program cohfor parameter(mt=10,ndy=14,ny=2002) c******************************************************** c Version 12-24-2001 M. J. Hinich c Forecast an randomly modulated periodic series c================================================= c Parameters in control file COHFOR.CNL. Use spaces between entries! c A delimter symbol * must be placed on each line. c Place comments on the lines of cnl file after the symbol *. c=================================================================== c Lines for the control file COHFOR.CNL c The parameters & commands are found using key words whose first letter c may be either upper or lower case. The rest of the key word must be in c lower case. The symbol ! is a wildcard for the value to be set. c Examples: !n below is the wildcard for the number of data files. It c is replaced by an integer in the cohfor.cnl used to run the program. c !r below is the wildcard for the resolution bandwidth. It is replaced c by a real number in the cohfor.cnl used to run the program. c c ALWAYS use 0.* rather than .* since the program searched for the number c to the left of the period in the parameter. c c A delimter symbol * must be placed on each line. c Use the keywords followed by an = sign and the setting. Some settings are c character strings while others are real numbers. c IMPORTANT: Place the symbol # in a line after these parameters are set. c The program searches for the symbol # to delimite the parameter reads. c Comments on the lines of the cnl file are placed to the right of the c symbol *. These are not read by the program. c c=================================================================== c c Number of runs=!nrun (!n - integer wildcard) Data/file=!nc c There are two possibile ways to run this program. Either there is one time c series in the data file used, or the data file contains nc time series in c column form. c If there are nc signals in one data file then the progam will set c nrun=nc regardless of what is typed after 'number of runs='. c Each run will output the results for each time series. c If there is only one times series in the data then set 'data/file=1' c in spectrum.cnl. In this case the program can compute output for a number c of runs with on different segments of the data using different bandwidths c and other parameters defined below. c I suggest putting both character strings on the first line of the control c file as is shown in the template distributed with this program. c c============================ c c File name=data file name with path c c============================ c c Coherence threshold probability=!rth c !rth - probability threshold for computing the coherent part of the mean c frame. The FFT bin is zeroed out if cdf < th. c c============================ c c Forecast frames=!nf lags=!np c !nf - number of frames to be forecast c !np - number of lags in the VAR for forecasting c c============================ c c Sampling unit=!unit c freqency+k or frequency+h to interpret the sampling rate as a multiple c of kHz or Hz. You can also use the upper case letters K or H. c If k is used the spectrum output unit is kHz, or if h is used the c spectrum output unit is Hz. OR c a 10 character unit in lower case to interpret the sampling rate c as a multipled of this unit. The output will be in periods using that c unit as for example unit='sec'. c c======================================================================= c NOTE: sr, the 2nd number on line 2 of the data file is the sampling c rate in kHz if frequency+K above, or Hz if frequency+H above, or sr is c a sampling interval with the unit determined by the unit determined by c the characters placed after unit= . c If there is an 'a' in the format, then a time mark file is read after c the data is read for each time point. c An example string is: (f7.2,2x,a7). The time mark must be less than c 21 characters long. It is a column to the right of the data column. c======================================================================= c c The loop on runs k = 1,...,!n begins. The data file names and the start c and stop positions for the data in each file are now read. c Place the symbol # in a line after the last parameter below is set. c c========================= c c Resolution bandwidth=!rb ( !r - real wildcard) c This bandwidth is in Hz or the unit used below if frequency is not typed. c Note: rb determines the frame length lb used to compute the spectrum. c c========================= c c Lower frequency=!rl upper frequency=!ru or c Longest period=!rl shortest period=!ru c The passband is (!rl,!ru). c !rl - lower freq, !ru - upper freq of band in units of kHz if 'freq.' c is used, OR if a unit rather than 'freq' is used in the cnl file. c !rl - longest period - the longest period c !ru - shortest period - the shortest period if a unit is used c c If !ru= 0. then the normalized upper frequencey is 0.5. or the c normalized shortest period is lb/2. c c========================= c c File read start=!ns file read end=!ne c !ns - index of datum first read, !ne - index of datum last read c If !ne = 0, all the data is read. c c========================= c c % taper=!rpt c !rpt = % taper of frame for sidelobe reduction (0. < rpt < 25.) c If !rpt = 0, frames are NOT tapered. c c============================ c c Repeat the lines after each run using the same or different data files c with an end of read delimitor # placed on a line