program demod c******************************************************** c Version 7-22-2007 M. J. Hinich & P. Wild c Demodulates a randomly modulated periodic series & forecasts c================================================= c Parameters in control file RUNDEMOD.CNL. Use spaces between entries! c A delimiter symbol * must be placed on each line. c Place comments on the lines of rundemod.cnl file after the symbol *. c Rundemod.cnl allows runs a number of control files with different file c names containing different data files and parameters. c The parameters for each run are echoed in filename.out where filename c is the name of the data file used. c=================================================================== c Lines for the control file RUNDEMOD.CNL c The parameters & commands are found using key words whose first letter c may be either upper or lower case. The rest of the key word must be in c lower case. The symbol ! is a wildcard for the value to be set. c Examples: !nrun below is the wildcard for the number of runs of the program c using different cnl files called by rundemod.cnl. The integer to the right c of the = sign in rundemod.cnl is read by the program and sets the number c of runs. c In any *.cnl called by rundemod.cnl, !r is the wildcard for the resolution c bandwidth. The real number to the right of !r= is the resolution bandwidth c that is used. c c ALWAYS use 0.* rather than .* since the program searches for the number c to the left of the period in the parameter. c c A delimiter symbol * must be placed on each line. c Use the keywords followed by an = sign and the setting. Some settings are c character strings while others are real numbers. c IMPORTANT: Place the symbol # in a line after these parameters are set. c The program searches for the symbol # to delimite the parameter reads type c to the left of the delimiter *. c Comments on the lines of the cnl file are placed to the right of the c symbol *. These are not read by the program. c c=================================================================== c c The path & names of the cnl file that passes parameters to the program c For example c \prog\demod-fil1.cnl * file c c============================ c c The fn.cnl file read above is followed by the line c # * end of rundemod.cnl reads c c============================ c c The following control parameters are then read from the control file set c above including the data file name. c c These parameter lines are followed by the line c # * End of run parameter reads from the control file c c The program searches for the delimiter symbol # to end the reading of the c parameters. c c============================ c c File name=data file name with path c c========================= c c Data column=!kco c c Demodulate & forecast data in column !kco in data file c c========================= c c Sampling unit=!unit c kHz or Hz to interpret the sampling rate as a multiple of kHz or Hz c You can also use the lower case letters k or h. c c If khz is used the frequency bands are in kHz or if hz is used the c frequency bands unit is Hz OR c c a 10 character unit in lower case to interpret the sampling rate c as a multipled of this unit. The bands will be in periods using that c unit as for example unit='sec'. c c========================= c c No. of frequencies to demodulate=!nm c c The integer !nm is set by the user using the results of the application c of Spectrum.exe to the data. c c========================= c c Resolution bandwidth=!rb c c This bandwidth is in Hz if the sampling unit is in frequency. c Use the integer frame length or the resolution bandwidth from the output c of Spectrum.exe that you used to find the significant modulated bands. c c========================= c c Lowpass frequency cutoff=!fc c c !fc is the fraction of !rb for the lowpass filter used to demodulate c the significant bands. (0 < !fc < 1) c c========================= c c VAR model lags=!np c c The integer !nq is the lag length of the VAR model that is estimated by c a least squares to the stripped modulations. c c========================= c c Forecast=!q c c Forecast !q steps ahead using the estimated parameters of VAR(!nq) c c========================= c c File read start=!ns file read end=!ne c c !ns - index of datum first read, !ne - index of datum last read c If !ne = 0, all the data is read. c c========================= c c If you want to detrend the data by fitting a curvilinear trend using the c first four Legendre polynomials type the following word on a line in the c cnl file followed by 'using prob threshold==!rpv' as follows: c c detrend using prob threshold=!rpv c c !rpv - probability level threshold for the t statistics for the OLS c coefficients of each OLS fit in the Legendre polynomial detrending fit. c If a coefficient has a t value whose absolute value has a probability c Pr(abs(t)) < 1 - rpv, it is deleted in the next OLS fit. c The covariance matrix is adjusted for the subset of lagged values used. c c If rpv = 1 then the full OLS model is estimated. c c========================= c c If you want to convert data to rates of returns and ensure source data is c non-negative type the following word on a line in the cnl file: c rates of reurns c c========================= c c These cnl file reads are followed by the line c # * end of top fn.cnl reads c c========================= c c The program then reads the list of frequencies or periods that are