program simarfit parameter(mt=2,ndy=16,ny=2007) c************************************ c Simulations of an ols fit of either an AR(p) or MA(p) model with or without c an additive trend or stochastic trend as described below. c File 3 - ARfit.out File 2 - File 4 - Forecast.out File 7 - Sim.log c======================================================== c c Lines for the control file SIMARFIT.CNL c c The parameters & commands are found using key words whose first letter c may be either upper or lower case. The rest of the key word must be in c lower case. The symbol ! is a wildcard for the value to be set. c Examples: !nrun below is the wildcard for the number of runs of the program c using different parameters. The integer to the right of the = sign in the c simarfit.cnl is read by the program. c !sigma below is the wildcard for the standard deviation. The real number to c the right of = is the value of the standard deviation. c c ALWAYS use 0.* rather than .* since the program searches for the number c to the left of the period in the parameter. c c A delimter symbol * must be placed on each line. c Use the keywords followed by an = sign and the setting. Some settings are c character strings while others are real numbers. c IMPORTANT: Place the symbol # in a line after these parameters are set. c The program searches for the symbol # to delimite the parameter reads. c Comments on the lines of the cnl file are placed to the right of the c symbol *. These are not read by the program. c c=================================================================== c c Number of runs=!run (!run is an integer to be read by the program) c c If run > 1 then the standard errors, their t statistics, and the c estimated moduli and period of the roots of the characteristic polynomial c of the estimated AR model are written to a file Sim.log. c This option is useful for production runs when run is large and will c only work if run > 1. c c============================ c c A character string such as 'abcd1234' are the characters enclosed by ' '. c These apostraphes are not typed in simarfit.cnl but are used to indicate c strings in the instructions. You do not have to use capital letters in c the control file. c c Type the character string 'output data */' if you want to open a file c called to output the x(t) generated by the program. c This file will only be opened if run=1. c c The data file is easily imported by Excel for making a chart (graph). c c If the string 'data' is not present then this file is not opened. c c c========================= c c Prob threshold=!rpv (for AR t values if AR fit is used) c !rpv - probability level threshold for the t statistics for the AR c coefficients of each AR fit. If a coefficient has a t value whose c absolute value has a probability Pr(abs(t)) < 1 - rpv, it is deleted in c the next AR fit. The covariance matrix is adjusted for the subset of c lagged values used. c c The AR model is estimated in the subroutine far which outputs the c po < np used as the end of at most three iterations. c c If rpv=1.0 then the full AR(np) model is estimated. c c============================ c c :: Settings to select between two options for a forecasting if run=1: c c Forecast='fitted model' c Then the fitted model is used to forecast up to 50 steps ahead. c c Forecast='random walk' c Then the forecast is based on a random walk with a drift "trend" plus c an AR(p) linea dynamic model. c c The random walk forecast after t = N is x(N) + c*t. It will be done only if c the data is detrended by first differencing. c c Forecast=no c No forecasting is done. c c If run=1 and Forecast=fitted model or Forecast=random walk then a file c called 'Forecast.out' is opened. This file has three columns and 50 rows. c The first column are the actual values of x(t) generated after the c sample that is generated to estimate the model parameters. c The second column are 50 sequential forecasts of x(t) using the true c AR model. The third column are 50 sequential forecasts using the c estimated AR parameters. c c============================ c c The loop on runs k = 1,...,nrun begins. The next set of parameter setting c are repeated for each run with different values. c Type # to delimite the end of the reads of these parameters for each run c c============================ c c Sample size=!n c c============================ c c :: Settings to