after these parameters c are set. c If the same file is used then different blocks can be analyzed with c the same or different frames lengths and other setting. c c============================ c c Data file format for the first two lines (records) c Line 1: A character string with the data file name and code (a80) c Line 2: nfl, sr, data format in paranthesis, example (f7.2,2x) c nfl - no. of observations, sr - sampling rate in kHz if freq. K is c used on line 5 (cnl), in Hz if freq. H is used, or in multiples c of the unit set on line 5 if a time unit output is desired. c Data format is a character*50 string including ( ). c If there is an 'a' in the format, then a time mark file is read c An example string is: (f7.2,2x,a7) c The time mark must be less than 21 characters long. c c=========================================== integer mt,ndy,ny,run,nr,p,q real gs,rt character*700 name character*80 buf,id,fn character*50 charead,fmt character*20 par character*10 su character*2 delim character mk logical exs c********************** c Open control and summary output file open(1,file='cohfor.cnl',err=1,iostat=io1,status='old') open(3,file='cohfor.out',err=2,iostat=io2) c Start time call clock(gs,0,1) write(3,'(11x,''Forecasting using Signal Coherence'')') write(3,'(12x,''M. J. Hinich'')') c-------- ip=0 do k=1,7 c Clear buf do n=1,80 buf(n:n)=' ' enddo c Read line read(1,'(a80)') buf ia=index(buf,'#') if(ia>0) then exit endif ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(3,*) 'Place comment marker * after parameters for top read *on map.cnl' write(3,'(a70)') buf stop endif ig=ig-1 name(ip+1:ip+ig)=buf(:ig) ip=ip+ig enddo c No. of runs par='uns' delim(1:2)='= ' run=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) c Data/file par='ta/file' nc=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(nc<1) then write(3,*) 'No. of data columns ',nc,' < 1' stop endif c Data file name from control file delim(1:2)='= ' par='ile name' fn=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) inm=index(fn,'.') if(inm==0) then write(3,*) 'Data file ',fn,' has no extension' stop endif c Inquire if file exists inquire(file=fn,exist=exs) if(.not.exs) then write(3,*) 'Input file ',fn(:inm+5),' does not exist as named' stop endif c---------- c Open file c New data file for run open(2,file=fn,err=3,iostat=io3,status='old') rewind(2) c File header read(2,'(a80)') id write(3,'(1x,a79)') id c Sample size and sampling rate read(2,*) nfl,sr backspace(2) read(2,'(a80)') buf c Data format in fmt do k=1,50 fmt(k:k)=' ' enddo ia=index(buf,'(') if(ia>0) then ib=ia-1+index(buf(ia:),')') endif ic=index(buf(ib+1:),')') if(ic>0) then ib=ib+ic endif ic=index(buf(ib+1:),')') if(ic>0) then ib=ib+ic endif ic=index(buf(ib+1:),' ') if(ib>ia .and. ic>0) then fmt(1:(ib-ia+1))=buf(ia:ib) else write(io,*) 'Format on second line of data file is incorrect' stop endif c------- c Parse format to see if there is an 'a' for time values c If so then set mk='m' to flag times mk='a' ia=index(fmt,'a') if(ia>0) then mk='m' endif c------- c Open fname.forec ist=inm+5 fn(inm+1:inm+5)='forec' open(4,file=fn(:ist),err=4,iostat=io4) c------- c Coherence threshold probability par='bility' th=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) c Trap th if(th<0 .or. th>=1.) then write(io,*) 'Coherence threshold ',th,' is out in unit interval' stop endif c Forecast frames ahead par='ames' q=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(q<1 .or. q>10) then write(io,*) 'No. of frames ahead for forecasting ',q,' is out of *bounds' stop endif c Lags in VAR par='ags' p=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(p<1) then write(io,*) 'No. of lags ',p,' < 1' stop endif c Sampling unit par='unit' buf=charead(par,name,delim,ia,ier,3) su=buf(:15) ift=index(buf,'req') if(ift>0) then ik=index(buf,'+K') ih=index(buf,'+H') ikl=index(buf,'+k') ihl=index(buf,'+h') endif if(ift>0 .and. (ik>0 .or. ikl>0)) then c kHz iunit=1 elseif(ift>0 .and. (ih>0 .or. ihl>0)) then c Hz iunit=2 elseif(ift==0) then c Unit set in bispec.cnl iunit=0 endif c------- if(ift>0.and.((ik==0.and.ih==0).and.(ikl==0.and.ihl==0))) then write(3,'(2x,''Unit control parameter '',a15,'' is not followed b *y +K or +H'')') su write(io,'(7x,''or +k or +h'')') stop endif call flush(3) c Mutliple runs do nr=1,run call reac(nc,th,nfl,sr,su,iunit,fmt,mk,p,q,nr,3) write(3,'(7x,''Coherence threshold probability = '',f6.3)') th if(nc>1) then write(3,'(/7x,''Number of Data Columns = '',i2/)') nc endif enddo c End of loop on runs c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Time and date of run & run time call head(mt,ndy,ny,gs,rt,3) c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ stop 1 write(6,*) '**** Error on opening control file 1 ',io1 stop 2 write(6,*) '**** Error on opening output file ',io2 stop 3 write(6,*) '**** Error on opening data file ',io3 stop 4 write(6,*) '**** Error on opening forecast file ',io4 stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine reac(nc,th,nfl,sr,su,iunit,fmt,mk,p,q,nr,io) c******************************************************** c Open data file and read data c======================================================== real*8 dlb integer p,q character*700 name character*80 buf character*50 fmt character*20 par character*10 su character*2 delim character mk intent(in) nc,th,nfl,su,iunit,fmt,mk,p,q,nr,io intent(in out) sr c******************************************** ip=0 do