg index c gr(1,:) - sigcoh probs, gr(jf+1:) - dB spectrum for column kr c w - coherences, z - coherent part of mean kr frame, linear spectrum c======================================================== allocatable::b,r real y(na),gr(2*jf,seg),mod(n,nc),z(lb,nc),a(lb),sp(lb),w(na),b(:) *,r(:) real*8 v(4*nsg+15) integer seg complex*16 f(0:nsg-1),g(0:lb-1) character*10 su intent(in) y,n,nw,lb,fl,fu,sr,pt,su,th,kr,na,nc,iunit,nsg,npd,seg, *il,jf,kp,io intent(out) gr,mod,sp,ty,z c********************** allocate(b(0:lb-1),r(0:n-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*)'Unable to allocate work space for b & r' write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for b & r' stop endif c a - chi**2, b - |A|**2/lb, g - FFT mean frame, sp - spectrum, v - for lb call cohern(y,sp,mod,a,b,f,v,g,r,sg,fl,fu,nsg,lb,il,jf,nw,npd,pt,t *y,nc,kr,io) iu=il-1+jf call flush(io) c gr(1,:) - sigcoh probs, gr(jf+1:) - spectrum for column kr c w - coherences, z - coherent part of mean kr frame call grams(a,gr,sp,w,th,lb,il,jf,seg,nsg,kp,io) if(seg==1) then c z - coherent part of mean frame, sg - standard deviation of mean frame call cohsig(w,z,sg,f,g,v,lb,il,jf,sr,th,iunit,nc,seg,kr,io) endif call flush(io) c Output spectrum if(seg==1) then call wrtspec(gr,w,b,lb,il,jf,seg,su,sr,iunit,nc+6+kr,io) endif c------- deallocate(b,r) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine cohern(x,sp,mod,a,b,f,v,g,r,sg,fl,fu,n,lb,il,jf,nw,npd, *pt,ty,nc,kr,io) c******************************************************** c a - chi**2, b - |A|**2/lb, g - FFT of mean frame, sp - spectrum c v - initialized for lb, sg - standard deviation of mean frame c mod - modulation signals, kr - column, ty - stationarity test cdf c======================================================== real x(n),mod(n,nc),r(n),sp(lb),a(lb),b(lb),df,ty real*8 v(4*n+15) complex*16 f(0:n-1),g(0:lb-1) integer seg,t,n,lb,il,jf,nw,npd,kr,nc,n1,km1 intent(in) x,n,lb,npd,fl,fu,il,jf,nw,pt,nc,kr intent(out) sp,mod,a,b,g,v,sg,ty c********************** rl=float(lb) rp=float(npd) nrws=(n/lb)*lb scc=float(nrws)/(rl*rl) c a - squared cabs of FFT's of mean frame call amp(x,r,a,b,g,v,n,lb,il,jf,nt,pt,sg,sw,io) c Modulation r for column kr =>mod do t=1,n mod(t,kr)=r(t) enddo c Statistics of the modulation signal call stat(nrws,r,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin,io) write(io,'(60(''*''))') write(io,'(7x,''Descriptive Statistics of the Modulation'')') call wrstat(io,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin) write(io,'(60(''=''))') c------- c Compute spectrum - b=w in spec call spec(r,b,sp,f,v,n,lb,npd,il,jf,nt,sw,io) chst=0. df=0. c Chi**2 loop do k=1,jf c Chi square ch=a(k)/sp(k)*rp c Add sinusoid's power back to spectrum sp(k)=sp(k)+a(k)/rl c |A|**2/lb =>b b(k)=a(k)/rl c Save chi**2 => a a(k)=ch c Accumulate chi squares chst=chst+ch df=df+1.0 enddo c End of chi**2 looop chst=2.