control the form of the artificial data with or without an c additive trend. c c Type the string 'ar(!p)' or 'AR(!p)' if you want to generate an AR(!p) c autoregressive model where !p=1 or !p is an even integer < 11 c Type the string 'ma(!p)' or 'MA(!P)' if you want to generate an MA(!p) c moving average model. c c IMPORTANT: The integer p must be less than or equal to 20. c c The parameters of the AR(!p) process is calculated from the magnitude & c period of the complex roots of the model set below. c If an AR(1) model is selected then the lag parameter is the magnitude of c a real root. c c The parameters for the AR model are read in the second reads loop. c c============================ c c Maximum root magnitude=!rmd c c !rmd is the magnitude of the first two conjugate roots if an AR(p) model ` c is selected or it is the the value of the lag parameter of the AR(1). c c The magnitude can GREATER than 1.0 for an MA(q) using the flipped root c convention where the roots have to be inside the unit circle |z|=1. c c If !rmd=0 then the IMPULSE RESPONSE is calculated and is written to the c file c c The magnitude of the kth pair of conjugate roots is rmd*(1-k/p) c for k=0,1,2,...p/2-1. c c These coefficients make up the coefficients of the MA models. c c============================ c c Frequency=!fr c c !fr is the frequency of the first two conjugate roots for the selected c AR(p) model. c c============================ c c Innovations std dev=!sig (real) c !sig - standard deviation of model's stochastic input process e(t) c c============================ c c Trend type='character strings to control three options for a trend' c c Trend type=none c c The default is NO trend. If Trend or trend is not present in simarfit.cnl c then no trend is added to the AR process. c c Trend type=curve c if you want to add a curvilinear trend to the AR process. The output is c x(t) = c(0) + c(1)*(tc-1/2) + c(2)*(tc**2 - tc + 1/6) + AR(1 or 2) c where tc = t/N. c The intercept c(0) and c(1) & c(2) are read from settings below. c c Trend type=stochastic c if you want to use a stochastic trend model with p roots and a drift d. c Then the output is x(t) is the solution of the two equations c c y(t) = d + x(t) - rho*x(t-1) & y(t) + a(1)*y(t-1) + a(p)*y(t-p) = sig*e(t) c c where rho = 1 & the e(t) are unit variance innovations. This model is an c AR(p+1) in {x(t)} where one root is rho=1. c Then x(t)=d*t+y(t)+y(t-1)+... c c============================ c c If a curvilinear trend is added to the data then type c Trend intercept=!c c !c - intercept of linear trend c c Linear trend slope=!s c !s - slope of linear part of the trend c c Slope of quadratic=!q c !q - slope of the quadratic part of the trend c c Use zeros for the intercept & slopes if you want to override the c switch 'curve' if it set above. c c If a stochastic trend is used then type c Stochastic trend drift=!d c !d - drift constant d above c c If no trend is added then leave out these command strings or put then c at the bottom of simarfit.cnl underneath the delimeter # or set the s c parameters to zero. c c============================ c c Noise model= (for the kth run) c After the = sign type one of the five model types: c gaussian, exponential, double tailed exponential, uniform, log normal c c============================ c c :: Settings to control the method for fitting a model to the data: c c Model fit='character strings to control the fitting method' c c Model fit=AR(!np) or fit=ar(!np) c if you want to fit an AR(np) to the artificial data c !np - starting number of parameters of a recursive least squares AR fit c if np > 0. If np = 0 then this step is bypassed. c c No AR fit is made if this character string is absent in the lines above #. c c The residuals of the AR(np) are white if np is sufficiently large. c Using an AR(np) fit to generate white residuals is a linear operation c on the data. The AR model is estimated in the subroutine far that outputs c the po < np used as the end the iterations. c c============================ c c Character strings to control two options for a detrending: c c Detrend='character string' c c Detrend=curve c c Detrend the data by fitting a linear plus quadratic curve using OLS. c c Detrend='first difference' c c First difference the data. c c Detrend='second difference' c c Second difference the data. c c You can NOT use both the linear fit and