to be c demodulated by the following script where k is the frequency (or period) c starting with the lowest frequency (or longest period) c c========================= c c k-frequency=!rbk c c The kth frequency band to demodulate where k=1,nm c This frequency is in units of kHz or Hz depending on the frequency unit c set above. c c k-period=!rbk c c The kth period band to demodulate where k=1,nm c This band is in units set above. c c========================= c c The list of frequencies or periods is followed by the line c # * end of fn.cnl reads c c========================= c NOTE: sr, the 2nd number on line 2 of the data file is the sampling c rate in kHz or Hz, OR sr is a sampling interval with the unit determined by c the unit determined by the characters placed after unit= c and in the cnl file as described above. c======================================================================= c c Data on File 2 c Data file format for the first two lines (records) c Line 1: A character string with the data file name and code (a80) c Line 2: rows=!nr columns=!nc sampling rate (or interval)=!sr c format=(format) unit=! c !nr - observations, !nc - data columns sr - sampling rate in kHz or Hz or c multiples of the unit set in the cnl file. c Data format is a character*50 string including ( ) c unit=kHz or khz if that is the sr unit c unit=Hz or hz if that is the sr unit OR unit=unit in time for sr c This character string is used to check the read from the above %.cnl c c Example string: (4(f7.2,2x),2x,a7) c The time mark must be less than 26 characters long. c It is the last column of the data file. c c Example string: (a25,1x,5(f7.2,1x)) c The time mark must be less than 26 characters long. c It is the first column of the data file. c c=========================================== parameter(mt=7,ndy=22,ny=2007) integer p,q real gs,rt real*8 cut character*700 name character*100 fn character*80 buf,cnl character*50 charead,fname,fmt character*20 par character*10 su character*2 delim character cr,dtnd logical exs c********************** open(9,file='Demod-error.out') c Inquire if file exists inquire(file='Rundemod.cnl',exist=exs) if(.not.exs) then write(6,'(/''Rundemod.cnl file does not exist'')') write(9,'(/''Rundemod.cnl file does not exist'')') stop endif c Open control file open(1,file='Rundemod.cnl',err=1,iostat=io1,status='old') c Start time call clock(gs,0,1) c------- c Read control file read(1,'(a80)',end=4,err=5,iostat=io5) cnl ig=index(cnl,'*') cnl=cnl(:ig-1) inquire(file=cnl,exist=exs) if(.not.exs) then write(6,'(/''cnl file does not exist '',a80)')cnl write(9,'(/''cnl file does not exist '',a80)')cnl stop endif c Open control file open(1,file=cnl,err=6,iostat=io6,status='old') c-------- ip=0 kt=0 ia=0 dowhile(kt<=17.and.ia==0) kt=kt+1 c Clear buf do n=1,80 buf(n:n)=' ' enddo c Read line read(1,'(a80)',end=2,err=3,iostat=io3) buf ia=index(buf,'#') ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(6,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in Rundemod.c *nl' write(9,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in Rundemod.c *nl' write(6,'(a70)')buf write(9,'(a70)')buf stop endif ig=ig-1 name(ip+1:ip+ig)=buf(:ig) ip=ip+ig enddo delim(1:2)='=' c Data file name from control file par='ile name' fn=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/2x,''Error in read of file name in cnl '',a25)')fn write(9,'(/2x,''Error in read of file name in cnl '',a25)')fn stop endif inm=index(fn,'.') if(inm==0) then write(6,*)'Data file ',fn,' has no extension' write(9,*)'Data file ',fn,' has no extension' stop endif c Inquire if file exists inquire(file=fn,exist=exs) if(.not.exs) then write(6,'(/)') write(6,*)'Input file ',fn(:inm+5),' does not exist' write(9,'(/)') write(9,*)'Input file ',fn(:inm+5),' does not exist' stop endif c------- c Open data file open(2,file=fn,err=7,iostat=io7,status='old') c Parse for up to 4 path switches ib=index(fn,'\') if(ib>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic if(ic>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic if(ic>0) then ic=index(fn(ib:),'\') ib=ib+ic endif endif else ib=1 endif ia=index(fn,'.') fname=fn(ib:ia) nfn=ia-ib+1 fname(nfn:nfn+3)='.out' c Open demod output file open(3,file=fname(:nfn+3),err=8,iostat=io8) write(3,'(11x,''Forecasting an RMP by Melvin Hinich & Phil Wild'') *') fname(nfn:nfn+5)='.graph' c Open fn.graph open(4,file=fname(:nfn+5),err=9,iostat=io9) c------- c Data column par='lumn' kco=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/'' Error in read of data column used '',i3)')kco write(9,'(/'' Error in read of data column used '',i3)')kco stop endif c Sampling unit par='unit' buf=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/'' Error in read of sampling unit '',i3)')buf write(9,'(/'' Error in read of sampling unit '',i3)')buf stop endif su=buf(:15) ia=index(buf,'kHz') ib=index(buf,'khz') ic=index(buf,'Hz') ij=index(buf,'hz') if(ia>0.or.ib>0) then c kHz iunit=1 endif if((ic>0.or.ij>0).and.