*scc*chst call cdchi(chst,2.0*df,ty,io) c------- c Smooth spectrum if nw > 2 if(nw>2) then ks=il-1 iu=ks+jf c Shift spectrum values to sp(lb/2+1) do k=1,n2 if(k=il .and. k<=iu) then sp(n2+k)=sp(k-ks) else sp(n2+k)=0.0 endif enddo call convolv(sp(n2+1),ws,n2,nw,il,iu,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*) 'ier = ',ier,' from CONVOL' endif c Shift back smoothed spectrum into sp do k=1,jf sp(k)=sp(n2+ks+k) enddo endif c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine amp(x,r,a,b,g,v,n,lb,il,jf,nt,pt,sg,sw,io) c******************************************************** c Complex amplitudes of mean signal c il - bin no. of lower freq, jf - No. of frequencies used c Output: a - squared cabs of FFT's of mean frame c g - FFT of mean frame, v - initialized for lb, b - taper values c sg - standard deviation of mean frame, r - modulation signal c======================================================== real x(n),r(n),a(lb),b(lb) real*8 v(4*lb+15),z complex*16 g(0:lb-1) intent(in) x,n,lb,il,jf,pt intent(out) a,b,g,r,v,nt,sg,sw c********************** c Average frame of x & subtract mean frame =>r call wave(x,r,a,n,lb,sg,io) c Initialize taper nt=0. sw=1. if(pt>0.) then call taper(b,lb,pt,sw,nt,io) c If no. of tapered values at ends < 1 set nt=0 if(nt<1) then nt=0 sw=1.0 endif endif c------- c Initialize v call cffti(lb,v) c Move a to complex g do j=1,lb g(j-1)=dcmplx(dble(a(j))) enddo c------- c FFT of average frame call cfftf(lb,g,v) c Compute squared magnitude ks=il-1 do k=1,jf kn=k+ks c Squared cabs(a(k)) z=dreal(g(kn))*dreal(g(kn))+dimag(g(kn))*dimag(g(kn)) a(k)=sngl(z) enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wave(x,r,a,n,lb,sg,io) c******************************************************** c Subtracts mean frame a from x c Output: a - mean frame, r - signal minus mean frame, sg - standard dev. c======================================================== real x(n),r(n),a(lb) real*8 sm,sv intent(in) x,n,lb,io intent(out) a,r,sg c********************* np=n/lb c Initialize signal array do k=1,lb a(k)=0. enddo c Loop over frames to compute mean frame do kb=1,np kp=(kb-1)*lb do k=1,lb ka=kp+k a(k)=a(k)+x(ka) enddo enddo c------ sm=0.d0 sv=0.d0 bk=float(np) do k=1,lb a(k)=a(k)/bk sm=sm+dble(a(k)) sv=sv+dble(a(k)*a(k)) enddo sm=sm/dfloat(lb) sg=sngl(dsqrt((sv-dfloat(lb)*sm*sm)/dfloat(lb-1))) c Subtract mean a from x do kb=1,np kp=(kb-1)*lb do k=1,lb ka=kp+k r(ka)=x(ka)-a(k) enddo enddo c------ return end c c=========================================== c subroutine spec(x,w,sp,f,v,n,lb,npd,il,jf,nt,sw,io) c******************************************************** c Frame averaged spectrum M. J. Hinich 9-26-2005 c x - data, w - taper weights c n - sample size, lb - frame size, nt - taper, nw - smooth sp c il - low freq bin of passband, iu - high freq bin of passband c======================================================== allocatable::y real x(n),sp(jf),w(lb),y(:) real*8 v(4*n+15) complex*16 f(0:n-1),cs2 intent(in) x,w,n,lb,il,jf,nt,sw,io intent(out) sp c********************** allocate(y(0:lb-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for array a' stop endif c Initialize arrays do k=1,jf sp(k)=0. enddo c------- np=n/lb bk=float(np) rp=float(npd) c Scale factor cs2=dcmplx(dfloat(lb)) c Pointers ks=il-1 iu=ks+jf c Start loop over frames do kb=1,np kp=(kb-1)*lb c Taper frame kb do k=1,lb ka=kp+k if(nt>0) then y(k-1)=w(k)*x(ka) else y(k-1)=x(ka) endif c Move x frame to complex f f(k-1)=dcmplx(dble(y(k-1))) enddo c FFT of frame call cfftf(lb,f,v) c------- c Periodogram fl0) then sp(jk)=sp(jk)/sw endif if(sp(jk)<1.e-6) then sp(jk)=1.e-6 endif endif enddo enddo c End of loop on frames c------- deallocate(y) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine grams(a,gr,sp,w,th,lb,il,jf,seg,nsg,kp,io) c******************************************** c Input: a - chi**2, sp -spectrum, seg - segments, kp - segment count c Output: gr(1,:) - sigcoh probs, gr(jf+1:) - dB spectrum for column kr c w - array of signal coherences c============================================ real a(jf),sp(jf),w(jf),gr(2*jf,seg),ach,sch,th,thrs integer seg intent(in) a,sp,th,lb,il,jf,seg,nsg,kp,io intent(out) gr,w c******************************************** if(seg>1) then c Coherence threshold thrs=1.0-1.0/float(jf) endif if(seg==1) then thrs=th endif rl=float(lb) scc=float(nsg)/(rl*rl) ks=il-1 do k=1,jf ach=a(k)/rl sch=sqrt(ach/(1.0+ach)) c Signal coherence =>w if(sch>=thrs) then c Coherence is larger than threshold w(k)=sch else w(k)=0.0 endif call cdchi((2.0*scc*a(k)),2.0,tpr,io) c Coherence probability gr(k,kp)=tpr c Spectrum in dB gr(jf+k,kp)=10.0*alog10(sp(k)) enddo c End of frequencies loop c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine cohsig(w,z,sg,f,g,v,lb,il,jf,sr,th,iunit,nc,seg,kr,io) c******************************************** c Input: w - signal coherences, v - initialized =>lb, th - coherence threshold c Output: z - CP of mean frame => column kr c============================================ real w(jf),z(lb,nc) real*8 v(4*lb+15),sm,sv complex*16 f(0:lb-1),g(0:lb-1) integer seg character*11 fry character*8 per character*2 chno,co intent(in) w,sg,g,v,lb,il,jf,sr,th,iunit,nc,seg,kr,io intent(out) z c******************************************** c Coherent average signal n2=lb/2 ks=il-1 iu=ks+jf kount=0 fry='-frequency=' per='-period=' nc2=nc+nc+6 rl=float(lb) c Resolution bandwidth if(iunit==1) then rb=sr/rl endif if(iunit==2) then rb=sr/rl*1.e3 endif c------- write(io,*) c Loop to zero outband & conjugate within band do k=1,n2 if(kiu) then f(k)=(0.d0,0.d0) f(lb-k)=(0.d0,0.d0) else tpr=w(k-ks) c Test coherence against threhold if(tpr>th) then f(k)=tpr*dconjg(g(k)) f(lb-k)=dconjg(f(k)) kount=kount+1 if(seg==1) then c Output frequency or period if(iunit>0) then fk=float(k)*rb write(io,'(a2,a11,f12.5)')chno(kount),fry,fk endif if(iunit==0) then fk=(rl*sr)/float(k) write(io,'(a2,a8,f12.5)')chno(kount),per,fk endif endif else f(k)=(0.d0,0.d0) f(lb-k)=(0.d0,0.d0) endif endif enddo c Trap no coherences >th if(kount==0) then return endif c Mean f(0)=g(0) call cfftf(lb,f,v) c Rescale signal sm=0.d0 sv=0.d0 do k=1,lb st=real(f(k-1))/float(lb) z(k,kr)=st sm=sm+dble(st) sv=sv+dble(st*st) enddo sm=sm/dfloat(lb) sig=sngl(dsqrt((sv-dfloat(lb)*sm*sm)/dfloat(lb-1))) c Scaling ratio scal=sg/sig do k=1,lb st=scal*z(k,kr) z(k,kr)=st enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine datc(x,ts,fmt,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,ii,io) c******************************************************** c Reads n data values from nc columns c x - input data matrix, ts - time marks if indicated by 'm' c======================================================== real x(n,nc) character*50 fmt character*25 ts(nmk) character mk intent(in) fmt,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,ii,io intent(out) x,ts c******************************************** nt=0 if(mk=='m') then ia=index(fmt,'(') ib=index(fmt,'a') if(ib==ia+1) then c Time mark column on left nt=1 elseif(ib>ia+2) then c Time mark column on right nt=2 elseif(nt==0) then write(io,'(7x,''/Data & time format