differencing. c It is either one or the other. c c Detrend='no' for no detrending or move this line to the bottom c c==================================== integer run character*700 name character*80 buf character*50 charead character*20 dt,par character*2 delim,ot logical ex1 c************************************ c Open control and summary output file inquire(file='simarfit.cnl',exist=ex1) if(.not.ex1) then write(6,*) 'Simarfit.cnl file does not exist in the working dire *ctory' stop endif open(1,file='simarfit.cnl',err=1,iostat=io1,status='old') open(3,file='ARfit.out',err=2,iostat=io2) c Start time call cpu_time(gs) ip=0 do k=1,7 c Clear buf do n=1,80 buf(n:n)=' ' enddo c Read line read(1,'(a80)') buf ia=index(buf,'#') if(ia>0) then exit endif ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(3,*) 'Place comment marker * after parameters on simarfit. *cnl' write(6,*) 'Place comment marker * after parameters on simarfit. *cnl' write(3,'(a70)')buf write(6,'(a70)')buf stop endif ig=ig-1 name(ip+1:ip+ig)=buf(:ig) ip=ip+ig enddo c Number of runs run=1 pv=1. par='runs' delim(1:2)='= ' run=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier==1) then write(3,*) 'The string runs= is not in the cnl file' write(6,*) 'The string runs= is not in the cnl file' stop endif c Threshold for t value par='hreshold' pv=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(pv<=0. .or. pv>1.) then write(3,*) 't value threshold ',pv,' out of bounds' write(6,*) 't value threshold ',pv,' out of bounds' stop endif ot='nn' if(run==1) then c Check for forecast par='ecast' dt=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier==0) then i1=index(dt,'no') if(i1>0) then c No forecast ot(1:1)='n' endif i1=index(dt,'itt') if(i1>0) then ot(1:1)='f' c Forecast using the fitted model endif i1=index(dt,'walk') if(i1>0) then c Random walk forecast ot(1:1)='w' endif endif if(ot(1:1)/='n') then c Open file Forecast.out file open(4,file='Forecast.out',err=3,iostat=io3) endif elseif(run>1) then ot(2:2)='r' open(7,file='Sim.log',err=4,iostat=io4) endif is=index(name,'data') if(is>0 .and. run==1) then c Data file will be opened in loop open(2,file='',err=5,iostat=io5) ot(2:2)='d' endif c------- c Start loop on runs do nr=1,run if(run>1) then write(3,'(15x,''|'',14(''=''),''|'')') write(3,'(15x,''| Run No. '',i3,'' |'')') nr write(3,'(15x,''|'',14(''=''),''|''/)') endif call loop(nr,run,pv,ot,3) call flush(3) if(ot(2:2)=='r') then call flush(7) endif enddo c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Time and date of run & run time call head(mt,ndy,ny,gs,rt,3) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ stop 1 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening control file 1 ',io1 stop 2 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening output file ',io2 stop 3 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening Forecast.out file ',io3 stop 4 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening Sim.log file ',io4 stop 5 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening file ',io5 stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine loop(nr,run,pv,ot,io) c******************************************************** c Open data file and read data c======================================================== allocatable::a,x,s,e,r,c,v,in,mag,freq,root real x(:),s(:),e(:),r(:),a(:),ts(0:2),d(0:2) real*8 c(:),v(:),mag(:),freq(:),pi2,s1 complex*16 root(:) integer in(:),p,q,po,run,seed,t character*700 name character*80 buf character*50 charead character*25 model character*20 dt,par character*2 delim,ot character ch,dtrend,init,mod intent(in) nr,run,pv,ot,io c******************************************** ip=0 do k=1,17 c Clear buf do n=1,80 buf(n:n)=' ' enddo c Read line read(1,'(a80)') buf ia=index(buf,'#') if(ia>0) then exit endif ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(io,*) 'Place comment marker * after parameters on simarfit *.cnl' write(io,'(a70)') buf stop endif ig=ig-1 name(ip+1:ip+ig)=buf(:ig) ip=ip+ig enddo c Sample size par='size' delim(1:2)='= ' n=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*)'Error in reading sample size' write(6,*)'Error in reading sample size' stop endif c Model type par='model' dt=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(io,*)'Error in reading model type' write(6,*)'Error in reading model type' stop endif if(ia>0) then