(ia==0.and.ib==0)) then c Hz iunit=2 endif if(ia==0.and.ib==0.and.ic==0.and.ij==0) then c Unit set in cnl file iunit=0 endif c Read data file header call readhead(buf,nfl,nc,sr,fmt,iunit,2,3) write(3,'(1x,a57,2x,''Column '',i3)')buf,kco c------- c No. of frequencies to demodulate par='modulate' nm=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/'' Error in read of no. of frequencies '',i3)')nm write(9,'(/'' Error in read of no. of frequencies '',i3)')nm stop endif c Resolution bandwidth par='ion bandwidth' rb=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier==4) then write(3,*)'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' write(6,*)'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' write(9,*)'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' ia=index(name,'idth') write(3,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) write(6,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) write(9,*)name(ia+5:ia+15) stop endif if(rb<=0.) then write(3,*)'Resolution bandwidth < 0' write(6,*)'Resolution bandwidth < 0' write(9,*)'Resolution bandwidth < 0' stop endif c Lowpass frequency cutoff par='utoff' fc=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/'' Error in read of frequency cutoff '',f7.3)')fc write(9,'(/'' Error in read of frequency cutoff '',f7.3)')fc stop endif if(fc<=0.0.or.fc>=1.0) then write(6,'(2x,''Lowpass cutoff '',f7.3,'' out of bounds'')')fc write(9,'(2x,''Lowpass cutoff '',f7.3,'' out of bounds'')')fc endif c------- if(iunit==0) then c Invert period to frequency & normalize ch=sr/rb endif c Convert to normalized values (0,.5) if(iunit>0) then ch=rb/sr endif c Double fc*ch =>cut cut=dble(fc*ch) c------- c Frame length lb if(iunit==1) then lb=nint(sngl(dble(sr)*1.d3/dble(rb))) endif if(iunit==2) then lb=nint(sngl(dble(sr)/dble(rb))) sr=sr*1.e-3 endif if(iunit==0) then c Time unit & decrease sampling interval if data is interpolated lb=nint(sngl(dble(rb)/dble(sr))) endif c Trap lb if(lb<1) then write(3,*)'Frame length = ',lb,' < 1' write(6,*)'Frame length = ',lb,' < 1' write(9,*)'Frame length = ',lb,' < 1' if(iunit>0) then write(3,*)'Decrease resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',n write(6,*)'Decrease resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',n write(9,*)'Decrease resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',n else write(3,*)'Increase resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',n write(6,*)'Increase resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',n write(9,*)'Increase resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',n endif stop endif c------- c VAR model lags=!p par='odel lags' p=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/'' Error in read of VAR model lags '',i2)')p write(9,'(/'' Error in read of VAR model lags '',i2)')p stop endif c------- c Frames ahead to forecast par='ecast' q=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(6,'(/'' Error in read of forecast steps '',i5)')q write(9,'(/'' Error in read of forecast steps '',i5)')q stop endif c------- dtnd='n' c Curvilinear detrending ia=index(name,'trend') if(ia>0) then dtnd='y' c Probability threshold for OLS t values par='threshold' pv=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,6) c Trap pv if(pv<=0.) then write(3,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' < 0' write(3,*)'Set pv = 0 if you do not want to prewhiten' write(6,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' < 0' write(6,*)'Set pv = 0 if you do not want to prewhiten' write(9,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' < 0' write(9,*)'Set pv = 0 if you do not want to prewhiten' stop endif if(pv>1) then write(3,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' > 1' write(6,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' > 1' write(9,*)'Prob level pv ',pv,' > 1' stop endif endif c------- cr='n' ! default setting is to use source data series ia=index(name,'of returns') if(ia>0) then c Rates of returns transformation write(3,'(7x,''Data is Transformed to Rates of Return''/)') cr='y' endif c------- c File read start par='start' is=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(3,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of start datum' write(3,*)par write(6,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of start datum' write(6,*)par write(9,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of start datum' write(9,*)par stop endif c File read end par='end' ie=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier>0) then write(3,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of end datum' write(3,*)par write(6,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of end datum' write(6,*)par write(9,*)'Error ',ier,' in read of end datum' write(9,*)par stop endif if(is<1) then write(3,*)'IS in %.cnl is < 1 ',is write(6,*)'IS in %.cnl is < 1 ',is write(9,*)'IS in %.cnl is < 1 ',is stop elseif(ie/=0.and.ienfl) then write(3,*)'IE ',ie, ' > N in data file',nfl write(6,*)'IE ',ie, ' > N in data file',nfl write(9,*)'IE ',ie, ' > N in data file',nfl stop endif if(ie==0) then ie=nfl endif c------- c Trap p if(p<0) then write(3,*)'AR parameter ',p,' < 0. p set = 0' write(6,*)'AR parameter ',p,' < 0. p set = 0' write(9,*)'AR parameter ',p,' < 0. p set = 0' p=0 elseif(p>(n/4)) then write(3,*)'AR parameter ',p,' > n/4. p set = 0' write(6,*)'AR parameter ',p,' > n/4. p set = 0' write(9,*)'AR parameter ',p,' > n/4. p set = 0' p=0 endif c Write header for summary stats in file 3 call wrh(rb,su,sr,n,nm,iunit,3) write(3,'(2x,''Low Frequency Cutoff Fraction = '',f5.3,'' Cutoff F *requency = '',f10.6/)')fc,cut c------- call top(cnl,kco,nc,q,nm,is,ie,lb,p,su,sr,fmt,cr,dtnd,pv,cut,iunit *,3) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Time and date of run & run time call head(mt,ndy,ny,gs,runt,3) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ stop 1 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening Rundemod.cnl ',io1 stop 2 write(6,*)'End of file on rundemod.cnl reads' write(9,*)'End of file on rundemod.cnl reads' 3 write(6,*)'Place the symbol # after the top reads ',io3 write(9,*)'Place the symbol # after the top reads ',io3 stop 4 write(6,*)'End of file on rundemod.cnl reads' write(9,*)'End of file on rundemod.cnl reads' stop 5 write(6,*) '**** Error on reading name of cnl file ',io5 write(6,*) cnl write(9,*) '**** Error on reading name of cnl file ',io5 write(9,*) cnl 6 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening cnl file no. ',io6 write(6,*)cnl write(9,*)'**** Error on opening cnl file no. ',io6 write(9,*)cnl stop 7 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening data file ',io7 write(6,*)fn write(9,*)'**** Error on opening data file ',io7 write(9,*)fn stop 8 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening Demod.out ',io8 write(9,*)'**** Error on opening Demod.out ',io8 stop 9 write(6,*)'**** Error on opening mods file ',io9 write(9,*)'**** Error on opening mods file ',io9 stop c------- stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine top(cnl,kco,nc,q,nm,is,ie,lb,p,su,sr,fmt,cr,dtnd,pv,cut *,iunit,io) c******************************************************** c Runs each control file set in Rundemod.cnl for nm frequency bands c======================================================== allocatable::x,r,w,y,z,xm,f,v,ts real x(:),y(:),z(:),r(:),w(:),xm(:) real*8 v(:),cut integer p,q complex*16 f(:) character*120 fn character*80 buf,cnl character*50 charead,fmt,fname character*25 ts(:) character*20 par character*10 su character*2 delim character cr,dtnd,mk logical exs intent(in) cnl,kco,nc,q,nm,is,ie,lb,p,su,sr,fmt,cr,dtnd,pv,cut,iun *it,io c********************** n=ie-is+1 c Pad to size that is divisible by 2*3*5*7=710 nn=(n/710)*710+710 n1=n*nc-1 n2=nn-1 n3=nn*2*nm-1 c Allocate space allocate(x(0:n1),y(0:n2),z(0:n3),r(0:n2),f(0:n2),v(0:4*nn+14),w(0: *nm-1),xm(0:q-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in top' write(9,*)'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in top' stop endif c------- ip=0 ia=0 c Clear buf do k=1,80 buf(k:k)=' ' enddo c Loop of frequencies/periods delim(1:2)='=' do kt=0,nm-1 c Read line read(1,'(a80)') buf ia=index(buf,'#') ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(6,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in the cnl fil *e ',buf write(6,'(a80)')cnl write(9,*)'Place comment marker * after each line in the cnl fil *e ',buf write(9,'(a80)')cnl stop endif ig=ig-1 ip=ip+ig if(iunit>0) then c kth frequency par='equency' wkt=rnumread(par,buf(:ig),delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier==1) then write(3,'(/'' Type frequency rather than period in %.cnl'')') write(6,'(/'' Type frequency rather than period in %.cnl'')') write(9,'(/'' Type frequency rather than period in %.cnl'')') stop endif c Convert to normalized frequency (0,.5) w(kt)=wkt/sr endif if(iunit==0) then c kth period par='eriod' wkt=rnumread(par,buf(:ig),delim,ia,ier,3) if(ier==1) then write(3,'(/'' Type period rather than frequency in %.cnl'')') write(6,'(/'' Type period rather than frequency in %.cnl'')') write(9,'(/'' Type period rather than frequency in %.cnl'')') endif c Convert to normalized frequency (0,.5) w(kt)=1.0/wkt*sr endif enddo c End of frequency reads c------- c Parse format to see if there is an 'a' for time values c If so then set mk='m' to flag times mk='a' ia=index(fmt,'a') if(ia>0) then mk='m' endif if(mk=='m') then nmk=ie allocate(ts(0:nmk-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for array ts' write(9,*)'Unable to allocate work space for array ts' stop endif else nmk=1 allocate(ts(0:0)) endif call roc(x,r,w,y,z,xm,ts,f,v,n,nn,nm,is,ie,su,sr,nmk,p,mk,fmt,nc,q *,kco,cut,iunit,lb,cr,dtnd,pv,io) call flush(3) deallocate(x,r,w,y,z,xm,f,v,ts) return c------- 5 write(6,'(7x,''ERROR''/)') write(6,*)'End of file in the read of the cnl parameters' write(6,*)'Place the symbol # at the end of the parameter list in * the cnl file' write(6,'(a80)')cnl write(9,*)'End of file in the read of the cnl parameters' write(9,*)'Place the symbol # at the end of the parameter list in * the cnl file' write(9,'(a80)')cnl stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine roc(x,r,w,y,z,xm,ts,f,v,n,nn,nm,is,ie,su,sr,nmk,p,mk,fm *t,nc,q,kco,cut,iunit,lb,cr,dtnd,pv,io) c******************************************************** c Read data & loop on columns: q - forecast steps ahead, lb - frame length c======================================================== allocatable::a,fc real x(n,nc),y(nn),z(nn,2*nm),xm(q),r(nn),w(nm),a(:),fc(:,:) real*8 v(4*nn+15),c(4),cut integer in(4),p,po,q,t complex*16 f(0:nn-1) character*50 fmt character*25 ts(nmk) character*10 su character cr,dtnd,mk intent(in)w,n,nn,nm,is,ie,su,sr,nmk,p,mk,fmt,nc,q,kco,cut,iunit,lb *,cr,dtnd,pv,io c********************** allocate(a(0:n-1),fc(0:q-1,0:2*nm-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for array in roc' write(9,*)'Unable to allocate work space for array in roc' stop endif c------- c Read data call datc(x,ts,fmt,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,2,io) nshft=nn-n ips=nshft+1 if(cr=='y') then c Shift kco column to a & calculate return do t=1,n a(t-1)=x(t,kco) enddo c Rates of return r call returns(a,r,n,io) c r =>y with dimensioning to allow front zero padding do t=ips,nn y(t)=r(t-nshft) enddo else c Shift kco column to y do t=ips,nn