is incorrect''/)') write(io,'(a50)')fmt write(6,'(7x,''/Data & time format is incorrect''/)') write(6,'(a50)')fmt write(109,'(7x,''/Data & time format is incorrect''/)') write(109,'(a50)')fmt stop endif endif c------- rewind(ii) c Skip header and parameter records read(ii,*) read(ii,*) c Read all the data if(mk=='m') then if(is==1) then do i=1,ie if(nt==1) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)ts(i),(x(i,k),k=1,nc) endif if(nt==2) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i,k),k=1,nc),ts(i) endif enddo endif if(is>1) then c Read is:ie do i=1,is-1 read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) enddo do i=is,ie if(nt==1) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)ts(i),(x(i-is+1,k),k=1,nc) endif if(nt==2) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i-is+1,k),k=1,nc),ts(i) endif enddo endif endif if(mk/='m') then if(is==1) then do i=1,n read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i,k),k=1,nc) enddo endif if(is>1) then do i=1,is-1 read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) enddo do i=is,ie read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i-is+1,k),k=1,nc) enddo endif endif return c-------- 1 write(io,*)'**** eof in read from data file ' write(io,*)'i = ',i return write(6,*)'**** eof in read from data file ' write(6,*)'i = ',i write(109,*)'**** eof in read from data file ' write(109,*)'i = ',i c Error in data read 2 write(io,*)'** Error in read of data file ',ko write(io,*)'Check format',fmt write(6,*)'** Error in read of data file ',ko write(6,*)'Check format',fmt write(109,*)'** Error in read of data file ',ko write(109,*)'Check format',fmt stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine interp(y,w,f,v,n,npd,io) c******************************************************** c Interpolate by padding FFT with 0's and then inverse FFT for data c======================================================== real y(npd*n),w(npd*n) real*8 v(4*npd*n+15) integer t complex*16 f(0:npd*n-1) intent(in) y,n,npd,io intent(out) w c************************** if(npd<2) then return endif c-------- no=npd*n n2=n/2 no2=no/2 c pi/2 pi2=acos(-1.)/2. c No. tapered after n2 ntap=max(nint(.05*float(n)),10) c Move x to dcomplex f do t=1,n f(t-1)=dcmplx(dble(y(t))) enddo c------- c Initialize v call cffti(n,v) c FFT of x call cfftf(n,f,v) do k=1,n2 f(no-k)=dconjg(f(k)) enddo do k=n2+1,n2+ntap f(k)=cos(pi2/float(ntap+1)*float(k-n2))*f(k) f(no-k)=dconjg(f(k)) enddo do k=n2+ntap,no2 f(k)=(0.d0,0.d0) f(no-k)=(0.d0,0.d0) enddo call cffti(no,v) call cfftf(no,f,v) do t=1,no w(t)=real(f(t-1))/float(no) enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrh(su,sr,rb,n,ov,nsg,seg,npd,lb,pt,p,pv,th,nw,fl,fu,iu *nit,io) c******************************************************** c Writes run information for main output in output files c======================================================== real*8 dlb integer p,ov,seg character*10 su intent(in) su,sr,rb,ov,nsg,seg,npd,lb,pt,p,pv,th,nw,fl,fu,iunit,io c********************** dlb=dfloat(lb) il=nint(sngl(dble(fl)*dlb)) il=max(il,1) iu=nint(sngl(dble(fu)*dlb)) iu=min(iu,n/2) rl=float(lb) rpd=float(npd) write(io,'(60(''='')/)') write(io,'('' Overlap = '',i5,'' Segment Length = '',i7,'' Number *of Segments = '',i6/)')ov,nsg,seg if(iunit==1) then a=float(il)/rl*sr b=float(iu)/rl*sr c