ig=index(name,'gauss') id=index(name,'aile') ie=index(name,'exp') iu=index(name,'unif') iln=index(name,'log') if(ig>0) then ch='g' model='gaussian' elseif(id>0) then ch='d' model='double tailed exponential' elseif(ie>0) then ch='e' model='exponential' elseif(iu>0) then ch='u' model='uniform' elseif(iln>0) then ch='l' model='log normal' else write(io,*) 'Model control letter is incorrect ',dt stop endif elseif(ia==0) then write(io,'(/7x,''Error in read of innovations model type'')') write(6,'(/7x,''Error in read of innovations model type'')') stop endif c p - AR lag, q - MA lag p=0 q=0 par='lag' ar=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,'(/''Error in reading lag value for AR Or MA model''/)') write(6,'(/''Error in reading lag value for AR Or MA model''/)') stop endif i1=index(name(ia-11:ia-5),'AR') i2=index(name(ia-11:ia-5),'ar') i3=index(name(ia-11:ia-5),'MA') i4=index(name(ia-11:ia-5),'ma') if(i1>0.or.i2>0) then p=ar elseif(i3>0.or.i4>0) then q=ar else write(io,*)'The characters AR or ar or MA or ma are missing in * the Simarfit.cnl' write(6,*)'The characters AR or ar or MA or ma are missing in *the Simarfit.cnl' stop endif c Trap p or q if(p>20) then write(io,'(/2x,''Lag p for AR(p) > 20 '',i3)')p write(6,'(/2x,''Lag p for AR(p) > 20 '',i3)')p stop endif if(q>20) then write(io,'(/2x,''Lag q for MA(q) > 20 '',i3)')q write(6,'(/2x,''Lag q for MA(q) > 20 '',i3)')q stop endif delim(1:2)='= ' c Trend model type par='type' dt=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier==0) then i1=index(dt,'no') if(i1>0) then mod='n' endif i1=index(dt,'urve') if(i1>0) then c Curvilinear trend mod='t' endif i1=index(dt,'stoch') if(i1>0) then c Stochastic trend mod='s' endif else write(io,'(/7x,''Error in reading the trend model in simarfit.c *nl'')') write(6,'(/7x,''Error in reading the trend model in *l'')') stop if(mod/='n'.and.mod/='t'.and.mod/='s') then write(io,'(/7x,''Wrong input for the type of trend model''/)') write(io,'(7x,''Use none or curve or stochastic in simarfit.cnl' *')') write(6,'(/7x,''Wrong input for the type of trend model''/)') write(6,'(7x,''Use none or curve or stochastic in simarfit.cnl'' *)') stop endif endif c Trap p=0 for stochastic trend if(mod=='s'.and.p==0) then write(io,'(/2x,''Set a positive lag for the AR(p) in the stochast *tic trend p = '',i1)')p write(6,'(/2x,''Set a positive lag for the AR(p) in the stochasti *ic trend p = '',i1)')p stop endif c AR fit max lag np=0 par='fit' dt=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier==0) then c AR fit of generated data par='R' delim(1:2)='()' np=numread(par,dt,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then par='r' np=numread(par,dt,delim,ia,ier,3) endif else np=0 endif if(np>100) then write(io,'(/i3,'' > 100. Use a smaller lag value'')')np write(6,'(/i3,'' > 100. Use a smaller lag value'')')np stop endif c Root maximum magnitude delim(1:2)='= ' par='nitude' rmd=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*)'Error in reading root magnitude' write(6,*)'Error in reading root magnitude' stop endif if(rmd<=0.0) then write(6,'(/2x,''Max magnitude of the root '',f7.3,'' <= 0'')')rmd write(3,'(/2x,''Max magnitude of the root '',f7.3,'' <= 0'')')rmd stop endif if(rmd>1.0.and.p>0) then write(6,'(/2x,''Magnitude of 1st AR root '',f7.3,'' > 1.0'')')rmd write(3,'(/2x,''Magnitude of 1st AR root '',f7.3,'' > 1.0'')')rmd stop endif c Frequency of the first root par='quency' fr=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*)'Error in reading root frequency' write(6,*)'Error in reading root frequency' stop endif if(fr<=0.0) then write(6,'(/2x,''Frequency of 1st root '',f7.3,'' <= 0'')')fr write(io,'(/2x,''Frequency of 1st root '',f7.3,'' <= 0'')')fr stop endif if(fr>0.5) then write(6,'(/2x,''Frequency of 1st root '',f7.3,'' > 0.5'')')fr write(io,'(/2x,''Frequency of 1st root '',f7.3,'' > 0.5'')')fr stop endif c Standard deviation for e(t) par='dev' sig=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(sig<0.) then write(io,*) 'sig for e(t)',sig,' < 0' write(6,*) 'sig for e(t)',sig,' < 0' stop endif c Detrending method dtrend='n' ifd=0 par='etrend' dt=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) c Switches for least squares fit of trend, first or second difference of data if(ier==0) then i1=index(dt,'urve') if(i1>0) then c No differencing dtrend='n' endif i1=index(dt,'urve') if(i1>0) then dtrend='d' endif i1=index(dt,'rst') if(i1>0) then