y(t)=x(t-nshft,kco) enddo endif c Compute statistics for input data call stat(n,y(ips),am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin,io) call wrstat(io,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin) if(nshft>0.and.dtnd/='y') then c Pad beginning with mean am if no detrend do t=1,nshft y(t)=am enddo endif c------- po=0 if(dtnd=='y') then c Detrend call detrend(y(ips),r(ips),c,in,n,pv,po,ram,rsd,io) if(nshft>0.and.po>0) then c Pad beginning with mean ram do t=1,nshft r(t)=ram enddo endif if(po>0) then call rn(r,z,w,xm,c,fc,f,v,ts,n,nn,q,nm,nmk,su,sr,cut,p,iunit,lb, *ips,kco,po,io) endif endif if(dtnd/='y'.or.po==0) then do k=1,4 c(k)=0.d0 enddo call rn(y,z,w,xm,c,fc,f,v,ts,n,nn,q,nm,nmk,su,sr,cut,p,iunit,lb,i *ps,kco,po,io) endif c------- deallocate(a,fc) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine rn(y,z,w,xm,c,fc,f,v,ts,n,nn,q,nm,nmk,su,sr,cut,p,iunit *,lb,ips,kco,po,io) c******************************************************** c Compute modulations c y - data array, sr - sampling rate, nm - no. freqencies, VAR(p), q - steps c======================================================== allocatable::x real y(nn),w(nm),z(nn,2*nm),xm(q),fc(q,2*nm),x(:,:) real*8 v(4*nn+15),c(4),cut,omegak,pi2,sum complex*16 f(0:nn-1) character*25 ts(nmk) character*10 su integer p,po,q,t intent(in) y,w,c,n,nn,q,nm,nmk,su,sr,cut,p,po,iunit,lb,ips,kco,io intent(out) z c********************** allocate(x(0:q-1,0:3),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*)'Unable to allocate work space for x in rn' write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for x in rn' return endif c------- c Mean frame of y =>xm call mean(y(ips),xm,n,lb,q,io) if(po>0) then c Add trend to mean frame c Legendre polynomials n2=n/2 do t=n2+1,n2+q rz=float(t)/float(n2) z2=rz*rz z3=rz*z2 z4=rz*z3 k=t-n2-1 x(k,0)=rz x(k,1)=(3.0*z2-1.0)/2.0 x(k,2)=(5.0*z3-3.0*rz)/2.0 x(k,3)=(35.0*z4-30.0*z2+3.0)/8.0 enddo do t=1,q sum=0.d0 do k=1,po sum=sum+c(k)*dble(x(t-1,k-1)) enddo xm(t)=xm(t)+sngl(sum) enddo endif c z - modulations call cohmod(y,w,z,f,v,cut,nn,nm,io) c Forecast z call forcvar(z,fc,su,2*nm,p,q,nn,iunit,io) c Write demodulations c if(nmk==1) then c write(3,'(8x,:,99(i2,2x,''Sin'',14x,''Cos'',12x))')(kf,kf=1,nm) c write(io,*) c do t=ips,nn c write(3,'(:,99(f17.7,1x))')(z(t,2*kf-1),z(t,2*kf),kf=1,nm) c enddo c endif c if(nmk>1) then c write(3,'(25x,:,99(i2,2x,''Sin'',14x,''Cos'',12x))')(kf,kf=1,nm) c write(io,*) c do t=ips,nn c write(3,'(a25,:,99(1x,f17.7))')ts(t-ips+1),(z(t,2*kf-1),z(t,2*kf c *),kf=1,nm) c enddo c endif c------- pi2=2.d0*dacos(-1.d0) write(4,'(2x,''Forecasts for column '',i2,'' using '',i3,'' bands *'',i4,'' steps ahead'')')kco,nm,q write(4,'(6x,''With Mean'',6x,''Without Mean'',9x,''Mean''/)') do t=1,q c Forecast q steps ahead sum=0.d0 do kfreq=1,nm omegak=pi2*dble(w(kfreq))*dble(t) sum=sum+(dble(fc(t,kfreq))*2.d0*(dsin(omegak)+dcos(omegak))) enddo c Forecast with, without mean, mean write(4,'(3(2x,f14.4))')sngl(sum)+xm(t),sngl(sum),xm(t) enddo call flush(4) c------- deallocate(x) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine forcvar(x,fc,su,m,p,q,n,iunit,io) c******************************************** c Forecast in fc using a least squares fit of a VARm(p) model c Index i for the ith equation with m*p variates c xi(t)=ci11*x1(t-1) +...+ cim1*xm(t-1) + ci12*x1(t-2) +...+ cim2*xm(t-2) c + ci1p*x1(t-p) +...+ cimp*xm(t-p) + ei(t) c Input: x - data: x1(1),...,x1(n),x2(1),...,x2(n),...,xm(1),...,xm(n) c Output: fc - m equation forecast q steps ahead c c - VAR coefficients in row major m*m*p array , r - residuals `` c s - standard errors of coefficients, r2 - R**2 Version 7-1-2007 c============================================ allocatable::a,b,c,d,r,s,sig,w,x2,v2,a1,g1,ph integer p,q,t,m,mp,nc,ns,ncc,m1,ma,nm real x(n,m),fc(q,m),r(:),s(:),sig(:),w(:),a1(:,:),g1(:),ph(:) real*8 a(:),b(:),d(:),c(:),x2(:),v2(:) character*10 su intent(in) x,su,m,p,q,n,iunit,io intent(out) fc c******************************************** mp=m*p nc=m*mp ns=nc-1 ncc=nc*nc-1 m1=m-1 ma=mp-1 nm=n*m-1 allocate(a(0:ncc),b(0:ns),c(0:ns),d(0:ns),r(0:nm),s(0:ns),sig(0:m1 *),w(0:nm),x2(0:m1),v2(0:m1),a1(0:ma,0:ma),g1(0:ma),ph(0:ma),stat=i *bad) if(ibad/=0) then write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in forcvar' write(9,*)'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in forcvar' stop endif do k=0,ncc a(k)=0.d0 enddo call fit(x,r,a,b,d,w,m,p,n,nc,c,s,r2,sig,x2,v2,io) call disvar(c,s,sig,v2,r2,m,p,io) call forvar(x,fc,c,s,sig,m,p,q,n,io) c------- c Coefficients =>s do k=0,ns s(k)=sngl(c(k)) enddo call sysev(s,a1,g1,ph,m,mp,io) if(iunit==1) then write(io,'(3x,''Magnitudes'',7x,''Periods - System Eigenvalues in * units of milseconds''/)') elseif(iunit==2) then write(io,'(3x,''Magnitudes'',7x,''Periods - System Eigenvalues *in units of seconds''/)') else write(io,'(3x,''Magnitudes'',7x,''Periods - System Eigenvalue *s in units of '',a7/)')su endif do k=1,mp if(ph(k-1)>1.e-7) then write(io,'(1x,i2,2x,f8.4,6x,f12.2)')k,g1(k-1),ph(k-1) else write(io,'(1x,i2,2x,f8.4,6x,''Zero Frequency'')')k,g1(k-1) endif enddo write(io,*) c------- deallocate(a,b,c,d,r,s,sig,w,x2,v2,a1,g1,ph) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine fit(x,r,a,b,d,w,m,p,n,nc,c,s,r2,sig,x2,v2,io) c******************************************** c Least squares fit of a VARm(p) model Version 7-18-2007 c============================================ allocatable::xm integer