Lower and upper frequencies for band write(io,'('' Sampling rate ='',f12.3,'' kHz''/)')sr/rpd write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth = '',f10.3,'' Hz.'',2x,''No. F *rames = '',i7,1x,''Frame Length = '',i7/)')rb,n/lb,lb/npd write(io,'('' Passband ('',f9.3,2x,f10.3,'' ) kHz'')')a,b if(npd>1) then write(io,'(/7x,''Data interpolated by a factor of '',i5)')npd endif endif c------ if(iunit==2) then a=float(il)/rl*sr*1.e3 b=float(iu)/rl*sr*1.e3 write(io,'('' Sampling rate ='',f12.3,'' Hz''/)')1.e3*sr/rpd write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth = '',f10.5,'' Hz.'',2x,''No. F *rames = '',i7,1x,''Frame Length = '',i7/)')rb,n/lb,lb/npd write(io,'('' Passband ('',f7.2,2x,f9.2,'' ) Hz'')')a,b if(npd>1) then write(io,'(/7x,''Data interpolated by a factor of '',i5)')npd endif endif c------ if(iunit==0) then a=rb/float(il) b=rb/float(iu) write(io,'('' Sampling interval = '',g12.6,1x,a7/)')sr*rpd,su write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth = '',g10.4,1x,a7,2x,''No. Fram *es = '',i7,1x,''Frame Length = '',i7/)')rb,su,n/lb,lb/npd write(io,'('' Passband ('',f9.2,2x,f9.2,'' )'',1x,a7)')a,b,su if(npd>1) then write(io,'(/7x,''Data interpolated by a factor of '',i3)')npd endif endif c------- write(io,'(/7x,''No. of frequencies in band '',i6/)')iu-il+1 c Number of values tapered from each end nt=nint(pt*rl/200.) if(pt>0.0.and.nt>=1) then write(io,'('' % taper = '',f5.2,4x,''No. tapered at each end = '' *,i5/)') pt,nt endif if(pt>0.0.and.nt<1) then write(io,'('' % Taper yields no. of tapered values < 1''/)') endif c------- if(nw>=3) then kw=2*(nw/2)+1 write(io,'(2x,''Spectrum is smoothed by a truncated cosine using *'',i5,'' adjacent bins''/)') kw elseif(nw>0.and.nw<3) then write(io,'('' Smoothing bandwidth < resolution bandwidth'')') write(io,'('' Spectrum is not smoothed''/)') else write(io,'('' Spectrum is not smoothed''/)') endif write(io,'(2x,''Coherence threshold for the coherent part of the f *rame = '',f7.4/)')th if(p>0) then write(io,'(2x,''Probability tail value threshold for the AR fit i *terations = '',f7.4/)')pv endif c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrstat(i,am,sig,sk,c4,c6,smax,smin) c**************************************************** c Data statistics c====================== implicit none real am,sig,sk,c4,c6,smax,smin integer i intent(in) i,am,sig,sk,c4,c6,smax,smin c******************************************** write(i,'(60(''='')/)') write(i,'('' Mean = '',g12.3,7x,''Std Dev = '',g12.3/)')am,sig write(i,'('' Skew = '',g10.3,4x,''Kurtosis = '',g10.3,4x,''C(6) = *'',f16.3/)')sk,c4,c6 write(i,'('' Max value = '',g12.3,7x,''Min value = '',g12.3)')smax *,smin c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrtspec(gr,w,b,lb,il,jf,seg,su,sr,iunit,m,io) c******************************************* c Output to file m - ,coherence w, coprob gr(1:), spectrum gr(fk+1:) c b - periodogram of mean frame c=========================================== real gr(2*jf,seg),w(jf),b(jf) integer seg character*10 su intent(in) gr,b,w,lb,il,jf,seg,su,sr,iunit,m,io c************************* rl=float(lb) ks=il-1 if(iunit==1) then c Resolution bandwidth rb=sr/rl do k=1,jf fk=float(ks+k)*rb spc=gr(jf+k,1) write(m,'(f14.4,2x,f10.4,2x,f5.3,2x,f7.5,2x,f16.3)')fk,spc,w(k), *gr(k,1),b(k) enddo endif if(iunit==2) then rb=sr/rl*1.e3 do