c 1st difference ifd=1 endif i1=index(dt,'ond') if(i1>0) then c 2nd difference ifd=2 endif if(dtrend=='d' .and. ifd>0) then write(io,'('' You can not detrend the data using both an OLS fit * & differencing''/)') write(6,'('' You can not detrend the data using both an OLS fit *& differencing''/)') stop endif endif ts(0)=0. ts(1)=0. ts(2)=0. if(mod=='t') then c Linear trend par='rcept' c Intercept ts(0)=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) c Slope of the linear part of the trend par='lope' ts(1)=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) par='adratic' ts(2)=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) endif if(mod=='s') then c Stochastic trend drift par='rift' ts(1)=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) endif if(mod=='t') then c Parameters for the curvilinear trend par='rcept' ts(0)=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,'(/'' You must set the intercept for the trend'')') write(6,'(/'' You must set the intercept for the trend'')') stop endif par='lope' ts(1)=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,'(/'' You must set the linear slope of the trend'')') write(6,'(/'' You must set the linear slope of the trend'')') stop endif par='adratic' ts(2)=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,'(/7x,''You must set the quadratic slope of the trend'' *)') write(6,'(/'' You must set the quadratic slope of the trend'')') stop endif endif c Write top of ar.out if(mod=='t') then if(p>0) then write(io,'(7x,''Trend plus AR('',i2,'') Model''/)')p write(io,'(5x,''Intercept = '',f7.2,2x,''Linear Trend Coefficien *t = '',f7.3,/7x,''Quadratic Slope Coefficient = '',f7.3/)')ts(0),t *s(1),ts(2) elseif(q>0) then write(io,'(7x,''Trend plus MA('',i2,'') Model''/)')q write(io,'(5x,''Intercept = '',f7.2,2x,''Linear Trend Coeffici *ent = '',f7.3,/7x,''Quadratic Slope Coefficient = '',f7.3/)')ts(0) *,ts(1),ts(2) endif elseif(mod=='s') then if(p>0) then write(io,'(7x,''Stochastic Trend AR('',i2'') with a Drift = '' *,f7.2/)')p,ts(1) endif elseif(mod=='n') then if(p>0) then write(io,'(7x,''AR('',i2'') Model with no Trend''/)')p elseif(q>0) then write(io,'(7x,''MA('',i2,'') Model with no Trend''/)')q endif else write(io,*) 'Model switch ',mod,' is incorrect' write(6,*) 'Model switch ',mod,' is incorrect' stop endif write(io,'(2x,''Lag for AR fit = '',i6,2x,''AR fit p-value thresho *ld'',f7.4/)')np,pv c------- c Forecast range nfor=50 c Burnin no. nshft=nint(-4./(alog10(max(rmd,0.9)-1.e-5))) ne=n+nshft+nfor+p+1 na=p-1 nn=max(p,np) nf=max(3*nfor-1,na) c Allocate space allocate(a(0:nn),x(0:ne),s(0:nf),e(0:ne+n),r(0:ne),c(0:nn),v(0:np* *np-1),in(0:nn),mag(0:na),freq(0:na),root(0:na),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*)'Unable to allocate work space for arrays' stop endif c Initialize r & x do k=0,ne r(k)=0. x(k)=0. enddo ct=0. c Initialize a do k=0,max(p,np) a(k)=0.0 enddo c------- c Computation of AR or MA parameters if(p>1.or.q>1) then c AR(p) or MA(q) roots pi2=2.d0*dcos(-1.d0) do k=0,p/2-1 mag(k)=dble(rmd)*(1.d0-dfloat(k)/(0.75d0*dfloat(p))) freq(k)=pi2*(dble(fr)/dfloat(k+1)) mag(k+p/2)=mag(k) freq(k+p/2)=freq(k) root(k)=dcmplx(mag(k)*dcos(freq(k)),-mag(k)*dsin(freq(k))) root(k+p/2)=dcmplx(mag(k)*dcos(freq(k)),mag(k)*dsin(freq(k))) enddo if(p/=2*(p/2)) then c p odd mag(p-1)=mag(p/2-1)/3.d0 freq(p-1)=1.d27 root(p-1)=dcmplx(mag(p-1),0.d0) endif call polycof(root,p,a,io) endif if(p==1.or.q==1) then c AR(1) or MA(1) a(0)=-rmd mag(0)=0.d0 freq(0)=0.d0 endif c------- if(run==1.and.sig==0.0) then c Output impulse return to file do t=0,p x(t)=1.0 enddo call argen(r,e,x,a,ct,p,n,ne,0,n,sig,io) write(io,'(7x,''Root Max Magnitude = '',f9.3)')rmd write(2,'(7x,''Root Max Magnitude = '',f9.3)')rmd write(io,'(7x,''1st Root Frequency = '',f5.3/)')fr write(2,'(7x,''1st Root Frequency = '',f5.3)')fr write(io,'(20(:,'' a('',i2,'')= '',f9.5))')(k+1,-a(k),k=0,p-1) if(p>1) then write(io,'(/7x,''Amplitudes & Periods of the Roots of the AR Pol *ynomial''/)') write(io,'(70(:,i3,'' - '',f8.3,2x))')(k+1,mag(k),k=0,p-1) write(io,'(70(:,6x,f8.2,2x))')(1.d0/freq(k)*pi2,k=0,p-1) endif write(io,*) write(2,'(20(:,'' a('',i2,'')= '',f9.5))')(k+1,-a(k),k=0,p-1) do t=0,n-1 write(2,'(f15.7)')x(t) enddo return endif c------- c Initialize generator call random_seed init='n' call l90rand(ne,e,ch,init,1) c------- write(io,'(2x,''N = '',i9,2x,''Max Root Magnitude = '',f9.3/)')n,r *md write(io,'(2x,''Input sig = '',f7.3,7x,''Noise Model is '',a25)') *sig,model write(io,'(/2x,i8,'' Recursions to achieve stationarity of the AR *process'')')nshft if(dtrend=='d' .and. nr==1) then write(io,'(/2x,''Data detrended using a least squares fit''/)') endif if(ifd==1 .and. nr==1) then write(io,'(/7x,''First difference used to detrend the data'')') elseif(ifd==2 .and. nr==1) then write(io,'(/7x,''Second difference used to detrend the data'')') endif if(ot(1:1)=='w') then write(io,'(2x,''Random walk of forecasts is used'')') endif if(ot(2:2)=='r') then c Output to AR.log if(p>0) then write(7,'(2x,''N = '',i9,2x,''Max Root Magnitude = '',f9.3,'' AR *('',i2,'') model'')')n,rmd,p write(7,'(2x,''Innovations sig = '',f7.3,7x,''Innovations '',a25 *)')sig,model endif if(q>0) then write(7,'(2x,''N = '',i9,2x,''Max Root Magnitude = '',f9.3,'' MA *('',i2,'') model'')')n,rmd,q write(7,'(2x,''Innovations sig = '',f7.3,7x,''Innovations '',a25 *)') sig,model endif if(dtrend=='d' then write(7,'(2x,''Data detrended using a least squares fit''/)') endif if( then write(7,'(7x,''First difference used'')') elseif( then write(7,'(7x,''Second difference used'')') endif endif c------- if(mod=='s') then c Stochastic trend with drift call argen(r,e,x,a,ct,p,n,ne,nshft,nfor,sig,io) x(0)=r(0) do t=1,n x(t)=ts(1)+x(t-1)+r(t) enddo endif if(p>0.and.mod/='s') then c AR(p) model call argen(x,e,r,a,ct,p,n,ne,nshft,nfor,sig,io) endif if(q>0) then c MA model do t=p,n+p+nfor-1 sm=0. do k=1,p sm=sm+a(k-1)*e(t-k) enddo x(t-p)=sig*sm enddo endif c------- rn=float(n) r16=1./6. center=0.5-1./(2.*rn) if(mod=='t') then c Add linear plus quadratic trend do t=0,n+nfor-1 tc=float(t+1)/rn quadt=tc*tc-tc+r16 trend=ts(0)+ts(1)*(tc-center)+ts(2)*quadt x(t)=trend+x(t) enddo endif if(ot(2:2)=='d') then if(run==1) then c Output data to file write(2,'(2x,''Innovations sig = '',f7.3,2x,''Model '',a25,2x,'' *Max Root Magnitude = '',f9.3)')sig,model,rmd nused=n+nfor write(2,'(i9,2x,''1.0 (f15.7)'')')nused do t=0,nused-1 if(mod=='s') then write(2,'(f15.5,2x,f15.2)')x(t),ts(1)*float(t) else write(2,'(f15.7)')x(t) endif enddo close(2) endif endif c------- c Initialize intercept & slope of estimated linear trend d(0)=0. d(1)=0. c Save last value save=x(n-1) c Check for differencing if(ifd>0) then s1=0.d0 do t=0,n-1 e(t)=x(t+1)-x(t) s1=s1+dble(e(t)) enddo d(0)=x(0) d(1)=sngl(s1/dfloat(n)) if(ifd==2) then c Second difference => x do t=0,n-2 x(t)=e(t+1)-e(t) enddo x(n-1)=0. elseif(ifd==1) then c First difference => x do t=0,n-1 x(t)=e(t) enddo endif endif c------- write(io,'(1x,77(''*''))') at=0.0 if(dtrend=='d') then c Detrend with trend in array e do t=0,n-1 tc=float(t+1)/rn e(t)=tc-center e(n+t)=tc*tc-tc+r16 enddo c Ordinary least squares fit of curvilinear trend po=2 call ols(x,e,c,v,r,r2,at,se,n,po,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*) 'Error in ols ',ier stop endif c Write R square write(io,'(7x,''Adjusted R Square = '',f7.3,2x,''Standard Error o *f Detrended Data = '',f10.3/)') r2,se write(io,'(7x,''Estimate of Intercept = '',f9.3/)') at d(0)=at c Write out estimates do k=0,po-1 seb=sqrt(sngl(v(k*po+k))) tst=sngl(c(k))/seb write(io,'(2x,''b('',i2,'') = '',f7.3,2x,''b^ = '',f7.3,2x,''Std * Error(b)) = '',g9.3,2x, ''t = '',f10.3)')k+1,ts(k+1),c(k),seb,tst enddo write(io,'(1x,77(''-''))') c Slopes d(1)=sngl(c(0)) d(2)=sngl(c(1)) c Detrended residuals => x do t=0,n-1 x(t)=r(t) enddo endif c------- c Statistics for x or detrended x call stat(n,x,am,sd,sk,c4,c6,xmax,xmin,io) if(np>0) then c AR(np) fit call far(x,c,s,r,in,r2,se,n,np,po,pv,ier,io) if(ier==1) then write(io,*) 'Error in subroutine far ier = ',ier stop endif if(po==0) then write(io,'(/'' No lag is significant after the iterative least s *quares AR fit is done'')') write(io,'(/7x,''po = '',i1,2x,''Run = '',i3/)')po,nr return endif c------- npo=po-1 write(io,'(/17x,''AR('',i3,'') parameters / t values'')')po write(io,'(/6x,''Adjusted R Square = '',f5.3,2x,''Std Error of AR * Fit = '',g10.3)')r2,se write(io,'(7x,''p-Value Threshold for the Iterative AR Prewhiteni *ng Method = '',f5.3)')pv c Write out AR coefficients write(io,'(/7x,''Estimates of the AR Coefficients and their Stati *stics'')') write(io,'(1x,57(''=''))') do k=0,npo write(io,'(2x,''a('',i2,'') = '',f12.5,2x,''a^ = '',f12.5,2x,''S *td Error(a^) '',f9.4,2x,''t= '',f11.2)')in(k),a(in(k)-1),-c(k),s(k *),-sngl(c(k))/s(k) enddo