k=1,17 c Clear buf do n=1,80 buf(n:n)=' ' enddo c Read line read(1,'(a80)') buf ia=index(buf,'#') if(ia>0) then exit endif ig=index(buf,'*') if(ig==0) then write(io,*) 'Place comment marker * after parameters on map.cnl' write(io,'(a70)') buf stop endif ig=ig-1 name(ip+1:ip+ig)=buf(:ig) ip=ip+ig enddo c------- delim(1:2)='=' if(iunit>0) then c Lower frequency par='wer freq' fl=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) c Upper frequency par='per freq' fu=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) else c Longest period par='gest period' fl=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier==1) then write(io,'(/'' Type longest period rather than lower freq in *setting the band in spectrum.cnl'')') stop endif c Shortest period par='test period' fu=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier==1) then write(io,'(/'' Type shortest period rather than upper freq in *setting the band in spectrum.cnl'')') stop endif endif c % taper par='taper' pt=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) c Resolution bandwidth par='ion bandwidth' rb=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier==4) then write(io,*) 'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' ia=index(name,'idth') write(io,*) name(ia+5:ia+15) stop elseif(ier==0) then par='ion Bandwidth' rb=rnumread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier==4) then write(io,*) 'Place a period in the resolution bandwidth value' ia=index(name,'idth') write(io,*) name(ia+5:ia+15) stop endif endif if(rb<=0.) then write(io,*) 'Resolution bandwidth < 0' stop endif if(iunit==0) then c Trap fl=0 for low band period if(fl<=0.) then fl=1.e6 endif c Invert period to frequency fl=1./fl if(fu>0.) then fu=1./fu endif endif if(fu>0. .and. fl>fu) then write(io,*) 'Upper bw on line 8 of CNL ',fu,' < lower bw ',fl if(iunit==1) then write(io,*) 'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are kHz' elseif(iunit==2) then write(io,*) 'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are Hz' else write(io,*) 'Check to see the (fl,fu) units are ',su endif stop endif c------- c Trap taper % if(pt<>25.) then write(io,*) 'Taper % not in range (0,25) ',pt,' run - ',nr stop endif c------- c File read start par='start' is=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*) 'Error ',ier,' in read of start datum' write(io,*) par stop endif c File read end par='end' ie=numread(par,name,delim,ia,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*) 'Error ',ier,' in read of end datum' write(io,*) par stop endif if(is<1) then write(io,*) 'IS in spectrum.cnl is < 1 ',is,' run ',nr stop elseif(ie/=0.and.ienfl) then write(io,*) 'IE ',ie, ' > N in data file',nfl stop elseif(ie==0) then ie=nfl endif n=ie-is+1 np=n/lb dlb=dfloat(lb) ntrp=7 if(lb<5) then write(io,*) 'Frame length = ',lb,' < 5 - run ',nr if(iunit>0) then write(io,*) 'Decrease resolution bandwidth = ',rb,' n = ',n else write(io,*) 'Increase resolution period = ',rb,' n = ',n endif stop c Trap no. of frames elseif(np0) then fl=fl/sr if(fu>0.) then fu=fu/sr else fu=0.5 endif else fl=fl*sr fu=fu*sr endif c------- c Trap top band if(fu>0.5) then write(io,*) 'Normalized upper bw = ',fu, ' > 0.5' if(iunit==1) then write(io,*) 'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are kHz' elseif(iunit==2) then write(io,*) 'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are Hz' else write(io,*) 'Check to see if the (fl,fu) units are ',su endif write(io,*) ' Sampling unit ',su,' Sampling rate/interval ',sr write(io,*) 'iunit = ',iunit stop endif c Set il - bin for fu il=nint(sngl(dble(fl)*dlb)) il=max(il,1) n2=lb/2 c Set iu - upper band integer limit if(fu>0.) then iu=nint(sngl(dble(fu)*dlb)) iu=min(iu,n2) else iu=n2 fu=.5 endif c---------- if(il>=iu) then write(io,*) 'fu-fl ',fu-fl,' is too small' write(io,*) 'Increase passband fu-fl in run ',nr stop elseif(il>=iu .and. iu==n2) then write(io,*)'fl ',fl,'=',fu,' fu: ERROR in band settings in cnl' stop endif c No. of frequency bins in band jf=iu-il+1 write(io,'(/2x,''First datum used '',i8,2x,''Last datum used'',i8, *2x,''Sample size = '',i8)') is,ie,ie-is+1 c Write header for summary stats call wrh(su,sr,n,lb,pt,p,q,il,iu,iunit,io) call array(ie,is,lb,il,jf,p,q,iunit,pt,th,fmt,mk,su,nc,3) c---------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine array(ie,is,lb,il,jf,p,q,iunit,pt,th,fmt,mk,su,nc,io) c********************************************************************** c Sets arrays c====================== allocatable::a,c,ik,f,g,r,s,t,sp,v,w,x,y real a(:),x(:),y(:),r(:),s(:),sp(:),w(:) real*8 c(:),v(:) complex*16 f(:),g(:) integer ik(:),p,q character*50 fmt character*25 t(:) character*10 su character mk intent(in) is,ie,lb,il,jf,p,q,iunit,pt,th,fmt,mk,su,nc,io c********************** n=ie-is+1 nx=ie*nc-1 ns=n-1 nn=lb-1 nv=jf-1 c Allocate space allocate(x(0:nx),y(0:n*nc-1),a(0:ns),sp(0:nv),ik(0:nv),f(0:nn),g(0 *:nn),v(0:4*lb+14),r(0:ns),w(0:ns),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for arrays' stop endif c------- if(mk=='m') then nmk=ie allocate(t(0:nmk-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(3,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for array t' pause stop endif else nmk=0 allocate(t(0)) endif call datt(x,fmt,t,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,2,io) c Loop on nc columns do kr=1,nc if(nc>1) then write(io,'(/15x,''|'',17(''=''),''|'')') write(io,'(15x,''| Series