k=1,jf fk=float(ks+k)*rb spc=gr(jf+k,1) write(m,'(f14.4,2x,f10.4,2x,f5.3,2x,f7.5,2x,e16.4)')fk,spc,w(k), *gr(k,1),b(k) enddo endif if(iunit==0) then c Periods do k=1,jf rk=(rl*sr)/float(ks+k) spc=gr(jf+k,1) write(m,'(f14.4,2x,f10.4,2x,f5.3,2x,f7.5,2x,e16.4)')rk,spc,w(k), *gr(k,1),b(k) enddo endif call flush(m) c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrtgrmc(x,sr,su,lb,il,jf,seg,iunit,nc,kr,km,io) c******************************************** c Write spectrogram & sigcohgram for each segment kr c x(1,seg) - sigcoh probabilities, x(jf+1,seg) - dB spectrum (gr in call) c sr - sampling rate, jf - no. spectral values, seg - segments, nc - columns c kr - columnindex, km - segment start with or without overlap c gr(1,:) - sigcoh probs, gr(jf+1:) - spectrum for column kr c M. J. Hinich Version: 11-14-2009 c=========================================================== allocatable::frq real x(2*jf,seg),frq(:),start character*10 su integer c,seg,lb,il,jf,iunit,nc,kr,mk,io intent(in) x,sr,su,lb,il,jf,seg,iunit,nc,kr,km,io c******************************************** c Segment start time in minutes if(iunit==1) then start=float(km)/(60.0*sr) elseif(iunit==2) then start=float(km)/(60.0*sr*1.e3) elseif(iunit==0) then start=float(km) endif c------- n1=nc+6+kr n2=nc+nc+6+kr allocate(frq(0:jf-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*)'Unable to allocate work space for array a' stop endif rl=float(lb) do k=0,jf-1 c Frequencies or periods if(iunit==1) then frq(k)=float(il+k)*(sr/rl) elseif(iunit==2) then frq(k)=float(il+k)*(sr/rl*1.e3) elseif(iunit==0) then frq(k)=(rl*sr)/float(il+k) endif enddo c Spectrogram do c=1,seg write(n1,'(:,10000(f14.5,1x))')(x(jf+k,c),k=1,jf) c Sigcohgram write(n2,'(:,10000(f14.5,1x))')(x(k,c),k=1,jf) enddo write(n1,'(:,10000(f14.5,1x))')(frq(k),k=0,jf-1) write(n2,'(:,10000(f14.5,1x))')(frq(k),k=0,jf-1) c------- deallocate(frq) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine rmaxmin(x,jf,maxx,minx,amin,amax) c******************************************** c Maximum & minimum values of array x c=========================================================== implicit none real x(jf),maxx,minx,amin,amax integer jf,t intent(in) x,jf,amin,amax intent(out) maxx,minx c******************************************** maxx=amax minx=amin do t=1,jf if(x(t)>maxx) then maxx=x(t) endif if(x(t)=10.and.kount<20) then chno(1:1)='1' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-10+48) endif if(kount>=20.and.kount<30) then chno(1:1)='2' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-20+48) endif if(kount>=30.and.kount<40) then chno(1:1)='3' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-30+48) endif if(kount>=40.and.kount<50) then chno(1:1)='4' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-40+48) endif if(kount>=50.and.kount<60) then chno(1:1)='5' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-50+48) endif if(kount>=60.and.kount<70) then chno(1:1)='6' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-60+48) endif if(kount>=70.and.kount<80) then chno(1:1)='7' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-70+48) endif if(kount>=80.and.kount<90) then chno(1:1)='8' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-80+48) endif if(kount>=90.and.kount<100) then chno(1:1)='9' chno(2:2)=achar(kount-90+48) endif c------- return end