p,t,m,mp,nc,nap,m1,mv2 real x(n,m),r(n,m),w(n,m),s(nc),sig(m),xm(:) real*8 a(nc,nc),b(nc),d(nc),c(nc),x2(m),v2(m),ssx,smx,dn,sse *,st,sv,sve intent(in) x,m,p,n,nc intent(out) c,r,r2,s,sig,x2,v2 c******************************************** allocate(xm(0:m-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*)'Unable to allocate work space for xm in fit' write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for xm in fit' return endif c------- dn=dfloat(n) mp=m*p nap=n-nc m1=n-1 mv2=n-p ssx=0.d0 sse=0.d0 c Inialize x2,v2. Compute means & stand devs of x do k=1,m x2(k)=0.d0 v2(k)=0.d0 call sigmn(x(1,k),n,am,sg,io) xm(k-1)=am c Trap sig=0 if(sg<1.e-20) then write(6,'(2x,''Variance of x('',i3,'') < 1.e-20''/)')k stop endif enddo c Standardize x =>w do k=1,m do t=1,n w(t,k)=x(t,k)-xm(k-1) enddo enddo c------- c The m-mp submatrix of a do k1=1,m do kp=0,p do k2=1,m c Covariance matrix of the w's smx=0.d0 do t=1,n-kp smx=smx+dble(w(t+kp,k1))*dble(w(t,k2)) enddo if(kp==0.and.k1==k2) then c Sum of squares of x(k1) x2(k1)=x2(k1)+smx ssx=ssx+smx endif c Covariance smx=smx/dn c b array if(kp>0) then jp=(k1-1)*mp+(kp-1)*m+k2 b(jp)=smx endif c------- c Reproduce the m-mp submatrix in a do jm=1,m if(kp0) then return endif c------- write(io,'(4x,''VAR('',i3,'','',i2,'') parameters / t values'',3x, *''Adjusted R Square = '',f7.5)')m,p,r2 write(io,'(2x,57(''-''))') mp=m*p do k1=1,m do kp=1,p write(io,'(/7x,''Equation '',i2,4x,''Lag '',i2)')k1,kp write(io,'(1x,50(:,''c('',i2,'') = '',f10.3,2x))')(k2,c((k1-1)*m *p+(kp-1)*m+k2),k2=1,m) write(io,'(2x,50(:,2x,''t = '',f10.2,3x))')(sngl(c((k1-1)*mp+(k *p-1)*m+k2)/s((k1-1)*mp+(kp-1)*m+k2)),k2=1,m) enddo write(io,'(1x,''Adjusted R Square = '',f7.5,2x,''Standard Error = * '',e12.4)')v2(k1),sig(k1) enddo write(io,'(2x,57(''=''))') c------- return end c c============================================ c subroutine forvar(x,y,c,s,w,m,p,q,n,io) c******************************************** c Forecasts q steps ahead for a VAR(m,p) model c M. J. Hinich Version 7-14-2007 c xi(t)=ci11*x1(t-1) +...+ cim1*xm(t-1) + ci12*x1(t-2) +...+ c cim2*xm(t-2) +...+ c + ci1p*x1(t-p) +...+ cimp*xm(t-p) + ei(t) c Iput: x - data: x1(1),...,x1(n),x2(1),...,x2(n),...,xm(1),...,xm(n) c c - VAR coefficients in m*m*p array. c Output: y - x1(t),...,xm(t) - t point forecasts, t = q,q-1,..,1 c============================================ integer m,p,q,n,t,ts real x(n,m),y(q,m),s(m,m*p),w(m) real*8 c(m,m*p),beta,sm intent(in) x,c,s,m,p,q,n,io intent(out) y c******************************************** do t=1,q do k=1,m y(t,k)=0.0 enddo enddo c Shift the last p observations to y in reverse order do t=n,n-p+1,-1 do k=1,m y(n-t+1,k)=x(t,k) enddo enddo c------- do t=1,q do k1=1,m sm=0.d0 do kp=1,p do k2=1,m kx=(kp-1)*m+k2 c Trap c's with t's<1. beta=c(k1,kx) if((dabs(beta)/s(k1,kx))<1.d0) then beta=0.d0 endif sm=sm+beta*dble(y(t,k1)) enddo enddo c kc forecast w(k1)=sngl(sm) enddo c Backshift the y's do ts=1,q-1 do k1=1,m y(ts+1,k1)=y(ts,k1) enddo enddo c Shift kc forecast to first block do k=1,m y(1,k)=w(k) enddo enddo c------- return end c c============================================ c subroutine cohmod(y,w,z,f,v,cut,n,nm,io) c******************************************** c Input: y - data or residuals Output: z - modulations c============================================ allocatable::sh real y(n),w(nm),z(n,2*nm) real*8 v(4*n+15),sh(:,:),omegak,cut,pi2 complex*16 f(0:n-1) integer t intent(in) y,w,cut,n,nm,io intent(out) z c******************************************** c Allocate space allocate(sh(0:n-1,0:1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for sh in cohmod' write(9,*)'Unable to allocate work space for sh in cohmod' stop endif c------- pi2=2.d0*dacos(-1.d0) do k=1,nm omegak=pi2*dble(w(k)) c Hetrodyne y=>sh do t=1,n sh(t-1,0)=dble(y(t))*2.d0*dsin(omegak*dble(t)) sh(t-1,1)=dble(y(t))*2.d0*dcos(omegak*dble(t)) enddo c Lowpass =>z call lowpass(sh(0,0),z(1,2*k-1),f,v,cut,n,io) call lowpass(sh(0,1),z(1,2*k),f,v,cut,n,io) enddo c------- deallocate(sh) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine lowpass(x,y,f,v,fu,n,io) c******************************************************** c Lowpass filter x => y for the band (0,fu) with v initialized to n. c Version 12-24-2006 c======================================================== real y(n) real*8 x(n),v(0:4*n+14),dn,fu integer t complex*16 f(0:n-1) intent(in) x,v,fu,n,io intent(out) y c******************************************** n2=n/2 dn=dfloat(n) c Set iu - upper band integer limit iu=nint(sngl(fu*dn)) iu=min(iu,n2) c Move x frame to complex f do t=1,n f(t-1)=dcmplx(x(t)) enddo c FFT of frame call cffti(n,v) call cfftf(n,f,v) f(0)=(0.d0,0.d0) c Conjugate do k=1,n2 f(n-k)=f(k) f(k)=dconjg(f(k)) enddo c Loop to zero outband & conjugate within band do k=iu+1,n2 f(k)=(0.d0,0.d0) f(n-k)=(0.d0,0.d0) enddo c------- call cfftf(n,f,v) do k=1,n y(k)=sngl(dreal(f(k-1))/dfloat(n)) enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine datc(x,ts,fmt,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,ii,io) c******************************************************** c Reads n data values from nc columns c x - input data matrix, ts - time marks if indicated by 'm' c======================================================== real x(n,nc) character*50 fmt character*25 ts(nmk) character mk intent(in) fmt,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,ii,io intent(out) x,ts c******************************************** nt=0 