No. '',i3,'' |'')') kr write(io,'(15x,''|'',17(''=''),''|''/)') endif c Shift kr column to y do k=0,n-1 np=k*nc+kr y(k)=x(np-1) enddo c Compute statistics for input data call stat(n,y,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin,io) write(io,'(2x,57(''=''))') write(io,'(14x,''Descriptive Statistics of Data'')') call wrstat(io,am,sd,c3,c4,c6,smax,smin) write(io,'(/'' Format: '',a50)') fmt write(io,'(2x,57(''#''))') c a - autocoherence probs call coh(a,sp,y,w,f,v,g,sg,n,lb,il,jf,pt,io) c Screen coh probs m=0 do k=0,jf-1 if(a(k)>th) then sp(m)=a(k) ik(m)=k+il m=m+1 endif enddo c No. of equations in VAR(m,p) if(m==0) then write(io,'(7x,''No frequencies have significant coherence probab *ilities'')') stop endif c No. of frames nf=n/lb mmp=4*m*m*p if(mmp>n/10) then write(io,'('' Sample size '',i7,'' is not large enough for the d *imension of the VAR '',i6)') n,mmp write(io,'('' Increase the coherence prob. threshold '',f6.3)') *th stop endif mc=mmp-1 c Allocate space allocate(c(0:mc),s(0:mc),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for array y & c' write(io,*) 'm = ',m,' m*m*p = ',mmp stop endif call runcoh(y,x,r,s,sp,w,f,g,v,c,ik,sg,lb,jf,m,n,p,q,nf,mmp,su,iu *nit,nc,kr,io) deallocate(c,s) enddo c End of kr loop c------- deallocate(a,ik,f,g,r,t,sp,v,w,x,y) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine coh(a,sp,x,w,f,v,g,sg,n,lb,il,jf,pt,io) c******************************************************** c Output: a(1),...,a(jf) - signal coherence probabilities c x - signal minus mean frame, g - FFT of mean frame c v - initialized for lb, sg - stand deviation of mean frame c======================================================== real a(n),sp(jf),x(n),w(lb) real*8 v(4*lb+15) complex*16 f(0:lb-1),g(0:lb-1) intent(in) n,lb,il,jf,pt intent(out) a,sg,g,v intent(in out) x c********************** rl=float(lb) scc=float(n)/(rl*rl) c Compute complex amplitudes of average frame call amp(x,a,w,g,v,n,lb,il,jf,nt,pt,sg,sw,io) c------- c Compute spectrum call spc(x,w,sp,f,v,n,lb,il,jf,pt,sw,io) c Coherence do k=1,jf c Chi square ch=a(k)/sp(k) c Coherence probability call cdchi((2.*scc*ch),2.,tpr,io) a(k)=tpr enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine amp(x,a,w,g,v,n,lb,il,jf,nt,pt,sg,sw,io) c******************************************************** c Complex amplitudes of mean signal c Output: a(1) - squared cabs of FFT's of mean frame c g - FFT of mean frame, v - initialized for lb, w - taper values c======================================================== real x(n),a(lb),w(lb) real*8 v(4*lb+15),z complex*16 g(0:lb-1) intent(in) n,lb,il,jf,pt intent(out) a,g,v,w,nt,sg,sw intent(in out) x c********************** c Average frame of x & subtract mean frame call wave(x,a,n,lb,sg,io) c Initialize taper if(pt>0.) then call taper(w,lb,pt,sw,nt,io) c If no. of tapered values at ends < 2 set nt=0 if(nt<2) then nt=0. sw=1. endif else sw=1. endif c------- c Initialize v call cffti(lb,v) if(pt>0.) then c Taper do k=1,lb a(k)=w(k)*a(k) enddo endif c Move a to complex g do j=1,lb g(j-1)=dcmplx(dble(a(j))) enddo c------- c FFT of average frame call cfftf(lb,g,v) c Compute squared magnitude & phases ks=il-1 do k=1,jf kn=k+ks c Squared cabs(a(k)) z=dreal(g(kn))*dreal(g(kn))+dimag(g(kn))*dimag(g(kn)) a(k)=sngl(z) enddo c--------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wave(x,a,n,lb,sg,io) c******************************************************** c Subtractes periodic extension of waveform estimate from x c Output: a - mean frame, x - signal minus mean frame c======================================================== real x(n),a(lb) real*8 sm,sv intent(in) n,lb,io intent(out) a,sg intent(in out) x c********************* np=n/lb c Initialize signal array do k=1,lb a(k)=0. enddo c Loop over frames to compute mean signal do kb=1,np kp=(kb-1)*lb do k=1,lb ka=kp+k a(k)=a(k)+x(ka) enddo enddo c------ sm=0.d0 sv=0.d0 bk=float(np) do k=1,lb a(k)=a(k)/bk sm=sm+dble(a(k)) sv=sv+dble(a(k)*a(k)) enddo sm=sm/dfloat(lb) sg=sngl(dsqrt((sv-dfloat(lb)*sm*sm)/dfloat(lb-1))) c Subtract mean a from x do kb=1,np kp=(kb-1)*lb do k=1,lb ka=kp+k x(ka)=x(ka)-a(k) enddo enddo c------ return end c c=========================================== c subroutine spc(x,w,sp,f,v,n,lb,il,jf,pt,sw,io) c******************************************************** c M. J. Hinich 12-12-2000 c x - data window, w - taper weights c n - sample size, lb - frame size, pt - taper, nw - smooth sp c il - low freq bin of passband, iu - high freq bin of passband c======================================================== allocatable::y real x(n),sp(jf),w(lb),y(:) real*8 v(4*lb+15) complex*16 f(0:lb-1) intent(in) x,n,lb,il,jf,pt,sw,io intent(out) sp c********************** allocate(y(0:lb-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for array a' stop endif c Initialize arrays do k1=1,jf sp(k1)=0. enddo np=n/lb bk=float(np) c Scale factor cs2=dcmplx(dfloat(lb)) c Pointers ks=il-1 iu=ks+jf c Start loop over frames do kb=1,np kp=(kb-1)*lb c Taper frame kb do k=1,lb ka=kp+k if(pt>0.) then y(k-1)=w(k)*x(ka) else y(k-1)=x(ka) endif c Move x frame to complex f f(k-1)=dcmplx(dble(y(k-1))) enddo c------- c FFT of frame call cfftf(lb,f,v) c Periodogram fl0) then sp(jk)=sp(jk)/sw endif if(sp(jk)<1.e-6) then sp(jk)=1.e-6 endif endif enddo enddo c End of loop on frames c------- deallocate(y) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine runcoh(x,y,r,s,sp,w,f,g,v,c,ik,sg,lb,jf,m,n,p,q,nf,mmp, *su,iunit,nc,kr,io) c******************************************** c Calls copred & outputs forecasts. AR forecast in s. c x - signal minus mean frame, g - FFT of mean frame c m = no. of Fourier amplitudes used from the FFT for framed data c mmp = 4*m*m*p, lb = frame size, nf = no. of frames, p = no. of lags in VAR c c - (c1,c2,...,cm) mmp estimated VAR coefficients where c ci = (ci11,...,cim1,ci12,...,cim2,...,ci1p,...,cimp) c s - mmp standard errors of the estimated VAR coefficients c============================================ real x(n),y(n*nc),sp(jf),r(lb*nf),s(mmp),w(n) real*8 c(mmp),v(4*lb+15) complex*16 f(0:lb-1),g(0:lb-1) integer ik(m),p,q character*10 su intent(in) x,g,v,ik,sg,n,lb,jf,m,p,q,nf,mmp,su,iunit,nc,kr,io c******************************************** c Forecasts in y kfr=(kr-1)*q*lb+1 call cohpred(x,y(kfr),f,g,v,c,r,s,r2,ik,sg,w,nf,lb,m,p,q,mmp,io) write(io,'(/2x,''Number of Significant Frequencies used in the VAR * Fit = '',i2/)') m write(io,'(5x,''Signal Coherence Probabilites & Their Frequency Bi *ns'')') write(io,'(5x,47(''=''))') if(m>4) then do j=0,m/4-1 jk=j*4 write(io,'(4(f7.4,'' - '',i3,1x))') (sp(k),ik(k),k=jk+1,jk+4) write(io,*) enddo write(io,*) c Last pointer for k jk=jk+4 ma=mod(m,4) if(ma>0 .and. jk+ma<=m) then write(io,'(4(f7.4,'' - '',i3,1x))') (sp(k),ik(k),k=jk+1,jk+ma) write(io,*) endif elseif(m<=4) then write(io,'(4(f7.4,'' - '',i3,1x))') (sp(k),ik(k),k=1,m) write(io,*) endif write(io,'(2x,47(''=''))') write(3,'(5x,i2,'' Frames Forecasted'',2x,''Number of Lags = '',i2 *)') q,p write(io,'(2x,47(''-''))') c Write out VAR coefficients write(io,'(3x,''VAR Coefficients'',7x,''Std Error'',5x,''t Value'' */)') mm=2*m mp=mm*p do k1=1,mm do kp=1,p do k2=1,mm jb=(kp-1)*mm+k2 jp=(k1-1)*mp+jb write(3,'(2x,''b('',i2,'','',i2,'') = '',f9.3,3x,f9.3,3x,f9.3)') *k1,jb,sngl(c(jp)),s(jp),sngl(c(jp))/s(jp) enddo enddo enddo write(io,'(/7x,''R Square = '',f7.3/)') r2 write(io,'(/2x,37(''*''))') if(kr==nc) then c Write out VAR coefficients & forecast call wrtpred(y,lb,q,nc,io) endif c Move coefficients to s do k=1,mmp s(k)=sngl(c(k)) enddo c Call system eigenvalue routines mp=2*m*p call sysev(s,x,r,w,m,mp,io) if(iunit==1) then write(io,'(3x,''Magnitudes'',4x,''Periods - System Eigenvalues in * units of milseconds''/)') elseif(iunit==1) then write(io,'(3x,''Magnitudes'',4x,''Periods - System Eigenvalues *in units of seconds''/)') else write(io,'(3x,''Magnitudes'',4x,''Periods - System Eigenvalue *s in units of '',a7/)') su endif do k=1,mp if(w(k)>1.e-7) then write(io,'(1x,i2,2x,f8.4,6x,f6.2)') k,r(k),w(k) else write(io,'(1x,i2,2x,f8.4,6x,''Zero Frequency'')') k, *r(k) endif enddo write(io,*) c---------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine cohpred(x,y,f,g,v,c,r,s,r2,ik,sg,w,nf,lb,m,p,q,mmp,io) c******************************************** c Predicts x q steps ahead for 2*m Fourier coherent terms c mmp = m*m*p, lb = frame size, nf = no. of frames, p = no. of lags in VAR c x - signal minus mean frame, g - FFT of mean frame, sg - sig of mean frame c ik - ik(k)=k if kth FFT is to be used, v - initialized for lb c Output: y - predictions c m = no. of Fourier amplitudes used from the FFT for framed data c c - (c1,c2,...,cm) mmp estimated VAR coefficients where c ci = (ci11,...,cim1,ci12,...,cim2,...,ci1p,...,cimp) c s - mmp standard errors of the estimated VAR coefficients c r - residuals for the m variables in column major order, r2 - R**2 c============================================ real x(lb*nf),y(lb*nf),r(lb*nf),s(mmp),w(lb*nf) real*8 c(mmp),v(4*lb+15) complex*16 f(0:lb-1),g(0:lb-1) integer ik(m),p,q intent(in) x,g,v,ik,sg,nf,lb,m,p,q,mmp,io intent(out) y,c,s,r,r2 c******************************************** mm=2*m c Organize FFT values for VAR call ft(x,y,ik,f,v,nf,lb,m,io) c VAR of the FFT values in y call var(y,r,c,s,r2,mm,p,nf,ier,io) if(ier>0) then write(io,*) 'Error in subroutine var ier = ',ier stop endif c------- c Forecast FFT values in r call forvar(y,r,c,s,w,mm,p,q,nf,io) c Combine mean frame & forecasted values call forft(r,y,ik,f,g,v,sg,lb,m,q,io) c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine ft(x,y,ik,f,v,nf,lb,m,io) c******************************************** c x - signal minus mean frame, v - initialized for lb c Output: y - real & imaginary values for VAR c============================================ real x(lb*nf),y(2*m*nf) real*8 v(4*lb+15) complex*16 f(0:lb-1) integer ik(m) intent(in) x,ik,nf,lb,m,io intent(out) y c************************** c Loop over frames do kb=1,nf kp=(kb-1)*lb do j=1,lb f(j-1)=dcmplx(dble(x(kp+j))) enddo c FFT of frame call cfftf(lb,f,v) do k=1,m c Move to y ki=(kb-1)*(2*m)+(k-1)*2 i1=ki+1 i2=ki+2 y(i1)=sngl(dreal(f(ik(k)))) y(i2)=sngl(dimag(f(ik(k)))) enddo enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine forvar(x,y,c,s,w,m,p,q,n,io) c******************************************** c Forecasts q steps ahead for a VAR(m,p) model c M. J. Hinich Version 12-27-2001 c xi(t)=ci11*x1(t-1) +...+ cim1*xm(t-1) + ci12*x1(t-2) +...+ c cim2*xm(t-2) +...+ c + ci1p*x1(t-p) +...