if(p>1) then write(io,'(1x,57(''=''))') write(io,'(/7x,''True Amplitudes & Periods of the Roots of the A *R Polynomial''/)') write(io,'(70(:,i3,'' - '',f8.3,2x))')(k+1,mag(k),k=0,p-1) write(io,'(70(:,6x,f8.2,2x))')(pi2/freq(k),k=0,p-1) endif write(io,'(1x,57(''=''))') write(io,'(/7x,''Amplitudes & Periods of the Roots of the AR Poly *nomial'')') write(io,'(11x,''A real root is given a period = 0.'')') call out(c,in,nn+1,po,io) if(mod=='s'.and.ifd>0) then c Estimate of drift in the stochastic trend AR model from 1st differences write(io,'(1x,77(''*''))') write(io,'(7x,''Drift Estimate = '',f10.4)')d(1) endif c------- c Statistics write(io,'(1x,57(''=''))') if(dtrend=='n' .and. ifd==0) then write(io,'(/7x,''Statistics for the AR series'')') write(io,'(1x,57(''*''))') elseif(dtrend=='d') then write(io,'(/7x,''Statistics for the detrended series''/)') write(io,'(1x,57(''*'')/)') elseif(ifd>0) then write(io,'(/7x,''Statistics for the differenced series'')') write(io,'(1x,57(''*'')/)') endif write(io, '(7x,'' Mean = '',g12.4,2x,''Sig = '',g12.4/)')am,sd write(io,'(7x,'' Skewness = '',g12.3,2x,''Kurtosis = '',g14.2/)') *sk,c4 write(io,'(7x,'' Max ='',g17.5,2x,''Min ='',g17.5)') xmax,xmin write(io,'(/1x,57(''=''))') c Statistics of resids r <= far ip=po+1 call stat(n-po,r(ip),rm,rs,rk,c4r,c6,rmax,rmin,io) exp=0.4 c Standardize r do k=ip,n-po r(k)=(r(k)-rm)/rs enddo call port(r(ip),n-po,exp,ct,io) write(io,'(/7x,''Whiteness test statistic p-value = '',f7.3)')ct write(io,'(/7x,''Statistics for the Residuals'')') write(io,'(1x,57(''*'')/)') write(io, '(7x,'' Mean = '',g12.4,2x,''Sig = '',g12.4/)') rm,rs write(io,'(7x,'' Skewness = '',g12.3,2x,''Kurtosis = '',f12.2/)') *rk,c4r write(io,'(7x,'' Max ='',g17.5,2x,''Min ='',g17.5/)') rmax,rmin c-------- if(ot(2:2)=='r') then c Output to AR.log do k=0,npo write(7,'(2x,''a('',i2,'') = '',f7.3,2x,''a^ = '',f7.3,2x,''Std * Error(a^) '',f9.4,2x,''t= '',f11.2)')in(k),a(in(k+1)),-c(k),s(k), *-sngl(c(k))/s(k) enddo call out(c,in,np,po,7) write(7,'(1x,57(''*'')/)') endif endif c End of AR fit c------- if(ot(1:1)/='n' then write(4,'(10x,''x(t)'',5x,''Forecast - True a'',3x,''Forecast - a *^'')') sg=0. c Shift back last block of x's do t=0,p-1 r(t)=x(n-p+t) enddo if(ot(1:1)=='f') then c Forecast AR using true parameters call argen(s,e,r,a,am,2,nfor,ne,nshft,nfor,sg,io) c Forecast AR using estimated parameters do t=0,npo a(t+1)=-sngl(c(t)) r(t)=x(n-po+t) enddo call argen(s(nfor),e,r,a,am,po,nfor,ne,nshft,nfor,sg,io) endif c Output true x's for t=n,n+nfor-1 & forecasts trend=0. do t=0,nfor-1 if(dtrend=='d' .and. ot(1:1)=='f') then c Forecast with trend & AR tc=float(n+t+1)/rn quadt=tc*tc-tc+r16 trend=d(0)+d(1)*(tc-center)+d(2)*quadt write(4,'(3(f15.4,1x))')x(n+t),s(t)+trend,s(nfor+t)+trend endif if(ifd==1 .and. ot(1:1)=='f') then c Forecast with line from 1st difference & AR trend=d(0)+d(1)*float(n+t+1) write(4,'(3(f15.4,1x))')x(n+t),s(t)+trend,s(nfor+t)+trend endif c Forecast AR if(dtrend=='n'.and.ot(1:1)=='f') then write(4,'(3(f15.4,1x))')x(n+t),s(t),s(nfor+t) endif c Forecast with mean drift & AR if(ifd==1.and.ot(1:1)=='w') then write(4,'(2(f15.4,1x))')x(n+t),save+d(1)*float(t+1) endif enddo call flush(4) close(4) endif c------- deallocate(a,x,s,e,r,c,v,in,mag,freq,root) return end c c============================================ c subroutine argen(x,e,r,a,ct,p,n,ne,nshft,nfor,sig,io) c******************************************** c If sig>0 n+nfor values AR(p) x(t)+a(1)*x(t-1)+...+a(p)*x(t-p)=ct+e(t) with c burnin nshft c If sig=0 then x(t+1)=ct-a(1)*x(t)+...-a(p)*x(t-p) c Initial values - r(1),...,r(p) c============================================ integer p,t real x(n+nfor),e(ne),r(ne),a(p) intent(in) a,e,ct,p,n,ne,nshft,nfor,sig,io intent(out) x intent(in out) r c******************************************** c Trap p if(p>50) then write(io,*)'p ',p,' ARGEN > 50' return endif if(sig>0.0) then c AR(p) nsh=nshft nuse=n+nfor endif if(sig<=0.) then c Convolution with no noise nsh=p nuse=nfor endif c Start recursions do t=1,nuse+nsh sm=0. do k=1,p sm=sm-a(k)*r(t+p-k) enddo if(sig>0.0) then r(t+p)=ct+sm+sig*e(t) endif if(sig<=0.0) then r(t+p)=ct+sm endif enddo do t=1,nuse x(t)=r(t+nsh) enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine ols(y,x,c,a,r,r2,am,se,n,p,ier,io) c******************************************** c Ordinary least squares fit of y=cx+e. Version 6-24-00 c Iput: x - array