if(mk=='m') then ia=index(fmt,'(') ib=index(fmt,'a') if(ib==ia+1) then c Time mark column on left nt=1 elseif(ib>ia+2) then c Time mark column on right nt=2 elseif(nt==0) then write(io,'(7x,''/Data & time format is incorrect''/)') write(io,'(a50)')fmt write(6,'(7x,''/Data & time format is incorrect''/)') write(6,'(a50)')fmt write(9,'(7x,''/Data & time format is incorrect''/)') write(9,'(a50)')fmt stop endif endif c------- rewind(ii) c Skip header and parameter records read(ii,*) read(ii,*) c Read all the data if(mk=='m') then if(is==1) then do i=1,ie if(nt==1) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)ts(i),(x(i,k),k=1,nc) endif if(nt==2) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i,k),k=1,nc),ts(i) endif enddo endif if(is>1) then c Read is:ie do i=1,is-1 read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) enddo do i=is,ie if(nt==1) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)ts(i),(x(i-is+1,k),k=1,nc) endif if(nt==2) then read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i-is+1,k),k=1,nc),ts(i) endif enddo endif endif if(mk/='m') then if(is==1) then do i=1,n read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i,k),k=1,nc) enddo endif if(is>1) then do i=1,is-1 read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) enddo do i=is,ie read(ii,fmt,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko)(x(i-is+1,k),k=1,nc) enddo endif endif return c-------- 1 write(io,*) '**** eof in read from data file ' write(io,*) 'i = ',i return write(6,*) '**** eof in read from data file ' write(6,*) 'i = ',i write(9,*) '**** eof in read from data file ' write(9,*) 'i = ',i c Error in data read 2 write(io,*) '** Error in read of data file ',ko write(io,*) 'Check format',fmt write(6,*) '** Error in read of data file ',ko write(6,*) 'Check format',fmt write(9,*) '** Error in read of data file ',ko write(9,*) 'Check format',fmt stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine mean(x,xm,n,lb,q,io) c******************************************************** c xm - mean frame of x c======================================================== allocatable::a real x(n),xm(q),a(:) integer q intent(in) x,n,lb,q,io intent(out) xm c********************* allocate(a(0:lb-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*)'Unable to allocate work space for array in mean' write(6,*)'Unable to allocate work space for array in mean' stop endif np=n/lb c Initialize signal array do k=0,lb-1 a(k)=0.0 enddo c Loop over frames to compute mean frame do kb=1,np kp=(kb-1)*lb do k=0,lb-1 ka=kp+k+1 a(k)=a(k)+x(ka) enddo enddo rb=float(np) if(q<=lb) then do k=0,q-1 xm(k+1)=a(k)/rb enddo endif if(q>lb) then do k=0,lb-1 xm(k+1)=a(k)/rb enddo do k=lb+1,q xm(k)=xm(k-lb) enddo endif c------ deallocate(a) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrh(rb,su,sr,n,nm,iunit,io) c******************************************************** c Writes run information for main output in output files c======================================================== character*10 su intent(in) rb,su,sr,n,nm,iunit,io c********************** if(iunit==1) then write(io,'(2x,''N = '',i7,2x,''Sampling rate = '',f12.3,'' kHz'') *')n,sr write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth :'',g14.4,'' Hz'')')rb endif if(iunit==2) then write(io,'(2x,''N = '',i7,2x,''Sampling rate ='',f12.3,'' Hz'')') *n,1.e3*sr write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth :'',g14.4,'' Hz'')')rb endif if(iunit==0) then write(io,'(2x,''N = '',i7,2x,''Sampling interval = '',g12.6,1x,a1 *0)')n,sr,su write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth :'',g14.4,1x,a10)') rb,su endif c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrstat(i,am,sig,sk,c4,c6,smax,smin) c**************************************************** c Data statistics c====================== write(i,'(2x,''Mean = '',g12.3,2x,''Std Dev = '',g12.3)')am,sig write(i,'(2x,''Skew = '',g10.3,2x,''Kurtosis = '',g10.3)')sk,c4 write(i,'(2x,''Max value = '',g12.3,2x,''Min value = '',g12.3)')sm *ax,smin write(i,'(2x,57(''=''))') return end c c=========================================== c subroutine sysev(b,a,g,ph,m,mp,io) c******************************************** c Eigenvalues of the system matrix S of a VAR(p) with coefficients in b c M. J. Hinich Version 7-5-2007 c Input: m - number of equations, A is mp x mp where mp=m*p c Output: g - magnitudes of the complex ev's, ph - phases of the ev's c============================================ real b(m*mp),a(mp,mp),g(mp),ph(mp),a2,perd c******************************************** do k1=1,m do k2=1,mp a(k1,k2)=b((k1-1)*mp+k2) enddo enddo do k1=1,mp-m do k2=1,mp if(k1==k2) then a(m+k1,k2)=1.0 else a(m+k1,k2)=0.0 endif enddo enddo c----------- call balanc(a,mp,mp) call elmhes(a,mp,mp) call hqr(a,mp,mp,g,ph,io) pi=acos(-1.0) do k=1,mp a2=g(k)*g(k)+ph(k)*ph(k) if(ph(k)/=0.0) then perd=2.0*pi/atan2(ph(k),g(k)) else perd=0.0 endif g(k)=sqrt(a2) ph(k)=perd enddo c----------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine balanc(a,n,np) c******************************************** c Replaces an nxn matrix a stored in a(np,np) with a balanced matrix with c identical eigenvalues. A symmetric matrix is already balanced. c The parameter radix should be the machine's floating point radix. c============================================ integer n,np,i,j,last real a(np,np),radix,sqrdx,c,f,g,r,s parameter (radix=2.,sqrdx=radix**2) c******************************************** 