+ cimp*xm(t-p) + ei(t) c x1(1),...,x1(n),x2(1),...,x2(n),...,xm(1),...,xm(n) c c - VAR coefficients in m*m*p array. c Output: y - x1(i),...,xm(i) - i point forecasts, i = 1,...,q c============================================ integer m,p,q,n,t real x(m*n),y(m*q),s(m*m*p),w(m*q) real*8 c(m*m*p),cv,sm intent(in) x,c,s,m,p,q,n,io intent(out) y c******************************************** mp=m*p c Shift the last p observations to w do t=n,n-p+1,-1 do k=1,m i=(n-t)*m+k w(i)=x((k-1)*n+t) enddo enddo c------- do kf=1,q do k1=1,m sm=0.d0 do kp=1,p do k2=1,m jp=(k1-1)*mp+(kp-1)*m+k2 kx=(kp-1)*m+k2 c t values cv=c(jp) tc=sngl(cv)/s(jp) c Zero out insignificant coefficient if(abs(tc)<1.) then cv=0.d0 endif sm=sm+cv*dble(w(kx)) enddo enddo c kf forecast y((kf-1)*m+k1)=sngl(sm) enddo c Foreshift the w's do t=q-1,1,-1 do k1=1,m kt=(t-1)*m+k1 w(kt+m)=w(kt) enddo enddo c Shift kf forecast to first frame in w do k=1,m w(k)=y((kf-1)*m+k) enddo enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine forft(x,y,ik,f,g,v,sg,lb,m,q,io) c******************************************** c RMP forecasts going forward in time c x - real & imaginary values from subroutine forvar c g - FFT of mean frame, v - initialized for lb c Output: y - forecasts of q step ahead frames c============================================ real x(2*m*q),y(lb*q) real*8 v(4*lb+15),sm,sv complex*16 f(0:lb-1),g(0:lb-1) integer lb,ik(m),t,q intent(in) x,ik,g,v,sg,lb,m,q,io intent(out) y c************************** c Loop on q forecasts do kb=1,q c Zero bin f(0)=g(0) do k=1,lb-1 f(k)=dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0) enddo do k=1,m c Move to f for kb frame ki=(kb-1)*2*m+(k-1)*2 i1=ki+1 i2=ki+2 nk=ik(k) f(nk)=dconjg((dcmplx(x(i1),x(i2)))+g(nk)) f(lb-nk)=dconjg(f(nk)) enddo call cfftf(lb,f,v) sm=0.d0 sv=0.d0 do t=0,lb-1 st=real(f(t))/float(lb) sm=sm+dble(st) sv=sv+dble(st*st) y((kb-1)*lb+t+1)=st enddo sm=sm/dfloat(lb) sigy=sngl(dsqrt((sv-dfloat(lb)*sm*sm)/dfloat(lb-1))) do t=0,lb-1 c Scale by sg for mean frame y((kb-1)*lb+t+1)=(sg/sigy)*y((kb-1)*lb+t+1) enddo enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine var(x,r,c,s,r2,m,p,n,ier,io) c******************************************** c Calls least squares fit of a VARm(p) model. Version 12-27-99 c Input: x - n observations, m - equations c Output: c - VAR coefficients in row major m*m*p array , r - residuals, c s - standard errors of coefficients, r2 - R**2 c============================================ allocatable::a,b,d,sig integer p real x(m*n),r(m*n),s(m*m*p),sig(:) real*8 a(:),b(:),d(:),c(m*m*p) intent(in) x,m,p,n intent(out) c,r,r2,s,ier c******************************************** nc=m*m*p ns=nc-1 ncc=nc*nc-1 allocate(a(0:ncc),b(0:ns),d(0:ns),sig(0:m-1),stat=ibad) if(ibad/=0) then write(io,*) 'Unable to allocate work space for arrays in var' stop endif do k=0,ncc a(k)=0.d0 enddo call fit(x,r,a,b,d,m,p,n,nc,c,s,r2,sig,ier,io) c------- deallocate(a,b,d,sig) return end c c=========================================== c subroutine fit(x,r,a,b,d,m,p,n,nc,c,s,r2,sig,ier,io) c******************************************** c Least squares fit of a VARm(p) model c============================================ integer p,t real x(m*n),r(m*n),s(nc),sig(m) real*8 a(nc,nc),b(nc),d(nc),c(nc),res,sm,dn,a2,st,sv intent(in) x,m,p,n,nc intent(out) c,r,r2,s,ier c******************************************** dn=dfloat(n) mp=m*p a2=0.d0 res=0.d0 c The mxmp submatrix of a do k1=1,m do kp=0,p do k2=1,m c Covariance matrix of the x's sm=0.d0 do t=1,n-kp sm=sm+dble(x((k1-1)*n+t+kp))*dble(x((k2-1)*n+t)) enddo if(kp==0 .and. k1==k2) then c Sum of squares of x(k1) res=res+sm endif sm=sm/dn c b array if(kp>0) then jp=(k1-1)*mp+(kp-1)*m+k2 b(jp)=sm endif c------- c Reproduce the mpxmp submatrix in a do jm=1,m if(kp1.e-7) then perd=2.*pi/atan2(ph(k),g(k)) else perd=0. endif g(k)=sqrt(a2) ph(k)=perd enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine balanc(a,n,np) c******************************************** c Replaces an nxn matrix a stored in a(np,np) with a balanced matrix with c identical eigenvalues. A symmetric matrix is already balanced. c The parameter radix should be the machine's floating point radix. c============================================ integer n,np,i,j,last real a(np,np),radix,sqrdx,c,f,g,r,s parameter (radix=2.,sqrdx=radix**2) c******************************************** 1 continue last=1 do i=1,n c=0. r=0. do j=1,n if(j/=i)then c=c+abs(a(j,i)) r=r+abs(a(i,j)) endif enddo if(c/=0. .and. r/=0.) then g=r/radix f=1. s=c+r 2 if(cg) then f=f/radix c=c/sqrdx goto 3 endif if((c+r)/f<0.95*s) then last=0 g=1./f do j=1,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)*g enddo do j=1,n a(j,i)=a(j,i)*f enddo endif endif enddo if(last==0) goto 1 c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine elmhes(a,n,np) c******************************************** c Reduction to Hessenberg form by the elimanation method. The real c nonsymmetric matrix a stored in a(np,np) is replaced ty an upper c Hesenberg matrix with identical eigenvalues. Use balance to balance a. c Output: Hessenberg in a(i,j) for i <=j+1. The i > j+1 values are random. c============================================ integer n,np,i,j,m real a(np,np),x,y c******************************************** do m=2,n-1 x=0. i=m do j=m,n if(abs(a(j,m-1))>abs(x)) then x=a(j,m-1) i=j endif enddo if(i/=m) then do j=m-1,n y=a(i,j) a(i,j)=a(m,j) a(m,j)=y enddo do j=1,n y=a(j,i) a(j,i)=a(j,m) a(j,m)=y enddo endif if(x/=0.) then do i=m+1,n y=a(i,m-1) if(y/=0.) then y=y/x a(i,m-1)=y do j=m,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)-y*a(m,j) enddo do j=1,n a(j,m)=a(j,m)+y*a(j,i) enddo endif enddo endif enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine hqr(a,n,np,wr,wi,io) c******************************************** c Finds eigenvalues of an nxn upper Hessenberg matrix a stored in a(np,np). c Input: a from elmhes. c Output: The real & imaginary parts of the ev's in wr & wi, respectively. c============================================ integer n,np,i,its,j,k,l,m,nn real a(np,np),wi(np),wr(np),anorm,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z c******************************************** anorm=abs(a(1,1)) do i=2,n do j=i-1,n anorm=anorm+abs(a(i,j)) enddo enddo nn=n t=0. 