of nxp data matrix in column major order c y - dependent variable observations c Output: c - estimates of c coefficients, am - estimate of intercept c r(1),...,r(n) - residuals, a - covariance matrix of estimates c r2 - Adjusted R square, se - stnd. deviation of residuals c c ier = 1: A is not positive definite, ier = 2: p < 1, c ier = 3: p > n/2, ier = 4: work array can not be allocated c============================================ allocatable::v,b,w,d,m integer p real x(n*p),y(n),r(n),m(:),v(:),w(:) real*8 c(p),a(p*p),b(:),d(:) intent(in) x,y,n,p,io intent(out) c,a,r,r2,am,se,ier c******************************************** c Trap p if(p<1) then write(io,*) 'p in OLS(p) ',p,' < 1' ier=2 return elseif(p>n/2) then write(io,*) 'p in OLS(p) ',p,' > n/2 ',n/2,' n = ',n ier=3 return endif c------- na=p*p-1 np=p-1 c Allocate space allocate(v(0:na),b(0:np),w(0:np),d(0:np),m(0:np),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for work array in ols' ier=4 return endif call ls(y,x,c,a,r,v,b,w,d,m,n,p,r2,am,se,ier,io) c------- deallocate(v,b,w,d,m) return end c c============================================ c subroutine ls(y,x,c,a,r,v,b,w,d,m,n,p,r2,am,se,ier,io) c******************************************** c Least squares (OLS) fit of y=bx+e c============================================ integer p,t real y(n),x(n*p),m(p),r(n),v(p*p),w(p) real*8 c(p),a(p*p),b(p),d(p),dy,sy,ssy,sse,sm intent(in) x,y,n,p,io intent(out) c,a,r,r2,am,se,ier c******************************************** call cva(y,x,a,v,b,w,m,sy,ssy,n,p,io) c Cholesky decomposition of a call dcholdc(a,p,d,ier,io) if(ier/=0) then write(io,*) 'DCHOLDC failed, A is not positive definite' ier=1 return endif call dcholsl(a,p,d,b,c) c Inverse of A call dinverse(a,p,d) c------- c Residuals sse=0.d0 do t=1,n sm=0.d0 do k=1,p kt=(k-1)*n+t sm=sm+c(k)*dble(x(kt)-m(k)) enddo dy=dble(y(t))-sy-sm sse=sse+dy*dy r(t)=sngl(dy) enddo c Standard error of residuals se=sqrt(sngl(sse)/float(n-p)) c Intercept cn=0. do k=1,p cn=cn+sngl(c(k))*m(k) enddo am=sngl(sy)-cn c R squared r2=1.-sngl(sse/ssy) r2=r2-float(p)/float(n-p-1)*(1-r2) c Covariance matrix of estimates in a do j=1,p do k=j,p a((k-1)*p+j)=se*a((k-1)*p+j) a((j-1)*p+k)=a((k-1)*p+j) enddo enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine cva(y,x,a,v,b,w,m,sy,ssy,n,p,io) c******************************************** c Means and covariances of x & y c============================================ integer p,t real y(n),x(n*p),m(p),v(p*p),w(p) real*8 a(p*p),b(p),sy,ssy,y1,y2,sx,sb,rn intent(in) x,y,n,p,io intent(out) a,b,m,v c******************************************** rn=dfloat(n) c Compute means y1=0.d0 y2=0.d0 do k=1,p sx=0.d0 do t=1,n dy=dble(y(t)) if(k==1) then y1=y1+dy y2=y2+dy*dy endif kt=(k-1)*n+t sx=sx+dble(x(kt)) enddo c Means of the x's m(k)=sngl(sx/rn) enddo c------- c Mean of y sy=y1/rn c Sum of squares of y-mean(y) ssy=y2-rn*sy*sy c Covariances in upper triangle of matrix a do j=1,p do k=j,p sx=0.d0 sb=0.d0 do t=1,n jt=(j-1)*n+t kt=(k-1)*n+t sx=sx+dble((x(jt)-m(j))*(x(kt)-m(k))) if(k==p) then sb=sb+(dble(y(t))-sy)*dble(x(jt)-m(j)) endif enddo a((k-1)*p+j)=sx v((k-1)*p+j)=sngl(sx) enddo b(j)=sb w(j)=sngl(sb) enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine out(c,in,maxp,po,io) c******************************************* c Computes the roots of the polynomial whose coefficients are in c c=========================================== allocatable::a,rt integer po,in(maxp),ep real*8 c(maxp),drer,dimr,per,pi complex a(:),rt(:) logical*1 plsh intent(in) c,maxp,po,io c******************** allocate(a(0:maxp),rt(0:maxp-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in out' stop endif ep=in(po) do k=0,maxp a(k)=cmplx(0.,0.) enddo c------- pi=dcos(-1.d0) plsh=.true. c Put coefficients of AR into a do k=1,ep a(ep-in(k))=cmplx(-1.*sngl(c(k)),0.) enddo ier=0 a(ep)=cmplx(1.,0.) call zroots(a,ep,rt,plsh,ier) if(ier==1) then write(io,'(/7x,''No convergence in AR roots calculation''/)') return endif c------- do k=0,ep-1 amp=cabs(rt(k)) if(abs(aimag(rt(k)))<1.e-15) then per=0.d0 else drer=dble(real(rt(k))) dimr=dble(aimag(rt(k))) per=(2.d0*pi)/datan2(dimr,drer) if(per>1.d+4) then per=1.d4 endif endif rt(k)=cmplx(amp,sngl(abs(per))) enddo c------- write(io,'(1x,57(''=''))') write(io,'(70(:,i3,'' - '',f8.3,2x))') (k+1,real(rt(k)),k=0,ep-1) write(io,'(70(:,6x,f8.2,2x))') (aimag(rt(k)),k=0,ep-1) c------- return end