1 continue last=1 do i=1,n c=0. r=0. do j=1,n if( c=c+abs(a(j,i)) r=r+abs(a(i,j)) endif enddo if( .and. then g=r/radix f=1. s=c+r 2 if( then f=f*radix c=c*sqrdx goto 2 endif g=r*radix 3 if( then f=f/radix c=c/sqrdx goto 3 endif if((c+r)/*s) then last=0 g=1./f do j=1,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)*g enddo do j=1,n a(j,i)=a(j,i)*f enddo endif endif enddo if(last.eq.0) goto 1 c----------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine elmhes(a,n,np) c******************************************** c Reduction to Hessenberg form by the elimanation method. The real c nonsymmetric matrix a stored in a(np,np) is replaced ty an upper c Hesenberg matrix with identical eigenvalues. Use balance to balance a. c Output: Hessenberg in a(i,j) for i <=j+1. The i > j+1 values are random. c============================================ integer n,np,i,j,m real a(np,np),x,y c******************************************** do m=2,n-1 x=0. i=m do j=m,n if(abs(a(j,m-1)).gt.abs(x)) then x=a(j,m-1) i=j endif enddo if( then do j=m-1,n y=a(i,j) a(i,j)=a(m,j) a(m,j)=y enddo do j=1,n y=a(j,i) a(j,i)=a(j,m) a(j,m)=y enddo endif if( then do i=m+1,n y=a(i,m-1) if( then y=y/x a(i,m-1)=y do j=m,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)-y*a(m,j) enddo do j=1,n a(j,m)=a(j,m)+y*a(j,i) enddo endif enddo endif enddo c---------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine hqr(a,n,np,wr,wi,io) c******************************************** c Finds eigenvalues of an nxn upper Hessenberg matrix a stored in a(np,np). c Input: a from elmhes. c Output: The real & imaginary parts of the ev's in wr & wi, respectively. c============================================ integer n,np,i,its,j,k,l,m,nn real a(np,np),wi(np),wr(np),anorm,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z c******************************************** anorm=abs(a(1,1)) do i=2,n do j=i-1,n anorm=anorm+abs(a(i,j)) enddo enddo nn=n t=0. 1 if( then its=0 2 do l=nn,2,-1 s=abs(a(l-1,l-1))+abs(a(l,l)) if(s.eq.0.)s=anorm if(abs(a(l,l-1))+s.eq.s) goto 3 enddo l=1 3 x=a(nn,nn) if(l.eq.nn) then wr(nn)=x+t wi(nn)=0. nn=nn-1 else y=a(nn-1,nn-1) w=a(nn,nn-1)*a(nn-1,nn) if(l.eq.nn-1) then p=0.5*(y-x) q=p**2+w z=sqrt(abs(q)) x=x+t if( then z=p+sign(z,p) wr(nn)=x+z wr(nn-1)=wr(nn) if( wr(nn)=x-w/z wi(nn)=0. wi(nn-1)=0. else wr(nn)=x+p wr(nn-1)=wr(nn) wi(nn)=z wi(nn-1)=-z endif nn=nn-2 else if(its.eq.30) then write(io,*) 'Too many iterations in hqr' return endif if(its.eq.10.or.its.eq.20) then t=t+x do i=1,nn a(i,i)=a(i,i)-x enddo s=abs(a(nn,nn-1))+abs(a(nn-1,nn-2)) x=0.75*s y=x w=-0.4375*s**2 endif its=its+1 do m=nn-2,l,-1 z=a(m,m) r=x-z s=y-z p=(r*s-w)/a(m+1,m)+a(m,m+1) q=a(m+1,m+1)-z-r-s r=a(m+2,m+1) s=abs(p)+abs(q)+abs(r) p=p/s q=q/s r=r/s if(m.eq.l) goto 4 u=abs(a(m,m-1))*(abs(q)+abs(r)) v=abs(p)*(abs(a(m-1,m-1))+abs(z)+abs(a(m+1,m+1))) if(u+v.eq.v) goto 4 enddo 4 do i=m+2,nn a(i,i-2)=0. if ( a(i,i-3)=0. enddo do k=m,nn-1 if( then p=a(k,k-1) q=a(k+1,k-1) r=0. if( r=a(k+2,k-1) x=abs(p)+abs(q)+abs(r) if( then p=p/x q=q/x r=r/x endif endif s=sign(sqrt(p**2+q**2+r**2),p) if( then if(k.eq.m) then if( a(k,k-1)=-a(k,k-1) else a(k,k-1)=-s*x endif p=p+s x=p/s y=q/s z=r/s q=q/p r=r/p do j=k,nn p=a(k,j)+q*a(k+1,j) if( then p=p+r*a(k+2,j) a(k+2,j)=a(k+2,j)-p*z endif a(k+1,j)=a(k+1,j)-p*y a(k,j)=a(k,j)-p*x enddo do i=l,min(nn,k+3) p=x*a(i,k)+y*a(i,k+1) if( then p=p+z*a(i,k+2) a(i,k+2)=a(i,k+2)-p*r endif a(i,k+1)=a(i,k+1)-p*q a(i,k)=a(i,k)-p enddo endif enddo goto 2 endif endif goto 1 endif c----------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine returns(y,r,n,io) c******************************************** c Rates of returns => r c============================================ allocatable::x1,x2 real y(n),r(n),x1(:),x2(:) integer t,n1 intent(in) n,io intent(out) r intent(in out) y c******************************************* n1=n-1 c Allocate space allocate(x1(0:n1),x2(0:n1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in returns' write(6,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in returns' write(9,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in returns' stop endif c------- c Copy source data to scratch array x1 do t=1,n x1(t-1)=y(t) x2(t-1)=0.0 enddo do t=2,n if(y(t)<=0.0) then y(t)=y(t-1) ! no contemporaneous zero or negative values endif enddo x2(0)=y(1) x2(n-1)=y(n) c------- do t=1,n-2 x2(t)=y(t+1) if(x1(t)<0.0) then x2(t)=(y(t)+y(t+2))/2.0 ! linearly interpolate endif enddo c Calculate returns r(1)=0.0 do t=1,n-1 yy=x2(t-1) if(yy<=0.0) then r(t+1)=0.0 elseif((abs(x2(t)/yy))<1.e-17) then write(6,'('' y(t)/y(t-1) in Returns < 1.e-17 for t = '',i6)')t write(6,'('' returns value set to zero'')') r(t+1)=0.0 else r(t+1)=100.0*log(x2(t)/yy) endif enddo c------- deallocate(x1,x2) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine sigmn(x,n,am,sig,io) c******************************************** c Mean - am, Standard Deviation - sig c Input: x Version 9-14-2005 c============================================ real x(n) real*8 sm,s0,mean,dx intent(in) x,n,io intent(out) am,sig c******************************************** sm=0.d0 s0=0.d0 c Sum x do k=1,n sm=sm+dble(x(k)) enddo mean=sm/dfloat(n) c Sum (x-mean)**2 do k=1,n dx=dble(x(k)) s0=s0+(dx-mean)*(dx-mean) enddo c Trap s0=0 if(s0<=0.d0) then am=0.0 sig=0.0 write(6,'(/2x,''Sum of squares for sig in SIGMN is 0''/)') return endif c Mean am=real(mean) c Standard deviation sig=sngl(dsqrt(s0/dfloat(n-1))) return end