1 if(nn>=1) then its=0 2 do l=nn,2,-1 s=abs(a(l-1,l-1))+abs(a(l,l)) if(s==0.)s=anorm if(abs(a(l,l-1))+s==s) goto 3 enddo l=1 3 x=a(nn,nn) if(l==nn) then wr(nn)=x+t wi(nn)=0. nn=nn-1 else y=a(nn-1,nn-1) w=a(nn,nn-1)*a(nn-1,nn) if(l==nn-1) then p=0.5*(y-x) q=p**2+w z=sqrt(abs(q)) x=x+t if(q>=0.) then z=p+sign(z,p) wr(nn)=x+z wr(nn-1)=wr(nn) if(z/=0.) wr(nn)=x-w/z wi(nn)=0. wi(nn-1)=0. else wr(nn)=x+p wr(nn-1)=wr(nn) wi(nn)=z wi(nn-1)=-z endif nn=nn-2 else if(its==30) then write(io,*) 'Too many iterations in hqr' return endif if(its==10.or.its==20) then t=t+x do i=1,nn a(i,i)=a(i,i)-x enddo s=abs(a(nn,nn-1))+abs(a(nn-1,nn-2)) x=0.75*s y=x w=-0.4375*s**2 endif its=its+1 do m=nn-2,l,-1 z=a(m,m) r=x-z s=y-z p=(r*s-w)/a(m+1,m)+a(m,m+1) q=a(m+1,m+1)-z-r-s r=a(m+2,m+1) s=abs(p)+abs(q)+abs(r) p=p/s q=q/s r=r/s if(m==l) goto 4 u=abs(a(m,m-1))*(abs(q)+abs(r)) v=abs(p)*(abs(a(m-1,m-1))+abs(z)+abs(a(m+1,m+1))) if(u+v==v) goto 4 enddo 4 do i=m+2,nn a(i,i-2)=0. if (i/=m+2) a(i,i-3)=0. enddo do k=m,nn-1 if(k/=m) then p=a(k,k-1) q=a(k+1,k-1) r=0. if(k/=nn-1) r=a(k+2,k-1) x=abs(p)+abs(q)+abs(r) if(x/=0.) then p=p/x q=q/x r=r/x endif endif s=sign(sqrt(p**2+q**2+r**2),p) if(s/=0.) then if(k==m) then if(l/=m) a(k,k-1)=-a(k,k-1) else a(k,k-1)=-s*x endif p=p+s x=p/s y=q/s z=r/s q=q/p r=r/p do j=k,nn p=a(k,j)+q*a(k+1,j) if(k/=nn-1) then p=p+r*a(k+2,j) a(k+2,j)=a(k+2,j)-p*z endif a(k+1,j)=a(k+1,j)-p*y a(k,j)=a(k,j)-p*x enddo do i=l,min(nn,k+3) p=x*a(i,k)+y*a(i,k+1) if(k/=nn-1) then p=p+z*a(i,k+2) a(i,k+2)=a(i,k+2)-p*r endif a(i,k+1)=a(i,k+1)-p*q a(i,k)=a(i,k)-p enddo endif enddo goto 2 endif endif goto 1 endif c----------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine datt(x,buf,t,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,ii,io) c******************************************************** c Reads data c x - input data file, t - time marks if indicated by 'm' in CNL c======================================================== real x(n*nc) character*25 t(nmk) character*50 buf character mk intent(in) buf,mk,nmk,is,ie,n,nc,ii,io intent(out) x,t c******************************************** rewind(ii) c Skip header and parameter records read(ii,*) read(ii,*) c Read data if(mk=='m') then if(is==1) then do i=1,n read(ii,buf,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) (x((i-1)*nc+k),k=1,nc),t(i) enddo elseif(is>1) then do i=1,is read(ii,buf,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) x((i-1)*nc+1),t(i) enddo do i=is,ie read(ii,buf,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) (x((i-is)*nc+k),k=1,nc),t( *i) enddo endif elseif(mk/='m') then if(is==1) then read(ii,buf,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) ((x((i-1)*nc+k),k=1,nc),i=1 *,n) elseif(is>1) then read(ii,buf,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) (x((i-1)*nc+1),i=1,is) read(ii,buf,end=1,err=2,iostat=ko) ((x((i-is)*nc+k),k=1,nc), *i=is,ie) endif endif return c-------- 1 write(io,*) '**** eof in read from data file ' write(io,*) 'i = ',i return c Error in data read 2 write(io,*) '** Error in read of data file ',ko write(io,*) 'Check format',buf stop end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrh(su,sr,n,lb,pt,p,q,il,iu,iunit,io) c******************************************************** c Writes run information for main output in output files c======================================================== integer p,q character*10 su intent(in) su,sr,n,lb,pt,p,q,il,iu,iunit,io c********************** rl=float(lb) write(io,'(60(''=''))') if(iunit==1) then a=float(il)/rl*sr b=float(iu)/rl*sr c Lower and upper frequencies for band write(io,'('' Sampling rate ='',f12.3,'' kHz''/)') sr write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth = '',f10.3,'' Hz.'',2x,''No. F *rames '',i6,1x,''. Frame Length '',i7/)') 1.e3*sr/rl,n/lb,lb write(io,'('' Passband ('',f9.3,2x,f10.3,'' ) kHz'')') a,b endif c------ if(iunit==2) then a=float(il)/rl*sr*1.e3 b=float(iu)/rl*sr*1.e3 write(io,'('' Sampling rate ='',f12.3,'' Hz''/)') 1.e3*sr write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth = '',f10.5,'' Hz.'',2x,''No. F *rames '',i6,1x,''. Frame Length '',i6/)') sr/rl*1.e3,n/lb,lb write(io,'('' Passband ('',f7.2,2x,f9.2,'' ) Hz'')') a,b endif c------ if(iunit==0) then rb=rl*sr a=rb/float(il) b=rb/float(iu) write(io,'('' Sampling interval = '',g12.6,1x,a7/)') sr,su write(io,'('' Resolution Bandwidth = '',g10.4,1x,a7,2x,''No. Fram *es '',i7,1x,''. Frame Length '',i6/)') rb,su,n/lb,lb write(io,'('' Passband ('',f9.2,2x,f9.2,'' )'',1x,a7)') a,b,su endif c---------- write(io,'(/7x,''No. of frequencies in band '',i6/)') iu-il+1 write(io,'(7x,''No. of frames forecasted = '',i3,2x,''VAR Lags = ' *',i2/)') q,p c Number of values tapered from each end nt=nint(pt*rl/200.) c If no. of tapered values at ends < 2 set nt=0 if(nt<2) then nt=0 endif if(pt>0.) then write(io,'('' % taper = '',f5.2,4x,''No. tapered at each end = '' *,i5/)') pt,nt if(nt==0) then write(io,'('' % Taper yields no. of tapered values < 2''/)') endif endif c--------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrstat(i,am,sig,sk,c4,c6,smax,smin) c**************************************************** c Data statistics c====================== write(i,'(2x,57(''='')/)') write(i,'('' Mean ='',g12.3,7x,''Std Dev ='',g12.3/)') am,sig write(i,'('' Skew ='',g10.3,4x,''Kurtosis ='',g10.3,4x,''C(6) ='', *f10.3/)') sk,c4,c6 write(i,'('' Max value ='',g12.3,7x,''Min value ='',g12.3)') smax, *smin return end c c=========================================== c subroutine wrtpred(x,lb,q,nc,io) c******************************************** c Output forecasts of frames c============================================ integer t,q real x(q*lb*nc) intent(in) x,lb,q,nc,io c******************************************** c Write out forecasts nq=q*lb do t=1,q do kt=1,lb write(4,'(i3,2x,i4,2x,:,100(f9.3,1x))') t,kt,(x((kc-1)*nq+(t-1)* *lb+kt),kc=1,nc) enddo enddo c--------- return end c c============================================ c subroutine dcholdc(a,n,d,ier,io) c******************************************** c Cholesky decomposition A=LL' c Iput: A - positive definite matrix c Output: L - lower diagonal of A, diagonal in d c============================================ integer n,i,j,k real*8 a(n,n),d(n),sum intent(in) n intent(out) d,ier intent(in out) a c******************************************** c Set error flag to off ier=0 do i=1,n do j=i,n sum=a(i,j) do k=i-1,1,-1 sum=sum-a(i,k)*a(j,k) enddo c------ if(i==j) then if(sum<=0.d0) then ier=1 c write(io,*) 'DCHOLDC failed, A is not positive definite' return endif d(i)=dsqrt(sum) else a(j,i)=sum/d(i) endif enddo enddo c------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine dcholsl(a,n,d,b,x) c******************************************** c Solves the n linear equations Ax=b c Input: A & d from DCHOLDC. Only lower triangle of A is used c============================================ integer n,i,k real*8 a(n,n),b(n),d(n),x(n),sum intent(in) a,b,d intent(out) x c******************************************** do i=1,n sum=b(i) do k=i-1,1,-1 sum=sum-a(i,k)*x(k) enddo x(i)=sum/d(i) enddo c------ do i=n,1,-1 sum=x(i) do k=i+1,n sum=sum-a(k,i)*x(k) enddo x(i)=sum/d(i) enddo c------ return end c c=========================================== c subroutine dinverse(a,n,d) c******************************************** c Finds inverse of A from cholesky decomposition A=LL' c Input: A & d from DCHOLSL c Output: A - inverse of covariance matrix c============================================ integer n,i,j real*8 a(n,n),d(n),sum intent(in) d,n c******************************************** c Lower diagonal inverse of L in a do i=1,n a(i,i)=1.d0/d(i) do j=i+1,n sum=0.d0 do k=i,j-1 sum=sum-a(j,k)*a(k,i) enddo a(j,i)=sum/d(j) enddo enddo c------ c Inverse of LL' do i=1,n do j=i+1,n sum=0.d0 do k=j,n sum=sum+a(k,i)*a(k,j) enddo a(i,j)=sum enddo c------ c Diagonal sum=0.d0 do k=i,n sum=sum+a(k,i)*a(k,i) enddo a(i,i)=sum enddo c------ do i=1,n do j=i+1,n a(j,i)=a(i,j) enddo enddo c---------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine cdchi(x,df,prob,io) c******************************************** c Calculates cumulative distribution function of chi square (df) c Input: x - level, df - degrees of freedom, io - output file no. c Output: prob - probability that chi**2(ndf) < x c Version : 8-18-99 c============================================ real x,df,prob,tx parameter(tx=1.e-4) intent(in) x,df,io intent(out) prob c******************************************** c Trap x if(x<0.) then write(io,*) 'x in cdchi ',x,' is not positive' return endif c---------- if(x50.) then write(io,*) '* ERROR * Improper % for tapering: ',p return endif c---------- c Compute number of values to be tapered on each end nt=nint(p*float(lb)/200.) if(nt>lb/4) then write(io,*) 'Taper size ',nt,' > lb/4. Increase data block ',lb return endif c Taper weights and sum of squares sw sw=0. do k=1,nt w(k)=sin(pi*k/(2.*float(nt+1))) w(lb+1-k)=w(k) sw=sw+w(k)*w(k) enddo c---------- sw=(2.*sw+float(lb-2*nt))/float(lb) c Fill out w array do k=nt+1,lb-nt w(k)=1. enddo c---------- return end c c=========================================== c subroutine stat(n,x,mean,sd,sk,c4,c6,max,min,io) c************************************************** c Version : 8-4-2000 c Precision : single precision out/double arithmetic c c Function : Calculates mean, standard deviation, skewness - sk, c kurtosis - c4, 6-th order cumulant - c6, maximum - max, and c minimum - min of the sample. c c================================================= real*8 s1,s2,s3,s4,s6,dx,dx3,dn,ds,xmin,xmax real x(n),mean,max,min intent(in) n,x,io intent(out) mean,sd,sk,c4,c6,max,min c************************************************** c Initialize accumulators xmax=x(1) xmin=x(1) s1=0.d0 s2=0.d0 s3=0.d0 s4=0.d0 s6=0.d0 dn=dfloat(n) do k=1,n dx=dble(x(k)) xmax=dmax1(dx,xmax) xmin=dmin1(dx,xmin) s1=s1+dx s2=s2+dx*dx enddo max=xmax min=xmin c Mean mean=sngl(s1/dn) c Sum(x*x)-Sum(x)*Sum(x)/n dx=s2-s1/dn*s1 c Check if variance = 0 if(dx<=0.d0) then write(io,*) 'Variance in STAT = 0 & is set = 1.' sd=1. return endif c Compute standard deviation ds=dsqrt(dx/dfloat(n-1)) sd=sngl(ds) c Compute other stats do k=1,n dx=dble(x(k))-s1/dn dx3=dx*dx*dx s3=s3+dx3 s4=s4+dx3*dx s6=s6+dx3*dx3 enddo dx3=ds*ds*ds s3=s3/(dn*dx3) sk=sngl(s3) s4=s4/(dn*dx3*ds)-3.d0 c4=sngl(s4) s6=s6/(dx3*dx3) c6=sngl(s6/dn-15.d0*s4-10.d0*s3*s3-15.d0) c------- return end